CPA networks for mobile traffic and offers?

22 replies
Lately, I've been checking the stats of my landing page and many are accessing it through your mobile phones (blackberry, iphone, etc).

Now, are there specific CPA networks that mainly features offers for mobile-friendly websites and accept traffic coming from mobile devices? Plus, if they sign up/take action using their mobile, I want to get paid for that as well.

Anyone know of such network?
#cpa #mobile #networks #offers #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author ProfitwithAdam
    I ran into Home Page | Offermobi and The CPA Network for the Mobile Internet | Sponsormob they are what your looking for I think. I don't know too much, but it appears to be a growing niche that I too am exploring.

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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    Originally Posted by excoder01 View Post

    Lately, I've been checking the stats of my landing page and many are accessing it through your mobile phones (blackberry, iphone, etc).

    Now, are there specific CPA networks that mainly features offers for mobile-friendly websites and accept traffic coming from mobile devices? Plus, if they sign up/take action using their mobile, I want to get paid for that as well.

    Anyone know of such network?
    I tested advertizing on mobiles before. Result: Terrible! Dont bother, really. The volume is just not there. Stick to solid PPC from Google/Yahoo from their search engines.

    Any questions just let me know
    Read my incredible story:
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  • Profile picture of the author williamrs
    OfferMobi is a good option.

    I have been trying to advertise some stuff for mobiles, but it's not easy. I do believe that you can make some serious money with mobiles, but it will probably take time until you figure out what works and what doesn't, so be patient.

    Steal My Profit Strategy

    >> Download Now <<
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  • Profile picture of the author joseph123
    offermobi I think so
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    • Profile picture of the author go

      they're the best i've worked with so far for mobile offers.....
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  • Profile picture of the author pista05
    Home Page | Offermobi is good for mobile offers
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  • Profile picture of the author esere20

    Does anyone out there have a list of mobile CPA networks thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author takeiteasy
    what are the top offers at offermobi....anyone personally know?
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  • Profile picture of the author JennyAM

    my name is Jenny and I am working for Sponsormob. We were one of the first CPA networks which are focusing on the mobile web.

    Sponsormob has hundreds of offers for english-speaking countries like the US, Canada, Australia but also for Central and Western Europe. Our inventory includes mobile content, dating, gambling, iphone apps and many more!

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to receive further information.
    Homepage // Facebook // Twitter

    Since I am not yet able to send or reply to PMs, I kindly ask you to send emails ( instead. Thanks a lot!
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  • Profile picture of the author DanGlobalizer
    Originally Posted by excoder01 View Post

    Lately, I've been checking the stats of my landing page and many are accessing it through your mobile phones (blackberry, iphone, etc).

    Now, are there specific CPA networks that mainly features offers for mobile-friendly websites and accept traffic coming from mobile devices? Plus, if they sign up/take action using their mobile, I want to get paid for that as well.

    Anyone know of such network?
    We have some exclusives in the mobile space for WAP traffic - hit me up for more details!
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  • Profile picture of the author rising_sun
    I am afraid, I don't know about this.
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  • Profile picture of the author skipper87
    there are a few...

    but you have to remember in mobile marketing you have to be careful...because alot of people click on your ads by accident, the reason for that is because when there playing games on there phone or on the internet they put the ads in the way therefore you can go thru 200 clicks in less then 2 mins believe it or not...

    you can get a few conversions but it will take you lots of testing and error... good luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3277287].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ayahanda
      Originally Posted by skipper87 View Post

      there are a few...

      but you have to remember in mobile marketing you have to be careful...because alot of people click on your ads by accident, the reason for that is because when there playing games on there phone or on the internet they put the ads in the way therefore you can go thru 200 clicks in less then 2 mins believe it or not...

      you can get a few conversions but it will take you lots of testing and error... good luck
      Yup. Totally agreed with you. My first experience running mobile ads with Google AdMob is that I burn $50 in just 13 minutes without any conversion at all. Ooooouch!

      A mobile commerce entrepreneur and mobile website developer. Visit my blog

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      • Profile picture of the author imagene
        Originally Posted by ayahanda View Post

        Yup. Totally agreed with you. My first experience running mobile ads with Google AdMob is that I burn $50 in just 13 minutes without any conversion at all. Ooooouch!
        Thanks for this thread! I've just started exploring mobile cpa so this is timely. Thanks for the heads up with Google Admob too
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        • Profile picture of the author Brian Tilly
          Originally Posted by imagene View Post

          Thanks for this thread! I've just started exploring mobile cpa so this is timely. Thanks for the heads up with Google Admob too

          Me too! Although there are some good offline methods to mobile offers. Sounds strange I know, hit me up if you want to know what I am going to try this weekend.

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  • Profile picture of the author Shevchenko
    Originally Posted by excoder01 View Post

    Lately, I've been checking the stats of my landing page and many are accessing it through your mobile phones (blackberry, iphone, etc).

    Now, are there specific CPA networks that mainly features offers for mobile-friendly websites and accept traffic coming from mobile devices? Plus, if they sign up/take action using their mobile, I want to get paid for that as well.

    Anyone know of such network?

    Hello mate!
    I am interesting on mobile traffic!!
    Hit me when we will have a free time and we will discuss all details with you

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I agree with offermobi, ewa has a fair bit too
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    What works for typical PPC might now work for Mobile.

    What works for Facebook Ads, might now work for PPC.

    Every traffic source works BUT you have to find the right thing to offer them in the first place. Put your ad in front of them when they're looking for something on their phone.

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  • Profile picture of the author jbrewski
    Our advertiser loves mobile traffic.
    shoot me a pm and I can get you setup
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  • Profile picture of the author netPH
    I'd say you look into MundoMedia's offerings. They have a lot of quite high EPC mobile offers there. The support people are also very helpful.
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