Adwords Won't Accept UAW-Account Suspended

15 replies
I got a 100 dollar ad credit through Hostgator to use Google adwords and I am currently using Commission Ignition software and it uses Unique Article Wizard for autoblogging. After submitting my site I got this response from adwords:

Further, the site - uniquearticlewizard has a business model that is considered as an unacceptable business practice and hence has been disabled too.

Google goes on to say that my site has been disabled for bridging since it bridges to many different sites and has also been disabled for misleading and inaccurate claims.

So I can't have a website with an affiliate link? and who determines if the claims are misleading or inaccurate?

My adwords account has been suspended.

I have since removed UAW and my traffic went from 20 hits a day to 1 hit a day. Any comment or advice would be appreciated.
#accept #adwords #suspended #uawaccount
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Normally after Google suspends an account, that's it, you can't get it back, you could try opening another account with different information on it
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    • Profile picture of the author jeffrey73
      Yep, Google hates UAW with a passion. They don't really care for auto-blogs either, so if you're gonna do it, make sure UAW is not linked anywhere to your blog.
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      • Profile picture of the author marks2424
        Google will never tell you where the misleading statement is because most of the time there isn't. I had a small site which I put together myself wrote every article and made no product claims at all. It was a solar diy site and I explain about solar and that it can save you money from your monthly bills and that's it. They sum what did the same thing to me as they did to you and I asked where the misleading information was because since I wrote all the content myself I know I didn't put anything misleading but they would never tell me anything just the same statement telling me I had misleading info and to check the guidelines but nothing else. So the chances of you ever getting anything out of google as far as information you can forget it. Google never provides any customer service, they want to be the big dog on the internet but wants everyone to do everything themselves and waste hours in trying to figure out what may have happened. They just want to rake in the money and provide no service.
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  • Profile picture of the author Donimo
    I dont think you get banned from adsense for affiliate links?

    Mabe you said somewhere something like "This product is AMAZING! Buy it now! By the way, I haven't tried it.".
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  • Profile picture of the author 3000
    My Google Adwords account got suspended a few months ago. There's really nothing you can do about it like ChrisBa stated.

    On the bright side, there are several other PPC Networks that are great alternatives to Google Adwords.

    Right now I'm using MSN's Adcenter and so far so good. They're giving me good traffic and conversions.

    When a rock falls in front of you, there's always several ways around it. You can go to the right of it, left of it, over it and so on. just find a different way.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Excellent post 3000.

    Bottomline it's their sandbox and if they don't want you in it, they can kick you out just for looking at them funny. No point in getting all worked up over it. You can still use them, you just need a new computer, new connection, a relatives name and address and a new credit card. It's easy!

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  • Profile picture of the author Alertpayvccnet
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    • Profile picture of the author mikekjr26
      I used adcenter before they were ok. I just started a campaign through adwords today and my ad is still saying eligible. I already ahd one ad disapproved. Not liking adwords so far. Anyone know of any good PPV sites?
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    • Profile picture of the author mikekjr26
      I used adcenter before they were ok. I just started a campaign through adwords today and my ad is still saying eligible. I already had one ad disapproved. Not liking adwords so far. Anyone know of any good PPV sites?
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  • Profile picture of the author manzippo
    Google is carzy, My account was suspended too. You can try Yahoo and Msn instead.
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    • Profile picture of the author William Prawira
      G has been messing around with Internet Marketers...I've read and heard so many stories about people getting banned, declined, or even sandboxed. Perhaps they are able to do those kind of thing cause they are the biggest, At least for now...

      I'm seeing great opportunities with other search engine, as more and more people moved out from the big G after getting bad results from the big G.

      From where I stand now, I suggest you try reach out for social marketing / email marketing that doesn't really depend on G.

      Your business can be pretty much ruined in one day if you are sandboxed. And we really don't want that to happen, right?


      William Prawira

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  • Profile picture of the author Mahara Adhe
    My AdWords account was suspended a few months ago and just got reactivated last night. My site was supposedly giving claims that were unreasonable. Also, it didn't have unique content (although the content had the source links). I created a thread about how I got my account reactivated.

    My AdWords Account Was Reactivated!!

    Hopefully this helps. I am hard-headed and don't give up...which seems to have paid off in this case.

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  • Profile picture of the author GregRom
    Hope Texas Court will make Public Google Adwords Secrets. Its too much already, thats doesnt mean NO 1, this is MONOPOLY already.


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  • Profile picture of the author GregRom
    last year, i got over 100 accounts and blogs banned from Adwords, first i lost some money, but later - i learn my lesson, i bought about 200 Vouchers and setup 2-300 emails, i got my money back and + about 600% on Adsense.
    they also banned 3 Adsense Accounts, with about 1000$ in all 3, but the main account is live
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  • Profile picture of the author thepresence
    This whole thread began because Google detected the use of UAW. As we see from article directories being hit so hard (many of whom have mass-produced UAW content), Google loathes anything that is automatically written. So, if you are going to use anything that smells of autoblogging or rewritten content, do so with another company, not Google!
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  • Profile picture of the author silverace
    autoblogs are content farms. they don't add anything usefull to the google database(I'm not against them though, just saying this from google's perspective), so why should they let you advertise something they are against? it's like the republicans putting obama banners on their site :p
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