Any good affiliate Network with CPM?

by miya
9 replies
I wanna make money on my site! Are there any suggestion on network with CPM basis?
#affiliate #cpm #good #network
  • Profile picture of the author Sumdor
    Why don't you try:-
    1. Casale Media
    2. Value Click Media,
    3. tribulfusion
    4. clicksor
    5. Trafficrevenue
    6. Popads

    Also, Infinity Ads is good pop up ads.

    1. This is How I Make $$$ per month
    2. Is this why women are look better these days?

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  • Profile picture of the author miya
    @ Sumdor, Thanks ^^
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  • Profile picture of the author mianriz
    All these is best
    1. Casale Media
    2. Value Click Media,
    3. tribulfusion
    4. Trafficrevenue
    5. clickinfo
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  • Profile picture of the author gtlovesellipsis
    The above mentioned networks are good but keep in mind that no network can help you make money online if your website doesn't have great traffic... So focus on great content and build great traffic first... Ads will come automatically!

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author chakik

    I'm also interested.

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    • Profile picture of the author KentLijitRiggs
      I work for Lijit which is also an excellent source for CPM campaigns for remnant ad inventory.

      I can help facilitate some basic questions if you've got them regarding CPM campaigns and performance.
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  • Profile picture of the author imback
    Casale Media

    pretty much what the others have said.

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  • Profile picture of the author primitivenet
    As others have noted - I would take a look at Tribal Fusion, Casale Media, and ValueClick.
    Others worth looking into would be Burst Media and CPX Interactive.
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  • Profile picture of the author miya
    Thanks all of you!! I will try Casale Media first~
    Someone introduce Xtendmedia to me, is it good? Will it pay on time?
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