PPV is H.O.T. > Here's Your Free Tutorial, Case Study And Software

86 replies
Understanding PPV Marketing

PPV stands for “Pay Per View” and is also referred to as CPV “Cost Per View”. There are some important differences between PPC (Adwords like systems) and PPV.

With PPC traffic, people are on a search engine researching solution to their problems or browsing around different websites, they are exposed to your ads and they willingly click on the advertisement if it's of some interest to them.

Unlike PPC, people don't actually want to land on your site. They don't

They are visiting specific websites or searching keywords on search engines that you target and booomm .. A pop up with your website appears. As they don't actually want that pop up to show up, you'll get about couple of seconds to STOP them and make them read your (hopefully very compelling) message.

If you don't have a powerful headline, with clear stated benefits for the visitor and a strong call to action, your campaigns will not have the impact you hope for.

Up till now, it doesn't sound like PPV is the the winner. But here's the good news. You can get lots of traffic. So much traffic you actually should think about switching to a private server when you're making decent money using PPV. And did I mention it's extremely cheap?

You won't have to bid outrageous amounts costs per click like google will have you do. You won't have to pay $1-$2 per click. No. $1 will bring in hundreds of visitors.

I think PPV is perfect for any newbie or intermediate marketer to add couple of easy money making streams that don't cost an arm and a leg to set up.

Where does the PPV traffic come from?

Here's a big misconception about PPV traffic. Many people will stay away from it as they think this type of traffic is associated with spyware (which is illegal). That's not what this is about.

The correct term is adware. In exchange for installing free software – like screensavers, games, smilies – people agree to their term & conditions where it's specified they agree to receive occasional pop up advertisement.

The next question is … “Won't the PPV Traffic be coming only from kids that installed it to play games?”

Surprisingly no. You see when kids play around on the family PC, their mom and dad and even grandma will use the same computer and you can target them accordingly by their browsing habits.

What Are The Best PPV Sources?

I recommend the following companies:

Traffic Vance (Trafficvance :: Advanced Display & Text Link Traffic | Home) – Requires a minimum $1000 deposit and you must be referred by an existing client. It's tougher to get into, but it's reported to have the best traffic quality.

Media Traffic (Media Traffic - CPV PPV Contextual Advertising)

Adon Network (http://www.addonnetwork.com)

Leadimpact (http://www.leadimpact.com) - was formely known as Zango. There is a lot of traffic available for grabs on this network (probably more on the first 3 listed networks) but I suggest proceeding with caution when using them. Zango had a bad reputation of stealing the advertisers campaigns.

The study case will monitor closely working with Adon Network. I've used them in the past and had amazing ROIs. If you're just starting out, you may find the traffic levels a bit low, but we're going to make up for that by bidding on thousands and tens of thousands of URLs.

What CPA Networks Work Accept PPV Traffic?

Most CPA networks accept PPV traffic. They have a different terminology regarding PPV traffic though: downloadable software, contextual traffic, pop up traffic. You have to check offer's terms and ways of promotion to see if there are problems.

Here are couple of networks that accept PPV traffic:


In some cases, it is best to build an email list before promoting the CPA offer and in this case your traffic source won't be PPV but email traffic. You have to check if the offer allows email promotion.

Most do but some don't.

The Case Study

First off, I have selected a dating offer ("How To Talk To Hot Women").
Learn To Talk To Hot Women

Next step, I've build a landing page to match the offer. In my experience the best landing pages are the ones who mimic/match the offer.

It's VERY Important to showcase the benefits, scarcity and social proof of the offer.

I'm going to let you take a peak at my landing page just to understand better what I'm talking about:

Now we only have to "worry" about getting the traffic.

You need to make a list of searched keywords. You can start here:

and input the offer page and some relevant keywords will pop up.

I usually build a list of top 10-20 most searched keywords related to the offer.

Next I input the keywords into my software. The software will search Google for each keyword and retrieve the top 1000 URLs.

So, for 20 keywords, the URL list will be about 15k-20k. That's quite a lot. But in order to get decent traffic out of Addonnetwork, you do need to bid on a lot of target URLs.

Download the software here (No Catches, No Optin):

The end result of the software is a tab delimited .txt file. You will copy the contents of the file and paste into the bulk upload excel file. Don't worry. I'll show you where you can find everything below as I walk you through setting up the campaign.

{Set Up A new Campaign}

Click "Add A New Campaign"

Name your campaign. You will use the name of the campaign in the software.

Select Pop-Under at Campaign Type ad we want to work with adware traffic for now.

The settings on this page are pretty obvious, except for Geo Tag and Traffic Tag.

This is where you specify where are your visitors. Most offers only accept US traffic. My offer accepts US and CA traffic, so I created an USCA tag.

You need this settings to create a tag that corresponds to adware traffic.

Select where you want to send your visitors. My URL is blurred as I don't really want to give out my landing page completely.

Next is keyword selection. Select the bulk upload form.

This is where you're going to upload the excel file with your target URLs.

Now to set up your tracking, you need to copy this little code ...

and paste it in your Network Tracking system.

I usually pause keywords that spend the same amount as the commission I'm supposed to make. The commission for this offer is $4. In this example, I pause any URL spending more than $4 that doesn't produce any conversion.

The End - Is It?

All you have to do is follow the above steps, launch as many campaigns as your budget allows. Some will be successful, some won't. You have to ALWAYS BE LAUNCHING.

Leave your questions in this thread please .. if you have any.

Hope you loved this little tutorial,
#&gt #> #case #free #hot #ppv #software #study #tutorial
  • Profile picture of the author socomplete
    I'm going to try PPV in the future, thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author boaty
    I have a newbie question..do you buy a domain for your landing page or just sign up on a free site like wordpress or blogger? Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
    I buy a domain for the landing page. Just in case I want to sell it ..

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    • Profile picture of the author Firstrate
      This is a great post.

      Awesome campaign and introduction for newcomers to PPV. Thanks for sharing!

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    • Profile picture of the author boaty
      Originally Posted by gabibeowulf View Post

      I buy a domain for the landing page. Just in case I want to sell it ..

      do you focus a lot on keyword research when finding the domain to get organic search traffic? Or do you focus mainly on getting PPV traffic for your offers. Thanks
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2588581].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author boaty
      Originally Posted by gabibeowulf View Post

      I buy a domain for the landing page. Just in case I want to sell it ..

      Just curious, do you buy .info domains for landing pages or .com,.net, or . org? .info domains would be much cheaper to buy up and throw out some landing pages. What do you think?
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Great write-up for anyone wanting to break out into CPV
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  • Profile picture of the author mream
    Wow. A tutorial that shows a landing page and give solid direction on when to pause a keyword/url. thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author thomas1984
    cant you just direct link? and what kind of budget would one need to profit at least $100 a day?
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  • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
    You can direct link .. But your conversions will be extremely low.

    Some people will disagree. But that's my experience.

    You can make $100 a day spending $20-$30. However, you need to spend couple of hundreds or thousands to filter out what does convert.

    Every campaign is different. You'll be better at it with each new campaign.

    It's something that you learn only by doing.

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    • Profile picture of the author subse7en
      Originally Posted by gabibeowulf View Post

      You can direct link .. But your conversions will be extremely low.

      Some people will disagree. But that's my experience.

      You can make $100 a day spending $20-$30. However, you need to spend couple of hundreds or thousands to filter out what does convert.

      Every campaign is different. You'll be better at it with each new campaign.

      It's something that you learn only by doing.

      Hey Mr. Gabriel, thanks for the post, big bro'!

      BTW, would it be possible to make over $100+ daily if we were promoting offers in the educational and/or financial niches?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2674506].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
        You should input the offer url into google adwords and it will give you some basic keywords you can start from. You visit the link given by the cpa network (if you live in us, if not use an "unblock myspace" website to get to the offer url), then copy the offer URL you're going to use with Adwords Keyword Tool.

        Originally Posted by n0ne View Post

        Hi gabibeowulf

        Very interesting thread. I stumbled over a little problem ... maybe I'm just to stupid for that (it's 5 a.m. over here and I'm not that awake ^^) but I can't figure out how to get a keyword list for a cpa offer. I'm getting no results everytime
        Maybe I'm just using the wrong offer link but how can I find the one which gives me some results back

        I hope you can help me out.


        Yeap. Payday loans and biz opps should do just fine

        Originally Posted by subse7en View Post

        Hey Mr. Gabriel, thanks for the post, big bro'!

        BTW, would it be possible to make over $100+ daily if we were promoting offers in the educational and/or financial niches?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2677364].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author subse7en
          Originally Posted by gabibeowulf View Post

          Yeap. Payday loans and biz opps should do just fine
          Hey Mr. 'Wulf, what about educational offers like degree programs, grants, financial aid, scholarships, and so on...?
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          • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
            These offers could make you a nice coin if you market them properly.

            Originally Posted by subse7en View Post

            Hey Mr. 'Wulf, what about educational offers like degree programs, grants, financial aid, scholarships, and so on...?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2696599].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author subse7en
              Originally Posted by gabibeowulf View Post

              These offers could make you a nice coin if you market them properly.
              As far as "properly" goes, are you talking about targeting the right demographics and whatnot, GBW?

              Thanks for the reply, bro'!

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  • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
    I keep my campaigns separate. Some will only work with SEO & PPC traffic,
    some will be better off with PPV.

    I would not venture into PPV if I would target a small niche, like people affected
    by Tinnitus. (Yes, there is a CPA offer for this in MarketHealth)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2588603].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bravo75
    Excellent post. The hardest part is weeding out the non converting URL's and finding those golden nuggets.
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    • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
      Exactly. But highly rewarding when the weeding is done

      Most newbie affiliates expect to post a campaign and be
      successful with no further involvement.

      Me, I'm insanely happy to break even. I transformed campaigns from
      breaking even to 300% ROI.

      Originally Posted by bravo75 View Post

      Excellent post. The hardest part is weeding out the non converting URL's and finding those golden nuggets.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2588778].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ron Rajan
    great post..

    with 15,000 URLs, won't managing them be a nightmare?

    i.e there could be URLs like ebay.com, amazon.com, craigslist.com that might creep in..and if left unnoticed, could eat away at all your budget.

    Do you employ any filtering criteria since it would probably be impossible to go through 15K URLs and manually weed out the irrelevant ones..

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2593768].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
      Hey Eddie,

      I just cut out the URLs that don't covert. If you want to make more
      out of your existent you need to create a list.

      If you want to drive more traffic ... than you could also think ..ermm
      .. a little outside the box.

      For instance bid on game websites to drive guys to a dating site... World
      of Warcraft for instance

      Keywords didn't work too well for me. URLs surely did.

      Originally Posted by eddie123 View Post

      How do you turn them into 300% ROI play with the LP? Also if i have a few url's making money how can i scale this... by adding more urls or keyword etc? Thanks
      No. Managing is quite easy. Also I do not bid on ebay.com .. amazon.com,
      etc. My URLs are either hand picked or scraped from the search engine as
      they are. If I search for blue widget, the results may be ebay.com/bluewidgets
      not ebay.com.

      All I do is than sort the keywords by spent amount each day, see what eats
      away the budget (won't be too many URLs fitting that criteria) and remove them.

      Originally Posted by Ron Rajan View Post

      great post..

      with 15,000 URLs, won't managing them be a nightmare?

      i.e there could be URLs like ebay.com, amazon.com, craigslist.com that might creep in..and if left unnoticed, could eat away at all your budget.

      Do you employ any filtering criteria since it would probably be impossible to go through 15K URLs and manually weed out the irrelevant ones..

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      • Profile picture of the author eddie123
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        • Profile picture of the author romolo
          now that's a top post, thank you soooooo much for the full explanation and for the time you took to do it, and the software also is a real time saver.

          Very much appreciated

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  • Profile picture of the author KingNacho
    Thank you for offering up a glimpse into some of the details to your process. It has been most helpful in assisting me in creating my own processes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Giraffe-SEO
    How would you reverse engineer a PPV campaign?
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    • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
      You could learn Photoshop .. Or hire a designer

      I already answered the ebay, amazon question in the thread.

      Originally Posted by eddie123 View Post

      I understand now, it seems picking 20-50 urls and adding will become a head ache instead of doing or using a url scraper and cutting the big eatters like ebay, amazon, etc. but again if you have a budget. I want to run a offer on a network but need to create a LP, i don't have any HTML skills at all. What's your advice to learn some or the basics i know how important a lp is on ppv. Thanks.
      I still buy .com

      There are coupon codes out there. I believe .com inspires more trust
      especially with a pop up that may be unwanted. You need to carry trust
      and a good message to get past the initial bad impression.

      That's what I believe.

      Originally Posted by boaty View Post

      Just curious, do you buy .info domains for landing pages or .com,.net, or . org? .info domains would be much cheaper to buy up and throw out some landing pages. What do you think?
      How to reverse engineer a PPV campaign ...

      Now that's a tricky .. tricky question.

      First you need to know which software each company promotes. That's
      not hard to find out.

      Second. You need to install a virtual machine. You install the adware on
      your machine. Than, after visiting popular sites you'll start seeing your competitiors
      popup ads.

      Here comes another problem though.. Supposing you're not in US you won't
      see ads from advertisers targeting US offers. You need to trick the virtual
      machine and adware that your IP is US based.

      The same problems appears when US advertisers try to reverse engineer, say
      to a UK campaign .. or Canadian offers.

      Hope that's helpful.

      Originally Posted by Giraffe-SEO View Post

      How would you reverse engineer a PPV campaign?
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
    nice guide .

    CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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  • Profile picture of the author gator30
    Great post!

    I'm a total newbie when it comes to internet marketing. I am your typical buy up a bunch of guides and then want to make a million dollars.

    Honestly, I'm tired of reading guides and want to start earning. Half of what you said in this post sounds awesome, but is completely Greek to me.

    I am signed up and understand CPA offers. In fact my affiliate manager turned me onto PPV. I just applied for MediaTraffic prior to reading this post.

    My question is, as great as this post is, do you recommend anything or anywhere else where I can get more in depth knowledge on PPV?

    I know I have to get out and test, test, test and I have a $5k budget to figure it out with, but, I don't want to throw the money away either.

    Is there a minimum payout PPV works best for? My affiliate manager was telling me email/zip submits work best and if that's the case wouldn't those be okay to just direct link? Or post the banner ad for the Celeb IQ quiz (or whatever) be the landing page and then have them direct link from there?

    Any advice you'd be willing to share would be immensely grateful.

    Performance Dating
    Announcing: The first network of its kind! 100% direct. Exclusive. Dating ONLY offers.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2634174].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hastings2111
      Great stuff. It looks like it's not for newbies with little capital. I will keep this until I have the capital. Great Job
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    • Profile picture of the author Firstrate
      Originally Posted by gator30 View Post

      Great post!

      Is there a minimum payout PPV works best for?

      Any offer can work but email/zip submits and short form lead gen (a payout of between $5-$10) is great when starting out because you don't have to spend a lot of money to test the offer.

      When doing PPV as a general guideline it's a good idea to keep your testing budget to within 2x or 3x the CPA payout (meaning you can try campaigns out for as little as $10-$20) to find winners/losers very fast.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2635172].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
      I recommend to try offers that pay out at least $4-$5 per lead.

      Email/Zip submits get scrubbed very hard and in the end it's not worth it.

      The only way I would recommend Email Submits is if you are building a list of your own and then blast them with tens of freebies.

      You could also ask your AM what offers you can prepopulate if you are going this route.

      If you want to do an IQ test make sure your landing page is intriguing enough. Like a puzzle that challenges you.

      Thank you,

      Originally Posted by gator30 View Post

      Great post!

      I'm a total newbie when it comes to internet marketing. I am your typical buy up a bunch of guides and then want to make a million dollars.

      Honestly, I'm tired of reading guides and want to start earning. Half of what you said in this post sounds awesome, but is completely Greek to me.

      I am signed up and understand CPA offers. In fact my affiliate manager turned me onto PPV. I just applied for MediaTraffic prior to reading this post.

      My question is, as great as this post is, do you recommend anything or anywhere else where I can get more in depth knowledge on PPV?

      I know I have to get out and test, test, test and I have a $5k budget to figure it out with, but, I don't want to throw the money away either.

      Is there a minimum payout PPV works best for? My affiliate manager was telling me email/zip submits work best and if that's the case wouldn't those be okay to just direct link? Or post the banner ad for the Celeb IQ quiz (or whatever) be the landing page and then have them direct link from there?

      Any advice you'd be willing to share would be immensely grateful.

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      • Profile picture of the author Malphas
        This is so good, cheers for posting it.

        Couple of questions though if you don't mind Have you ever tried Iframing email submits, wondered if it converts better than a straight up LP.

        Also how much do you think someone could potentially make from this? After you find a winning campaign and weed out all the dud keywords/url do you find the campaign continues to thrive for sometime afterwards?

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  • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
    Hey Adam,

    Email submits get scrubbed pretty hard. I would recommend to promote
    only offers paying a minimum $4-$5 per lead.

    I don't iframe email submits. Many advertisers don't like it.

    After you remove the duds, the campaign continues to bring home profits
    for several months. That's what I've noticed anyway.

    Thank you,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2654236].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kyraline
      Compliments for this great informative post. I ran some ppv campaigns unsuccessfully and put it on hold. Yours is the first post I come across that actually - and finally - shows a landing page example, which by the way looks great. I know the trouble with landing pages for ppv is that most companies have a defined width/height for the pop-up, LeadImpact for show them at 600x800, so you have to make your landing page fit into that screen. I'm curious to know wether you do use a table to accomplish that or how else do you make sure the landing page fits?

      Next, some ppv-marketers recommend that when you install the freebie needed to see your own campaigns or spy on the competition you use a separate computer or laptop, so I take it the software one is installing could be damaging somehow, even when it's not spyware. I did install Hotbar on my pc but found it very time-consuming to keep browsing until finally some advertisement appears. The fact that you can't preview your own landing page within the campaign builder is rather annoying. I believe one of the (paid) coaching programs offers that feature, but I forgot which one.



      How much do you value your time? We create custom, live enabled, verified
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      • Profile picture of the author gulftrotter
        Hey gabibeowulf

        I did not see the answer to the quoted below question, plus I have My question:

        Question: How you can do that using Blogger.com: I want the landing page fitting the Blogger post and be able to remove the post title (as it is mandatory when u create a post with Blogger.com).

        Thanks for your post and your answers.

        Originally Posted by kyraline View Post

        Compliments for this great informative post. I ran some ppv campaigns unsuccessfully and put it on hold. Yours is the first post I come across that actually - and finally - shows a landing page example, which by the way looks great. I know the trouble with landing pages for ppv is that most companies have a defined width/height for the pop-up, LeadImpact for show them at 600x800, so you have to make your landing page fit into that screen. I'm curious to know wether you do use a table to accomplish that or how else do you make sure the landing page fits?

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Forey
    Of course I go to memic this case study to learn PPV and neverblue pulls the offer, before my adon account is even approved .
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  • Profile picture of the author hurn

    ppvpalybook has that pop up preview option.
    247 Techies listed in crunchbase.com as a reputed online tech support company in US.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Nice write up.

    Question is has anyone who didn't know about cpv yet actually done a campaign based on his great post?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2658299].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kyraline
      Thanks Hurn, I believe Affportal has it too.


      How much do you value your time? We create custom, live enabled, verified
      Youtube channels that stick
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  • Profile picture of the author LarryWestner
    Wow, thanks for this useful tutorial.
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  • Profile picture of the author ex9to5guy
    how do you use the tool?
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    • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
      Thank you Michael for taking action.

      Originally Posted by Michael Forey View Post

      Of course I go to memic this case study to learn PPV and neverblue pulls the offer, before my adon account is even approved .
      That's true ... But copying and adapting something that works for others is a successful marketing model

      Originally Posted by oscarkool View Post

      You will never get anywhere in internet marketing mimicking campaigns.
      It appears that I forgot to talk about how to use the tool .. my bad

      First you edit the data2.txt file with an editor like notepad or editplus. You have to input there the URL to your landing page, how your PPV campaign is named and keywords that you'd like to scrape for.

      The result will be a txt file with data tab delimited that you can copy and paste in the Adon bulk upload excel file.

      Originally Posted by futuremills View Post

      how do you use the tool?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2667254].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Priyax
        Originally Posted by gabibeowulf View Post

        It appears that I forgot to talk about how to use the tool .. my bad

        First you edit the data2.txt file with an editor like notepad or editplus. You have to input there the URL to your landing page, how your PPV campaign is named and keywords that you'd like to scrape for.

        The result will be a txt file with data tab delimited that you can copy and paste in the Adon bulk upload excel file.
        Hey Gabibeowulf,

        Thanks for the great tutorial.

        I have a question about the url scraper.
        You explain above how to use it, but when I enter my data nothing happens. I figure I have to run the script somehow, but I'm not sure how.
        Would you mind explaining it a little bit more in depth?

        Thanks again for the tutorial =)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2726163].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
          First you edit the data2.txt file with an editor like notepad or editplus. You have to input there the URL to your landing page, how your PPV campaign is named and keywords that you'd like to scrape for.

          To run the script double click on the .bat file and it will start.

          The result will be a txt file with data tab delimited that you can copy and paste in the Adon bulk upload excel file.

          Laser URL is good also.

          Thank you,

          Originally Posted by Priyax View Post

          Hey Gabibeowulf,

          Thanks for the great tutorial.

          I have a question about the url scraper.
          You explain above how to use it, but when I enter my data nothing happens. I figure I have to run the script somehow, but I'm not sure how.
          Would you mind explaining it a little bit more in depth?

          Thanks again for the tutorial =)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2728557].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author n0ne
    Hi gabibeowulf

    Very interesting thread. I stumbled over a little problem ... maybe I'm just to stupid for that (it's 5 a.m. over here and I'm not that awake ^^) but I can't figure out how to get a keyword list for a cpa offer. I'm getting no results everytime
    Maybe I'm just using the wrong offer link but how can I find the one which gives me some results back

    I hope you can help me out.


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  • Profile picture of the author MoneyBagsMcgee
    Thanks for the tips, I was wondering where to get started in PPV.
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  • Profile picture of the author Your Lover
    This is a great post.
    thanks for this tutorial.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ty Neal
    Great Post My friend I'm wanting to dive into PPV but was looking for a good course to help me out on it...
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  • Profile picture of the author TSniper
    Thanks for the tutorial - great stuff you have here!
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  • Profile picture of the author TSniper
    Thanks for the tutorial
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  • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
    Yes, I am talking about the right demographics and the right presell landing page.

    You have to track and tweak to make your campaigns profitable.
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  • Profile picture of the author internetsweetie
    thanks for the tutorial.

    Internet Sweetie

    Freedom from the 9 to 5 can be so sweet.

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  • Profile picture of the author Filter
    Try using Laser URL Scraper, also free. Here's a link to the video tutorials and download:

    Laser URL Tutorial Videos are Ready
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  • Profile picture of the author Firstrate
    Thanks for the share - some great info here!

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
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    • Profile picture of the author ryodante
      Yes, thank you so much, l can learn many things here.

      I just want to start a PPV campaign in the near future, i'm preparing all the basic requirement to go with this PPV, i hope i can share my experience there.

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  • Profile picture of the author flashing2008
    I don't understand the tool how to run and work and it's principle
    please explain .
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  • Profile picture of the author kierang
    Many thanks for sharing so much detail with us.
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  • Profile picture of the author CPApromoter
    Thanks OP. This is hands down the greatest quality post I have ever read. So cool of you to do this, and so cool of you to share your software.

    I do have a little trouble understanding how the TRACKING works. I get that you can sort the URLs once it is running and identify the big spenders, BUT, how do I keep track of which URLs are making conversions?

    Thank You :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author CPApromoter
    I haven't started with adon yet, still using up my funds at mediatraffic, but spinning the principles mentioned in the op.

    however, im pretty sure i need to include a pixel of some sort to keep track of which url's convert.
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  • Profile picture of the author CPApromoter
    Oh, and where does adon distribute its adware?
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    • Profile picture of the author Filter
      They have several toolbars including the old MyGeek shopping toolbar and the "Hot Toolbar"
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  • Profile picture of the author gulftrotter
    Hey Gabriel,

    You said:"and paste it (the code) in your Network Tracking system"

    Can you explain thanks a lot.

    Originally Posted by gabibeowulf View Post

    Understanding PPV Marketing

    Now to set up your tracking, you need to copy this little code ...

    and paste it in your Network Tracking system.

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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Media Traffic has been really horrible for me anytime I've used it this year at all. Last year I had some good success with it but I've seen others saying the same thing. I'd say if you're serious about this just go with Traffic Vance. Bit of an investment, but might as well give it your best shot with the best network.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikemik01
    Gabriel Thanks for the post, you mentioned that you can find out what software the ppv giveaway. How do you do that? If I were to ask I don't think they would be so honest

    Thanks Again
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2974029].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
      Hey guys,

      Sorry for the late replies to this thread ... I've been away from WF and working on my businesses .. although WF is a very addictive place, both good and bad for business I guess..

      Now, jumping on the answers :

      Originally Posted by flashing2008 View Post

      I don't understand the tool how to run and work and it's principle
      please explain .
      First you edit the data2.txt file with an editor like notepad or editplus. You have to input there the URL to your landing page, how your PPV campaign is named and keywords that you'd like to scrape for.

      To run the script double click on the .bat file and it will start.

      The result will be a txt file with data tab delimited that you can copy and paste in the Adon bulk upload excel file.

      Originally Posted by CPApromoter View Post

      Thanks OP. This is hands down the greatest quality post I have ever read. So cool of you to do this, and so cool of you to share your software.

      I do have a little trouble understanding how the TRACKING works. I get that you can sort the URLs once it is running and identify the big spenders, BUT, how do I keep track of which URLs are making conversions?

      Thank You :-)
      If you're doing this on adon, you need to go to reporting, list the data and click on the left small image near the keyword/url to display a red cross to disable the big spenders without conversions.

      How do you keep track of the URLs making conversions? There are lots of ways ... from T202 to directly displaying the pixel provided by the adware company you're using. If in doubt, you can chat with your representative and he'll sort it out.

      Originally Posted by gulftrotter View Post

      Hey gabibeowulf

      I did not see the answer to the quoted below question, plus I have My question:

      Question: How you can do that using Blogger.com: I want the landing page fitting the Blogger post and be able to remove the post title (as it is mandatory when u create a post with Blogger.com).

      Thanks for your post and your answers.
      I don't understand ... You want to use a Blogger blog for landing page? Why would you do that?

      Originally Posted by gulftrotter View Post

      Hey Gabriel,

      You said:"and paste it (the code) in your Network Tracking system"

      Can you explain thanks a lot.

      You need to track your conversions. Each CPA network has some kind of system that allows you to place a tracking pixel on the offers you're going after to monitor your conversions.

      That's where you should place the tracking pixel code you get from Adon or whatever company you're using for adware traffic.

      Originally Posted by qasy View Post

      Great thread, thanks!

      By targeting root url and examining what traffic it gets, what should be the minimum monthly traffic it receives if you want to get traffic from that url?

      I don't really target root urls ... but rather pages from the domain that relate to whatever I'm targeting.

      For instance I wouldn't bid on about.com root domain but I would bid on every article on about.com that relates to my niche.

      There is no minimum traffic ... You'd be surprised how very little traffic can bring huge ROIs used properly.

      Originally Posted by mikemik01 View Post

      Gabriel Thanks for the post, you mentioned that you can find out what software the ppv giveaway. How do you do that? If I were to ask I don't think they would be so honest

      Thanks Again
      Hey Mike ... They're pretty upfront to where they get their traffic from. Try it

      You can also ask about their country demographics ... that can give you some extra ideas on what you should promote.

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  • Profile picture of the author blogman9090
    Great article.. Goin give it a try as well.. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    this is an awesome post regarding PPV. i think the people who are just new in this network will definitely understand what PPV is by reading your post.
    Got a website? Use BLAM Ads and you will make more $$$!
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  • Profile picture of the author CpvGuru
    very cool man! always great to hear success stories!
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeid Makkawi
    Great thread, appreciated your time for creating such great post
    Hopefuly lot of people learn from this too.
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  • Profile picture of the author missmystery
    May I ask why you need a lot of URLS?

    I know this sounds newbie, but there must be a reason to bid on thousands of URLS.. how much money does it cost?
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Nice thread.

    For the above question, you don't have to bid on thousands of urls at once. If you've got a smaller budget for testing, bid on a handful of urls at a time instead.

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  • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
    Adon has MyGeek shopping toolbar and the "Hot Toolbar.

    Direct CPV, if I'm not mistaken run the loudmo.com - Pay per install network and have various adware software

    Lead Impact is the former Zango which had a lot of publishers running their content locker script. One of their websites is ClickPotato. Their affiliate/publisher network is here: http://www.pinballpublishernetwork.com/

    Thank you,
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  • Profile picture of the author Sachine
    Excellent tutorial.. One question though: you mentioned "I pause any URL spending more than $4 that doesn't produce any conversion." So with 10-15K targets would you wait for all the keywords to spend at least $4.. Is there a overall limit that you maintain on the campaign post which you discard the campaign & not continue testing
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  • Profile picture of the author gabibeowulf
    That $4 is out of the context. If the CPA offer pays $20, I would spend a $15-$20 for each URL to see if it converts or not. The $4 limit was on a $4 offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Firstrate
    Just came back to this thread having forgotten about it - some top info here!

    A great strategy for beginners.

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  • Profile picture of the author missmystery
    It's a pity PPV places make you deposit $200 to start .. It might have to be a goal for me when I'm making money already.
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  • Profile picture of the author mario23
    How do you install your software so i can get the 1000 of urls. You never showed us how to do that!!!
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3863579].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
      Originally Posted by mario23 View Post

      How do you install your software so i can get the 1000 of urls. You never showed us how to do that!!!
      There are lots of free tools and techniques used to generate thousands of URLs quickly .

      You also have to be aware that if you are starting , make sure to focus on a small and highly targeted URLs.
      CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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  • Profile picture of the author rakoom2002
    Hey guys I had a quick question. if I want to have a landing page do I make a banner and use that as the popup and then have that go to a landing page when someone clicks on it and then have that lander go to the offer or just put the landing page in the main window (popup) and then have that redirect to offer when they click it?
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  • Profile picture of the author im1217
    Is PPV still HOT? I am about to try 50onred.
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  • Profile picture of the author moonicorn
    thanx for valuable information!
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