Instant CPA Pay Raise!

4 replies
Are you selling a decent amount of a product through your CPA network? Talk to your affiliate manager and ask if they can reward you with a higher payout. They tend to make a pretty decent commission, so they usually don't mind letting go of an extra dollar or two to keep you happy.

I have a product that I'm selling about 30 per month and my network gave me an extra $1. It's not much, but that's more money that I'm earning without any additional effort.

It doesn't hurt to ask...
#cpa #instant #pay #raise
  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    It never hurts to ask and they have about a 20% to 30% margin in some cases to play with. For large producers, they will give a lot of their margin away because they more then make up for it in volume.

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    • Profile picture of the author mmickey
      another 2 cent here

      alternatively, you can even ask before you start promoting...

      tell your affiliate manager you will be running a large campaign with large budget and you need a larger roi
      and... if the campaign is not profitable enough, you will stop promoting it...

      if you were to be an affiliate manager, what would you do then?

      The answer is probably yes
      maybe a no

      but you'll never know if you never ask

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  • Profile picture of the author mudmat
    Yep, I agree bishop81. If you are performing well for certain product, it does not hurt to ask for a pay raise..
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  • Profile picture of the author merigot123
    Anytime you are putting time and effort into something and getting result it is your absolute right to claim more because of the win win factor. That is very understandable for you to make the request. You are doing the right thing.
    It doesn't hurt at all to do so as matter of fact it's a privilege because you've proven yourself overtime.

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