ppv question,400 clicks,no lead

by 20 replies
Recently,I start run my ppv compaign, and promote the auto offer.Through two days test ,I found the conversion is still 0,but have 400 clicks,I use the direct link,and the URL coming from first page of the three top search engine .The offer have two pages to convert,and the AM tell my this is the one of top offer last month and conversion rate is 4.31%,Who can give me some advice? And help me? should I use the power landing page or not?how to optimise the URL?
#ad networks (cpm/cpl, display) #400 #clicks #lead #ppv #question
  • yes you should try a nice landing page and offer relevant ads.. I'm not sure what keywords you opted while bidding on ppv but make sure you send traffic targeted to your offer.
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    • ,can you explain in detail about how to opt the keyword,one advice or else?
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    • Split test with different landing pages
    • Test different URLs

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    • About test URLs
      I collect some URLs in google first page to bid on, but only few have high clicks,most of them no clicks ,why? my budget on ppv campaign is $10
      can you give some tips.Now I have no idea.
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  • What strategy are you using? What niche? etc? it's really hard to help with no info.. and 400 views isn't abnormally high..
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    • I promote the auto insurance offer with ppv traffic at mediatraffic campaign.Recently,I use the about 100 URLs to test.
  • yeah, thats the right way !!
  • In my view, maybe the quality of your traffic dropped which could explain the conversions drop to 0... happened for me too... I was getting crappy traffic and lots of clicks but no conversions... sure once in a while I could see a few but onverall it was very very low.
  • Here are some recommendations...

    1. Try to use one page offers .

    2. Test landing pages ( most of the time landing pages perform better that direct linking )

    3. Make sure that you are not using the obvious URLs.

    Hope it helps .
  • Here are some recommendations...

    1. Try to use one page offers .

    2. Test landing pages ( most of the time landing pages perform better that direct linking )

    3. Make sure that you are not using the obvious URLs.

    Hope it helps .
  • Are the 400 clicks = 400 views to your landing pages? Let's say an average of $0.010 a view, you have spent $4 in total for a lead. Your budget is $10...which I don't suggest running in PPV campaign. Your ads are showing on quite fast and do expect an approximate of 50% closing rate of PPV ads, and the CTR of a landing page should be around 2%-3%, so you do the math...you are expecting 4 to 6 people clicking on your landing page out of 400 views (and I mean clicks, not really filling information).

    Even very similar in running a CPC campaign. When your budget is not relatively high, you should keep your targeting as narrow as possible, even two to three most related keywords. For PPV, a larger budget would bring you better result. You may want to try a CPC campaign instead.
    • [1] reply
    • May be my problem are landing page and target URLs,I am using the direct link.As for the target URLs I want to choose the narrow URLs,but I don't know where to start about narrow URLs.Generally,I find the some highly targeted keywords from the google keyword tool,then put these keywords to Google and extract some URLs on first page to bid on.
      who can give me some tips?
  • Advertise can sometime start scrubbing leads coming from ppv traffic, happened to me in past.. just split test offers on different networks
    • [1] reply
    • 1. Make sure the offer you're promoting actually allows contextual PPV traffic (check with affiliate manager if you're not sure)

      2. Test and track everything, try different landing pages, different offers, different ads and combine the best results from each test.

      3. Build eye catching landing pages / ads and make sure they fit inside the popup window (most PPV networks use 800x600 or smaller window)

      4. Make sure the URLs you target are actually the right demographic for the offer (check alexa, quantcast stats etc)

      5. Expect to lose money to begin with while you're testing and finding out what works - you will get very low conversion rates with PPV traffic since it's popups, most people just close it right away.

      You can only really start getting a good idea of whats working once you've sent hundreds or even thousands of visitors to an offer.
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  • I've always found auto insurance tough to crack without a very large budget.
  • Very nice informative thread . I started my CPC campain and failed [ 200 clicks , O leads] .

    I will restart again my self with good relative keywords .

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  • 23

    Recently,I start run my ppv compaign, and promote the auto offer.Through two days test ,I found the conversion is still 0,but have 400 clicks,I use the direct link,and the URL coming from first page of the three top search engine .The offer have two pages to convert,and the AM tell my this is the one of top offer last month and conversion rate is 4.31%,Who can give me some advice? And help me? should I use the power landing page or not?how to optimise the URL?