$100+ in my first 3 days with Peerfly! Looking for motivation to continue?**2nd UPDATE 9/19/11**
Hi guys and gals,
I just want to offer some encouragement to everyone that might be thinking about jumping into the CPA world -- or to anyone that is already trying it out, but losing interest.
I joined PeerFly on August 21st. I tried to make some quick money with PPC - but I ended up spending about $30 and landed only 1 conversion - $1.40, yay!
So, I spent some time over the next day setting things up the right way. I found a high converting offer, did some major keyword research and set up a campaign the right way.
Over the next three days, I've made over $100 while sitting on my butt and not touching my PeerFly account -- well, I did log in several times to see how much I was making. I pretty much jumped up and down for a while.
I've included a screenshot of my earnings just to motivate anyone who might need a little CPA 'push'. I know that my earnings look like they span 4 days, but it's 3 AM here, so that final $9.80 is actually from the last 3 hours.

Keep in mind that I have NEVER been part of a CPA network and this is my first CPA campaign EVER! It is possible -- it's even pretty easy

This thread has received quite a response. So, I finally had some time to expand on my method with a short video...
[CENTER]***UPDATE 9/19/11****[CENTER]
Well, I'm quite surprised and happy about the response to this thread. I just wanted to update everyone on what is going on with this method...
First of all - tons of people are e-mailing me and adding me on Skype to ask me questions about CPA stuff, that's great! But, please do so in a nice manner. Don't demand information from me please. We can be civil and I am happy to share with you if you act like an adult.
Next, a few people have yelled at me because they have had their AdWords accounts suspended while trying to promote CPA offers. First of all, I'm not your momma, and you didn't pay for my method, so don't complain to me. Second, every person that has complained to me so far has had their account suspended because they keep trying to promote offers with low quality landing pages.
Here's a golden nugget for everyone - if Google turns down your ad because your are promoting a 'low quality landing page', don't just submit the ad again for review. Doing that a few times will get your account suspended.
And Remember - GOOGLE WILL SUSPEND YOU ACCOUNT IF YOU PROMOTE LANDING PAGES THAT ARE DIFFICULT TO NAVIGATE AWAY FROM! This is AdWords 101. Most people are getting in trouble because they are using landing pages with popups or exit popups (you know, those 'WAIT - I've got a special deal, click Stay On Page' boxes). These things are against AdWords policy. CPA offers with good landing pages are perfectly legal in AdWords World.
Qualities Of A Good Landing Page
When you select a CPA offer to promote in AdWords, look for an offer that uses a landing page with the following qualities:
- Selectable text - not just text within images
- Links to rules - a legal issue, Google likes to see rules
- Contact info - helps to legitimize
- No popups, easy to navigate away from - this is a huge issue for Google, visitors need to be able to click the 'close' button without being bombarded by popups.
With that said, I have recently put more money into my AdWords account and tested this method once again. Here were my results...

So, yep! It worked a second time. Everyone, I really hope that this method is helping you out. I would love to hear if anyone else is having luck!
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