Finally it's converting

9 replies
Being cheap, I used article to drive traffic.
I use article directories with an author box which goes to which is a simple wordpress landing page with short article and a text link at the bottom. Now the question is
How can I track which article is converting? and how to scale up auto loan offer so I can make $100/day not $10/day? 10X more articles? or backlinks the articles so they rank well?
#converting #finally
  • Profile picture of the author TheAnnoyingOrange
    Originally Posted by Irsan Komarga View Post

    Being cheap, I used article to drive traffic.
    I use article directories with an author box which goes to which is a simple wordpress landing page with short article and a text link at the bottom. Now the question is
    How can I track which article is converting? and how to scale up auto loan offer so I can make $100/day not $10/day? 10X more articles? or backlinks the articles so they rank well?
    It is hard to track which article brought the lead.... I would advise you to build backlinks to those articles (depending on how many you have) to get them to the top of the SERPS. There is a very good chance you will produce more leads.

    One thing you can do is go through each keyword manually and see if any of your articles are on page one already - if you only have one article on page one for a particular keyword then chances are that is the one converting (not 100% just an educated guess).

    Continue to pump out articles too! Never STOP!!!!

    Best of luck!
    Reserved for TheAnnoyingOrange
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Ramsey
    Irsan, I'm PMing you a link to a piece of software I wrote that I think will help you a whole lot...

    You can just plug in the URLs to your articles, paste in the keywords you want to rank for, then click "Go!" and it'll get your rank for them automatically.

    Don't worry, it's on the house.
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    • Profile picture of the author sl3venstein
      I'm also interested in your software Chris
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      • Profile picture of the author davidmeeonline
        I am also interested to hear how anyone tracks which articles are converting the best. Any info is better than none!
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  • Profile picture of the author wikipedia
    It is hard to track.. ezine has some stats..
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  • Profile picture of the author patey88
    I send article traffic to my site, where I am using Google Analytics. I set up analytics so I can see which article sent each visitor from EZA and most other article sites. You could do the same thing:

    1. In Analytics Settings, click to edit your site's profile. In Profile Settings, click Add Filter.
    2. For name, enter Full Referral Path
    3. Select the Advanced option
    4. For Field A -> Extract A, select Referral in the dropdown, and enter (.*) in the box next to that
    5. For Field B -> Extract B, select - in the dropdown, and leave the box next to it blank
    6. For Output To -> Constructor, select User Defined in the dropdown, and enter $A1 in the box next to that
    7. Set Field A required = Yes. Set Field B required = No. Set Override Output Field = Yes. Set Case Sensitive = No.
    8. Save changes.

    Allow 24 hours for analytics to start collecting referral paths. To see referral paths, you'll want to look in the User Defined Value field.

    For example, if you view All Traffic Sources, and click the dropdown for the second column that normally defaults to None, you can choose to show User Defined Value in the second column. This field will show the full URL of the page that sent you a visitor.

    You can take it even further and create custom reports that show Full Referral Path by default.

    -- Patey88
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  • Profile picture of the author Naveen Kapur
    Excellent patey. Great Info!
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