9 replies
Test 1234567890
#impact #lead
  • Profile picture of the author KC-Coop
    Lead Impact is a solid network - I place them right behind TrafficVance when I rank CPV networks.

    We've run a lot of successful campaigns there - right now our email submits are doing really well with their traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author wpiercy
    If you have any thoughts or ideas for products to run on PPV, hit me up and i can either find it/we have it/or will have it made for you. We are also still killing the PPV survey scene, hit me up if you need alternate offers or some advice to help your survey convert better.

    Our Affiliates' Success
    = Our Success

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  • Profile picture of the author George Gomez
    Test 1234567890
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  • Profile picture of the author 2stace
    I used LeadImpact for various products such as dog training, wedding speeches, home businesses, etc and used very specific and targeted keywords and I had no luck. I spent $240 too. The traffic was "dead traffic" and I was watching my account balance go down even though I was not getting any "hits". It is a rip off.

    If anyone can show me how to benefit from the site, let me know.
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    • Profile picture of the author EdwardDennis
      Originally Posted by stacyz View Post

      I used LeadImpact for various products such as dog training, wedding speeches, home businesses, etc and used very specific and targeted keywords and I had no luck. I spent $240 too. The traffic was "dead traffic" and I was watching my account balance go down even though I was not getting any "hits". It is a rip off.

      If anyone can show me how to benefit from the site, let me know.
      Absolutely not, Lead Impact is one of the best out there besides TV, for sure. There are some offers that you can't promote using PPV. Your products might be one of them. Plus I do think $240 is not enough to make a conclusion.
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      • Profile picture of the author davidmeeonline
        Offers convert on leadimpact if you find the right ones, and target the right url's. It's quite bizzare sometimes. I had heaps of traffic coming and converting from somewebsite.com/ and .somewebsite.com but the trffic didn't convert well from somewebsite.com , go figure. It's a matter of testing and tracking. I only had luck with keywords for getting emails for myself. Urls are way to go!
        (oops, I just gave away a tip I paid $80 for )
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        • Profile picture of the author harro1
          lead impact is a nice network, but i dont understand why people say it's bids are less, i can see higher bids on lead impact as compared to media traffic or directcpv. You can expect better volume from lead impact as compared to media traffic or any other ppv network apart from traffic vance.

          I got conversions from it with a nice roi, but roi kept on falling so most campaigns are paused right now, i will keep on finding more profitable campaigns though.

          minimum deposit is $200.
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