How important is your url for googlerank?

8 replies
I just purchased a url that is the exact same as a two word keyword that gets "apparently" 550,000 global monthly searches according to the Google Keyword Tool. So the keyword is xxxxx yyyyy and my url is I bought it because that big number of searches excited me, but will having this url really help me promote my website via seo? Or does it not really matter?
#googlerank #important #url
  • Profile picture of the author Carlsbadd
    It will get you quick ranking for the keyword alone in the url, however it won't stay there long unless you have quality content related to the keywords.

    I had one website hit page one on google in 4 days, keeping it there is another story, fresh relevant content and some backlinking will be required to make it stick.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    URL is one piece of the algorithym but there are many pieces. Dont just think that because you have a good keyword rich URL that you will automatically be rich.

    Make sure you tackle each piece of the SEO puzzle...

    but awesome job on finding a great URL!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve Holmes
      Originally Posted by Kenster View Post

      URL is one piece of the algorithym but there are many pieces. Dont just think that because you have a good keyword rich URL that you will automatically be rich.

      Make sure you tackle each piece of the SEO puzzle...

      but awesome job on finding a great URL!!
      Hi Kenster - sent you a pm a few days ago
      "Live like you'll die tomorrow, Learn like you'll live forever" - M. Ghandi
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      • Profile picture of the author Kenster
        Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post

        Hi Kenster - sent you a pm a few days ago

        As always, a little behind on PMs and emails. Maybe if it would actually rain here in Jersey I could catch up on all these!!!

        Originally Posted by OnlineMarketingSys View Post

        Sure it will help you rank for the search term, but you also have to perform the brass tacks of SEO. That means creating fresh relevant content, optomizing your website, and creating backlinks.

        Just having a keyword rich domain name will not magically allow you to keep up your rank for a competive search term, if that is all you do.

        Bingo...I agree!
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  • Profile picture of the author manybl
    it will give it that initial boost which you need to get this site going which will make it easier but these is still a lot of backlinking and quality content needed.
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  • Sure it will help you rank for the search term, but you also have to perform the brass tacks of SEO. That means creating fresh relevant content, optomizing your website, and creating backlinks.

    Just having a keyword rich domain name will not magically allow you to keep up your rank for a competive search term, if that is all you do.
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  • Profile picture of the author searchlackey
    SEO involved many different factors. You have to stay on top of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author samualdany
    You have to perform the brass tacks of SEO even though it will help you greatly in ranking well for the search term.
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