Do CPA Network Need Any License To Start?

8 replies
I am researching on how to start a CPA Network and have some questions about it.

1- Do I need to get any license to start a CPA Network ?
2- Is it necessary to get a US or Canada bank account for your transactions?
3- Can I start my network from Asia as well ? or I have to register it in US, Canada (WESTERN Countries)

If you have any other information or suggestion that will be really good for me.
#cpa #license #network #start
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    You would need to refer to a Lawyer and Accountant most likely, also the biggest thing that most people miss is you need really deep pockets.. you need to be able to cover people's payments as networks will pay affiliates much quicker than the merchants pay the networks.. also you need to take into account if the merchants dont pay up..
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    • Profile picture of the author Going Up
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      You would need to refer to a Lawyer and Accountant most likely, also the biggest thing that most people miss is you need really deep pockets.. you need to be able to cover people's payments as networks will pay affiliates much quicker than the merchants pay the networks.. also you need to take into account if the merchants dont pay up..

      Thanks for replying me and I really respect you as m seeing you for a long time and have read many good things which you post in this forum. I do agree with the deep pocket. I am going to start a second tier network first then will move to first tier so hopefully this problem will be solve. I didn't got about lawyer and accountant ?

      and what it means? do one can only run a successful network in US ?
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      • Profile picture of the author Ray Jonnes
        Anyway you SHOULD to consult a lawyer before any actions !

        Please use English language in your Signature.

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  • Profile picture of the author mtmjohn
    1- Do I need to get any license to start a CPA Network ?

    - Not Required. Just obey the laws of your local government.

    2- Is it necessary to get a US or Canada bank account for your transactions?

    - Not Required.

    3- Can I start my network from Asia as well ? or I have to register it in US, Canada (WESTERN Countries)

    - Anyone, anywhere... can run a CPA network. But running a successful network is another thing.

    Hope that helps
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    • Profile picture of the author Going Up
      Originally Posted by mtmjohn View Post

      1- Do I need to get any license to start a CPA Network ?

      - Not Required. Just obey the laws of your local government.

      2- Is it necessary to get a US or Canada bank account for your transactions?

      - Not Required.

      3- Can I start my network from Asia as well ? or I have to register it in US, Canada (WESTERN Countries)

      - Anyone, anywhere... can run a CPA network. But running a successful network is another thing.

      Hope that helps

      You already know me and we had talk on AIM 4 months before I guess
      I would like to talk to you once again on AIM if possible. Is it possible ?
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeMorgan
      Originally Posted by mtmjohn View Post

      1- Do I need to get any license to start a CPA Network ?

      - Not Required. Just obey the laws of your local government.

      2- Is it necessary to get a US or Canada bank account for your transactions?

      - Not Required.

      3- Can I start my network from Asia as well ? or I have to register it in US, Canada (WESTERN Countries)

      - Anyone, anywhere... can run a CPA network. But running a successful network is another thing.

      Hope that helps
      The right Advice from respected warrior.
      CPA Game Changer - Coming Very Soon !

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  • Profile picture of the author ronywilliam
    Of-course not, no licence is required..

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    • Profile picture of the author Going Up
      Originally Posted by ronywilliam View Post

      Of-course not, no licence is required..
      I have to contact to a laywer for what ?
      and do you own ? I would like to talk to you.
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