What types of website do i need to create or have to get approved by cpalead.com ?

3 replies
Dear Warriors,

What types of website do i need to create or have to get approved by cpalead.com ?

can anyone provide any sample sites?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

#approved #cpaleadcom #create #types #website
  • Profile picture of the author hotrodfrm
    Anything, Cpalead auto accepts people now. Just install a random wordpress theme on your site. When signing up with cpalead say the sites not finished yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author l23bc
    Yeah Cpalead now is more of thinking outside the box and using your imagination,Movies and television sites and music sites do well but hard work on the seo part.

    I suggest you use google trends and if you dont have a website you can find a trend (For example britney spears) and build a picture page dedicated to britney for example. then go to facebook and find a britney spears fanpage. add a few comments about the site and traffic will follow t your cpalead page

    Hope that help and need any help joining cpalead look me up thanks

    No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

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  • Profile picture of the author williamrs
    It's very easy to get accepted by CPALead since they run incentive offers, so just use a simple blog and you won't have problems
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