MaxBounty Promoters beware....

34 replies
I just found out MaxBounty is involved in a law suite with facebook.

MaxBounty has provided multiple CPA offers that get people to opt-in to non-existing products (according to Facebook Security team)

Just beware of promoting anything with maxbounty on Facebook, as you're being watched.
I honestly wouldn't continue promoting anything from maxbounty after finding out this piece of information...

Read more on the article published by Facebook Security Team.!/note.php?note_id=442722120765&id=31987371885

Just a heads up to Warriors!
#beware #maxbounty #promoters
  • Profile picture of the author TJComer02
    Originally Posted by ajmorgans View Post

    I just found out MaxBounty is involved in a law suite with facebook.

    MaxBounty has provided multiple CPA offers that get people to opt-in to non-existing products (according to Facebook Security team)

    Just beware of promoting anything with maxbounty as you're being watched... I honestly wouldn't continue promoting anything from maxbounty after finding out this piece of information...

    Read more on the article published by Facebook Security Team.!/note.php?note_id=442722120765&id=31987371885
    Wow, that's quite a revelation. I'm not sure if all this is 100% true, but if it is, it really sucks They're the ONLY network that I have belonged to that doesn't allow offline either, which sort of limits me since I am an offline CPA marketer so I don't really use them, but I know others who use them and they seem to be just fine
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  • Profile picture of the author Phobos
    Originally Posted by ajmorgans View Post

    MaxBounty has provided multiple CPA offers that get people to opt-in to non-existing products (according to Facebook Security team)
    I really don't think MaxBounty could be blamed for this. I read the post and it sounds like classic email/zip submits that almost all networks have. The problem is that affiliates that spammed Facebook with these offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author iamx
    I've made ALOT of money with Maxbounty in the past, They ARE a good network.
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    • Profile picture of the author Freeman77
      Originally Posted by iamx View Post

      I've made ALOT of money with Maxbounty in the past, They ARE a good network.
      I agree that MB is a good network with good people. I don't think there's anything in particular that MB is doing different from other networks.

      That said, I think most networks offer some promotions that are rather...borderline. For example, I was looking at a MB offer for a free poster deal from You get a poster for just .99 cents, and in tiny print it says:

      "By ordering today you will receive a 1 poster of your choice for free plus a shipping and handling fee of just $0.99 for shipping and handling. In addition, you will also be enrolled in the Wozo Poster Club. If you do not cancel your club membership within 4 days from the date of enrollment you will be billed $29.99 per month for 2 category specific posters per month. Thereafter you will continue to be billed every month at the Club price of $29.99. You can cancel anytime by contacting customer service via phone at 1-877-412-3128 or by emailing us at"

      Are there really people out there who want to be in a poster club for $30/month? We all know exactly what this is. If you search the company online, it's pages of scam reports. I'm not claiming that I have the highest ethical standards, but I couldn't promote this offer, despite the attractive payout.

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      • Profile picture of the author Robert Oliver
        No problem with Maxbounty here.

        Been a member for several years.

        I do not promote on facebook at
        this time so should have no worry.

        Robert Oliver

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        Do you see the glass half empty or half
        full? The difference can mean success or
        The simple things seem to be the most
        effective and most overlooked.

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  • Profile picture of the author KarenMiller
    Amazing... MaxBounty is in some problems haha.
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  • Profile picture of the author SaSeoPete
    I'll continue to promote Max Bounty offers.

    They are a good network and I make a lot of money with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author bryce84
    MB is my main cpa company so I hope nothing fishy is going on...
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  • Profile picture of the author williamrs
    I don't work with MB, but the fact is that many CPA networks (if not all of them) work with shaddy advertisers that mislead people and end up "stealing" their money. So I think that practically any other network could be involved in a similar lawsuit and I would never consider something like this a good reason to stop working with a well established company like MB.

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  • Profile picture of the author sarafina
    Facebook says this is just the first of many lawsuits to come. I'm sure other cpa companies that engaged in those practises can expect a lawsuit in the future. They'll probably make an example of some individuals as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I wouldn't say be weary of MaxBounty, but instead of be weary of ANY offers that you think may cause issues
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  • Profile picture of the author Hyphen
    They're a good network.
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  • Profile picture of the author ajmorgans
    Yes, MaxBounty is a good network... Just like other said, don't promote products that seem to not have a legit process for the opt-in. or at least stay away from facebook when promoting those opt-ins.
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  • Profile picture of the author EmpyreRJ
    Originally Posted by ajmorgans View Post

    I just found out MaxBounty is involved in a law suite with facebook.

    MaxBounty has provided multiple CPA offers that get people to opt-in to non-existing products (according to Facebook Security team)

    Just beware of promoting anything with maxbounty on Facebook, as you're being watched.
    I honestly wouldn't continue promoting anything from maxbounty after finding out this piece of information...

    Read more on the article published by Facebook Security Team.!/note.php?note_id=442722120765&id=31987371885

    Just a heads up to Warriors!
    But untill they are paying what wrong to our side ... we can keep promote the offers and let maxbounty sort out the problem
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    I work with Mb and no problems. I trust them.

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  • Profile picture of the author Filter
    All MB affiliates should have received an email by now. Reading between the lines, looks like some rogue blue farters on FB screwed the pooch
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    • Profile picture of the author kubas
      Here is the link I found at it seems pretty serious:

      What I don't understand is that how MaxBounty can be blamed for affiliates spamming Facebook. Do they take full responsibility for their affiliates' actions? With the size of such company it's impossible to monitor how each user is promoting their offers and if they are not abusing web 2.0 by spamming.

      I have my own affiliate program on my website and I'm wondering if I could be in same shoes as them although my offers are not scamming people like the ones described in the lawsuit. Actually I think it's CPALead that should be sued instead of MaxBounty as their offers are 95% scam and MaxBounty actually provides higher class offers.

      What do you think

      Also if they happen to lose the case like all previous Facebook spammers have lost theirs and they will have to pay up 700 million $ for damages that would probably mean the end for the company...
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    • Profile picture of the author AcmeDude
      Originally Posted by Filter View Post

      All MB affiliates should have received an email by now. Reading between the lines, looks like some rogue blue farters on FB screwed the pooch
      yeah, i got an email from Maxbounty. I just wonder why ppl spam Facebook, that a sure way bring your own value down in facebook eyes, and prolly end up not getting paid from MB.

      Gotta be carefull which offers to promote thought.


      Affiliate Links are not allowed!

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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    I think most networks deal with a lot of legal stuff like this...most of which we dont hear about. Nature of the industry!
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  • Profile picture of the author dfinancialmkt
    The issue isn't MaxBounty, its all the new marketing schemes on facebook.
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  • Profile picture of the author cpasalejerry
    There will be more affiliate networks named by facebook next month, especially some incentive networks.
    CPASale Media Affiliate Network
    - Exclusive Offers, 24x7 Support - AIM: JerryCpaSal -
    - Standard NET30, NET7 for high volume affiliates. -
    - Negotiable Pay Terms. (net-30, net-15, net-7) -
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  • Profile picture of the author kubas
    Just got an e-mail from Adscend Media affiliate network. Seems that Facebook's flying lawsuits scared sh*t out of everyone.

    This is a notice to let you know that we are conducting an internal audit on any traffic to social media platforms to ensure that promotional methods are in line with our previously stated terms of service and those of the respective social media networks. We will provide an update within the next week or so if needed.

    If you have any questions in the mean time, feel free to reach out to your assigned affiliate manager.

    Adscend Media Team
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  • Profile picture of the author willyboy104
    I don't think it should come to a shock for people that publishers of Max Bounty promote/spam using Facebook. I am sure publishers in every performance marketing network use/exploit facebook to make a quick buck or two...

    I think the fact that Max Bounty has been chosen is merely to be used as an example for all performance marketing networks to be warned that Facebook will act on exploitation and spamming.

    Max Bounty is an excellent network and I have already spoken to several executives there today who are all in agreements with what I reflected here.
    If you want to learn how to make money online, no bullshit click here.
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  • Profile picture of the author bravo75
    Shouldn't Facebook be partially blamed for this? After all, it is their platform where these "shady" offers are being promoted.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vitaliy K
    I promoted yesterday Lady Gaga offer on maxbounty and had very bad results. I am not against maxbounty, but some of my offers do not make me any money, though I see opt-ins, traffic etc...

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  • Profile picture of the author CPA Munky
    I find PeerFly & LazyProfit offers work best for my FaceBook campaigns, check them out.

    Hope it helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author warrior2003

    I haven't been on WF for a long time but I must say glad to be back in the game. MB is a great network. Thank you for sharing the info here. I suggest read all the facts on this one. I haven't read everything out there, but MB is a great network for making money. I have made a lot with them. They pay on time and all has been great.

    Do your homework and be careful of the hype.

    Just my 2 cents.

    I've been in the CPA game for a long time and their are a lot of shady networks out there but MB is one of the good ones.

    Hope this all gets sorted out.

    Take care,

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  • Profile picture of the author Ben_R
    they read this before don't know why Facebook didn't do something about this earlier
    they knew about it then surely they should have done something about it that time
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  • Profile picture of the author NinjaAssassin
    so far i got no problem with MB.
    i hope this news not gonna kill MB..
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    • Profile picture of the author mcmcmcmc5
      The truth is, I believe this injunction against MB cannot simply be seen as one against a single company.

      Facebook are a very powerful company. As are Google.

      As we know, Google are very restrictive on the types of offers they will allow on their networks. And now Facebook are taking a stand against Black-Hat techniques on their network.

      This is, I think, to be taken by marketers as a warning shot.

      I think our industry will have to evolve over the coming few years to become more "legitimate" in order to have healthy relationships with the big advertising powerhouses.

      Who is to say that this sort of injunction will not affect the policies and standings of other media networks and suppliers.

      This Facebook case, coupled with the new rules from Visa will definitely effect us. I don't necessarily think that will be a bad thing, but I think it's vital to anticipate change.
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