# How many leads can you generate per month?

6 replies
I'm brand new to CPA and applying to network through Offer Vault. Everything is going well until I reach this question in the application:

" How many leads can you generate per month?"

Honestly, I have no idea. What do you guys say? Do you base your answer on a percentage of traffic to your site? I don't want to enter a number which is too low and be declined, yet I don't want to answer with something that is totally outrageous either.

Thank for your help.
#apply to cpa networks #generate #leads #month
  • Profile picture of the author Burtgummer
    I'm an affiliate of over 15 majors CPA networks...and this is how I would respond to that.

    First, I'd say my sites traffic. Then I would say that I would base it upon the offer itself. Offers don't have similar conversion rates, so it's impossible to give even an estimate. Certain niches also have different conversions rates, and the traffic source can have a major effect too.

    If you don't have a lot of traffic, then don't lie and say you have tons. If you do, then they are going to wonder why you aren't bringing in the traffic that you said you have. You could, however, say your plans for traffic in the future.

    So in essence, just say that you can't give a real amount because it is extremely dependent on the offer itself. It will take some testing to determine that.

    “Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.” -Nikola Tesla

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    • Profile picture of the author Biowza
      As it was said before, the question that they are asking is rather stupid. It depends totally on the offer. You might be able to generate 500 leads a month for one offer and about 10 for another.

      In my limited experience, I've found that being honest is the best policy with CPA networks. Put anything down, I'd say between 50 and 1,000 a month (2 to 30 leads a day) shouldn't arouse much suspicion. If ever you are asked, just tell them the truth in that you honestly don't know.

      Another idea is to follow up your application with a phone call to the network. You'd be surprised how well this works in getting you accepted. It would also be a good chance to ask them how they wanted you to respond to the question :p
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    • Profile picture of the author Luminosity
      Originally Posted by Burtgummer View Post

      base it upon the offer itself. Offers don't have similar conversion rates, niches also have different conversions rates, and the traffic source can have a major effect too.

      take testing to determine.
      Very nice I will use this information when planning my activities.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    You should know this number. Do some planning and figure it out.

    Instead of fire, aim, ready, do ready, aim, fire.

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  • Profile picture of the author Omid
    Originally Posted by ambercoco View Post

    I'm brand new to CPA and applying to network through Offer Vault. Everything is going well until I reach this question in the application:

    " How many leads can you generate per month?"

    Honestly, I have no idea. What do you guys say? Do you base your answer on a percentage of traffic to your site? I don't want to enter a number which is too low and be declined, yet I don't want to answer with something that is totally outrageous either.

    Thank for your help.
    Do not lie to them. Be honest and try to put yourself in Progress. Finally one of them will accept you.
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  • Profile picture of the author hyy
    10000 leads
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