Anyone have any experience with wolf storm cpa network?

by bb4h
43 replies

I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with wolfstorm cpa network. I've gone through some threads and a few people have recommended them. I'm assuming because the guy who owns the network is active on the cpa section of this forum and apparently they say they pay weekly. But I've never heard anything about anyone's personal experiences.

So anyone who has worked with them, what has your experience been? Have you been paid on time? Ever had trouble getting paid? Is your affiliate manager responsive? When split testing their offers with other networks are the conversions comparable? etc etc etc.

Please no "they are a good network" if you haven't worked with them. or tried sending traffic to their offers. Looking to hear the good and the bad. Thanks.
#cpa #experience #network #storm #wolf
  • Profile picture of the author nowk
    They do pay weekly and they have a lot of good offers. I don't personally know about split testing but they do have a good payout. So that's a good thing.

    It is a good network to go into and Coop makes it better for you. You can contact him and he does respond pretty quickly compared to other networks I have been with. I'm only sticking to this network, for now. Go for it man it's a good place.
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    • Profile picture of the author areevez
      great place to be as a publisher, coop is nice and responds quickly on aim. offer payouts are among the top in the industry standard and payout weekly off the bat, on time every friday. Nothing more to ask for.
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      • Profile picture of the author bb4h
        Originally Posted by areevez View Post

        great place to be as a publisher, coop is nice and responds quickly on aim. offer payouts are among the top in the industry standard and payout weekly off the bat, on time every friday. Nothing more to ask for.
        Ok. Thanks. Anyone else have experience with them?
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    • Profile picture of the author bb4h
      Originally Posted by nowk View Post

      They do pay weekly and they have a lot of good offers. I don't personally know about split testing but they do have a good payout. So that's a good thing.

      It is a good network to go into and Coop makes it better for you. You can contact him and he does respond pretty quickly compared to other networks I have been with. I'm only sticking to this network, for now. Go for it man it's a good place.
      Hmmm ok. Thanks for the response. And thanks for sending me a pm to sign up under your affiliate link *rolls eyes*

      Anyone else with experience with them?
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  • Profile picture of the author nowk

    No but seriously, it's a good network.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave777
    Food for thought in case you haven't read through the following comments...
    Wolf Storm Media Review, CPA Affiliate Network Legit or Scam? //

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  • Profile picture of the author CPATrendPhil
    Never worked with them, but have nothing but good things to say about Coop!
    Signature Affiliate Marketing Network
    - Top Payouts - Top Support -- Prompt Payments -
    - AIM - CPATrendPhil - CPATrend Reviews - More Reviews
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  • Profile picture of the author affiliatesea
    I heard good things about them.
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    • Profile picture of the author johnysc430
      free wolf shirt when you hit 1k in revenue, how can you go wrong?
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      • Profile picture of the author bb4h
        Originally Posted by johnysc430 View Post

        free wolf shirt when you hit 1k in revenue, how can you go wrong?
        Right. How can anyone pass up the opportunity for a free tshirt :/ ...Lol
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      • Profile picture of the author bG90
        Originally Posted by johnysc430 View Post

        free wolf shirt when you hit 1k in revenue, how can you go wrong?
        hmm I haven't got my tshirt yet, am I going to be the one printing them??
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  • Profile picture of the author Olia
    Sent my app more than one week ago and never heard anything from them.
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  • Profile picture of the author williamrs
    Coop seems to be a great guy, but I have never worked with him or his network. However, look for some reviews on, I'm sure that you'll get some feedback.

    Steal My Profit Strategy

    >> Download Now <<
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  • Profile picture of the author PrivateCitizen
    I would love to be their affiliate, but I applied about 3 weeks ago, got an email that somebody would be calling me within 1-2 days, and nothing. I hope Coop reads this thread...
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  • Profile picture of the author ChanelBolleH
    Wolf Storm seems to be good, i would give it a try, too.
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  • Profile picture of the author KC-Coop
    Thanks for all the compliments guys. We really appreciate them!

    For those of you still waiting on an approval - I want to personally apologize for that. We are in the process of hiring some new people in the approvals department since they are backlogged.

    Send me an email and I'll be happy to help you get your application sorted out.
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  • Profile picture of the author PrivateCitizen
    Thanks Coop!
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  • Profile picture of the author Doiron
    Thanks for letting us know about the delay, Coop. I was starting to wonder myself.

    For a minute I thought I wasn't loved.

    Nahh. That can't be it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Firstrate
    I've heard positive things - especially with helping new affiliates who need close attention and assistance.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    A great network that puts emphasis on training their affiliates, not just dealing with them. Nothing but good things here
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  • Profile picture of the author mdnatural
    has anyone heard from coop in the last 2 days... he is not picking up the phone or returning emails and its payout day... is he ok?
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  • Profile picture of the author Herbert S Richter
    Would recommend you to work with other bigger networks like Copeac and maxbounty.
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  • Profile picture of the author throlsonllc
    Wolfstorm is a new network but has high potential if your newbie they will walk you through there free training they offer cant beat that.
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  • Profile picture of the author PrivateCitizen
    I finally got a call from them last week, and they approved my application. They said I'd be getting a welcome email within 24 hrs., but still have not received it. Maybe they are backed up?
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    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by PrivateCitizen View Post

      I finally got a call from them last week, and they approved my application. They said I'd be getting a welcome email within 24 hrs., but still have not received it. Maybe they are backed up?

      Perhaps, check spam to because a lot of times mail like this gets eaten by the Spam Gods.

      Either way, Wolf has a bright future from what I've been seeing. Good stuff going on over there.
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  • Profile picture of the author PrivateCitizen
    Checked all my junk mail, nothing. I called them and left a message, still nothing.
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
      Originally Posted by PrivateCitizen View Post

      Checked all my junk mail, nothing. I called them and left a message, still nothing.
      I'd call a few more times, this is the problem with smaller networks (not bashing them), they give the best payouts, however they don't always have the staff - so really it's a catch 22, i'll take the higher payouts personally
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  • Profile picture of the author POFBen
    WSM is legit, I work closely with Coop to ensure they're up to date w/ POF information (for the people who're looking to do POF traffic). He's got great info guides for people taking their first few steps.
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    • Profile picture of the author tehering
      Very good people...I've got a ton of help from them...not effective yet with my offer but they are responsive to questions and advice when I need them...Definite thumbs-up!
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  • Profile picture of the author ThemoneyMachine
    I applied to them like 2 weeks ago, but no response at all, I speak to COOP about it and he told me that their team was backed up and they would get to my application asap.
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    • Profile picture of the author Olia
      Originally Posted by ThemoneyMachine View Post

      I applied to them like 2 weeks ago, but no response at all, I speak to COOP about it and he told me that their team was backed up and they would get to my application asap.
      And after waiting for two weeks you get a rejection email, nothing's worse than that.
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  • Profile picture of the author PrivateCitizen
    I called again a couple days ago, and their voicemail system hung up on me before I could leave a message. They said I'm already approved, so I would love to get going with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author liuruyan
    I want to get approved by them,
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  • Profile picture of the author PrivateCitizen
    I would but he hasn't been logged in since the 13th.
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  • Profile picture of the author sith005
    They are a great network, and very interested in helping you succeed. My initial application took a week or two I think as well, but it went through after I pinged Coop.
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  • Profile picture of the author craftinggrammie
    Is it spendy to get started with wolf storm and how long does it take to make your initial investment back??
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  • Profile picture of the author costi
    @craftinggrammie depends on what traffic source you choose and on the offers you will be promoting. Your question is to vague to get a straight to the point answer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Klemen Znidar
    They are one great network that you'd like to keep to do your whitehat business with. I really love them. Treat them as one of your best networks and you won't regret it (:
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