POF Tracking - Please Help

6 replies
Hey Warriors,

Wanted to know if I can pass the age token into my my tracking202 link to find the exact age of the person clicking to my offer..

For example.. If I have a POF campaign that targets males 18-24, I want to know the exact age of the people who are clicking on the ad..

I know you can target the age {age} in the ad as well as location and gender.. But just need to track the age of the clicker..

If anyone knows, how do I set it up?

#pof #tracking
  • Profile picture of the author Filter
    I've never used POF for my campaigns so don't know if there is an actual token that can be passed back - can't say I've heard of one but I'm sure someone will correct that if there is.

    But for the same thing on Facebook, depending on the campaign, I setup a P202 link manually so that the age range gets passed back in either the keyword or one of the s1, s2 etc tags. Once I find a range of say 5 years that is converting, I break it down to individual years. Not pretty but it works.
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    • Profile picture of the author Slapz
      Originally Posted by Filter View Post

      I've never used POF for my campaigns so don't know if there is an actual token that can be passed back - can't say I've heard of one but I'm sure someone will correct that if there is.

      But for the same thing on Facebook, depending on the campaign, I setup a P202 link manually so that the age range gets passed back in either the keyword or one of the s1, s2 etc tags. Once I find a range of say 5 years that is converting, I break it down to individual years. Not pretty but it works.
      Can you show an example of this? I'm having trouble tracking FB/PoF campaigns...
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  • Profile picture of the author Joksu
    You can put this code {age:} in your affiliate links subid and it will show the age of the person clicking your ad.
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  • Profile picture of the author Filter
    Just a suggestion, if that {age:} token works as suggested above, do not put it in your subid - this will get passed back to your aff network. put it in your keyword or "s" fields, or pass it to a custom php script that can strip it first
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    • Profile picture of the author Professor Chaos

      I'm not a affiliate.. I have my own product and not dealing with any aff networks at the moment..

      Could I still use the code?
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      • Profile picture of the author Professor Chaos
        One other question.. should I use {age:} or {age:18+} ?

        when creating the ads, {age:18+} is what I am using to target people 18-25, so I do not know if I have to use the same token for my link..
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