What tracking software?

by lacruz
11 replies
I'm looking for a full tracking and statistic solution for my affiliate campaigns, ecpecially for ppv traffic.. i just want to have a better/comfortable sight on my campaigns...

what are you using?
#software #tracking
  • Profile picture of the author Dayne Dylan
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  • Profile picture of the author bbrock32
    P202 is very good and I use it for my campaigns.
    However, if you are pushing big traffic make sure you have a decent vps or dedicated, and most important install memcache. You'll be surprised at the difference it makes.

    Also, lately I tested the tracker from BevoMedia. The self hosted version is faster than p202, but still misses a few things when analyzing stats. I'm sure it will be fixed in the next release.
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  • Profile picture of the author lacruz
    Ok, thanks. Is prosper202 the same as tracking202? And can i also track my direct linking campaigns?
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  • Profile picture of the author bbrock32
    Prosper202 is the self hosted version of tracking202.
    You can use it to track both direct link campaigns and campaigns with a lp.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChadH
    Yes, use the self hosted Prosper202 and as bbrock has said, if you're pushing large volume or doing ppv it's best to get it on a VPS or dedicated. I've pushed over a million clicks through P202 on my dedicated so it can handle it, however, I was losing historical data way back when I was just using a shared plan.

    But in the beginning, you will be fine running on a shared account.

    Don't use Tracking202, for me the redirects were brutal. The self hosted version has a very easy install process.
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  • Profile picture of the author numba8
    All of you who are using prosper202 are living in the stone age...Bevo Media is a thousand times better. They have a tracker specifically made for PPV, and its free. They do everything. I'll link the video, prepare to be excited.

    I used prosper202 as well and Bevo Media is just way better. They are still in beta, but there has been a huge buzz about them since affiliate summit west and they are letting people in. This is the site Bevo Media - Your Internet Marketing Homebase

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    • Profile picture of the author Maji
      Prosper hands down
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  • Profile picture of the author psychobabble
    Prosper202 is what I use
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Another one here for prosper202.. although there is a few new options on there way that look good too, but right now p202.
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    • Profile picture of the author behnk01
      ditto to that
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  • Profile picture of the author niftystats
    Get nifty access to your affiliate
    stats & PPC Campaigns

    Nifty Stats is a desktop utility, which automatically in regular intervals downloads the stats from your affiliate programs and PPC Campaigns.
    Nifty Stats brings automated statistics right to your desktop for any time frame pre-defined by you – and it shows these stats in real time and on regular basis. It is 100% safe and entire communication runs just between your computer and the server of your affiliate program.

    more at Nifty stats - Get nifty access to your affiliate stats & PPC Campaigns
    Affiliate Stats Tracking - Secure software for analyzing your sales
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