24 replies

Which one is better?

PPC-Coach = $49/Month.
THE WAR ROOM = $37 for 20 years.
#ppccoach #room #v or s #war
  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Rayman
    PPC-Coach Definetly!

    Also depends on what you want to learn.

    PPC= PPC-Coach
    PPV= PPC-Playbook
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    • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
      The war room is definitely worth it, no dispute there. It's packed full of valuable articles.

      I can't comment on PPC Coach since I own it and anything I say would be completely bias. That said here's my comment...LOL! It's over 4 years, has over 145,000 posts on the members only forums, making it the largest PPC dedicated forum on the internet and it's one of the first membership training sites out there, (several sites have popped up over the years following that model). It's all about coaching and taking action though, the methods on it are secondary.

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      • Profile picture of the author vikasone23
        Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

        The war room is definitely worth it, no dispute there. It's packed full of valuable articles.

        I can't comment on PPC Coach since I own it and anything I say would be completely bias. That said here's my comment...LOL! It's over 4 years, has over 145,000 posts on the members only forums, making it the largest PPC dedicated forum on the internet and it's one of the first membership training sites out there, (several sites have popped up over the years following that model). It's all about coaching and taking action though, the methods on it are secondary.

        Thanx for reply.

        Well i come to know that (from this forum only) ppc-coach have very good info, but its now very old. And also there are very few (2-3) active members in forum.
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        • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
          Originally Posted by vikasone23 View Post

          Thanx for reply.

          Well i come to know that (from this forum only) ppc-coach have very good info, but its now very old. And also there are very few (2-3) active members in forum.
          PPC-Coach has information from all ages, some are old, some is new.. either way he keeps updating his site, and the member base is rather large, I think it's one of the larger member bases for training sites (I think he actually has more active members than PPV Playbook)

          I guess the other thing too is, affiliate marketing (and PPC) is an ever changing beast, it can change over night, sometimes it takes time to make sure the right lessons and training are offered for new techniques, etc..

          Either way - honestly IMO PPC-Coach has a lot more good information than the War Room, I am currently not a member of the WR, but have friends that are and I've seen the information posted in their while I have been with them and to be honest in most cases the same information can be obtained for free
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  • Profile picture of the author Mahmoud Selman
    Hello Vikasone23,

    If you could benifit of both memberships it will be better. If you can't pay for both, then I advice you to get a War Room membership.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by vikasone23 View Post


    Which one is better?

    PPC-Coach = $49/Month.
    THE WAR ROOM = $37 for 20 years.
    PPC-Coach by far.. war room is an appetizer, where as PPC-Coach is the whole meal.. don't cheap out..
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  • Profile picture of the author mtmjohn
    THE WAR ROOM, definitely worth the price.

    PPC Coach is pretty good too if you are starting out in affiliate marketing focusing on PPC marketing.

    All the best
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  • Profile picture of the author Manoj V
    If you're moderately successful with PPC already and need a place to interact, read the experience of others and learn all aspects of IM at a leisurely pace join the War Room first if you have to choose between the two. But don't forget to join PPC Coach as well as soon as you can afterwards. If you would like to focus on PPC and take action in order to start earning immediately join PPC Coach without wasting any time. The $49 will pay you back in multiples if you're serious.
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  • Profile picture of the author Naveen K
    In short, You will get many unique and valuable products related to various topics in War Room and in PPC-Coach you will know A to Z of PPC.

    If you have lots of money to bring in PPC traffic then go for PPC-Coach and if you don't have sufficient funds then choose War Room.

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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
      Originally Posted by Naveen K View Post

      In short, You will get many unique and valuable products related to various topics in War Room and in PPC-Coach you will know A to Z of PPC.

      If you have lots of money to bring in PPC traffic then go for PPC-Coach and if you don't have sufficient funds then choose War Room.
      Personally I'd recommend if you don't have sufficient funds then either save up or determine PPC is not for you.. if you can't afford $50 for coaching, chances are you wont be able to afford to spend the money needed to find a successful campaign.. not being mean or rude, just honest.. if this is the case, then perhaps look for training on free traffic (Affillit, IMGrind, Stackthatmoney or other sources)
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    BOTH are awesome.

    The war room is filled with lots of tidbits of info but everything is scattered and you can get info overload very easily because there isn't a set training program or focus of topics. With that said, its absolutely 100% worth the price.

    PPC coach is more structured and particularly if you want to do PPC, its a fantastic program. Lots of content and successful IMers. I am a member there and love the stuff!

    So I would say go both (if you have the money). Keep in mind that anything you purchase is an investment so be prepared to work your tail off to make your investment pay off!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    I don't see any equality of both sources. Warroom suitable for total IM area. If you focus much about CPA and PPC, get a membership in PPC-coach. It's the best membership site with plenty of materials.

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  • Profile picture of the author Omid
    They both worth the money you pay but I want to say something:

    If you are REALLY wanting to make money then you have to work hard. Definitely, training sites help you but it is up to you to put time and effort into your business.

    I remember when I broke the learning curve and started making consistent money I wasn't a member of any training program out there, not even War Room!

    If you need some help and want to expedite the learning process then I highly recommend you to go and sign up with a coaching program. Keep in mind, it is up to you to make money!

    ~ Omid
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    Yep, I have even picked up little nifty software downloads and other great little reports. Lots of great stuff in the mix!
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  • Profile picture of the author blillard
    PPC coach by far would be the better choice as it is more centered around cpa offers and the traffic sources used to promote them. I hae not found much good info for cpa in the war room besides the basics of getting accepted into networks.

    I used ppc coah for a while I liked it not to mention the social ads account that comes with it is more than worht it IMO.
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    • Profile picture of the author MakeMoneyJames
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      war room is an appetizer, where as PPC-Coach is the whole meal.. don't cheap out..
      Not that PPC- Coach isnt a good option, but its hard to take someone serious that redirects a domain to an affiliate link and suggest you sign up.

      stackthatmoney forum (google it cant post links) would be the best option if I were to sign up to learn about CPA marketing. I am not a member as I have too much going on, but I have friends that are members they say its good. And testimonials from Amish Shah, Ryan Eagle, Jon Volk, Wes Mahler (Founder of Tracking 202), and others dont hurt either.
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      • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
        Originally Posted by MakeMoneyJames View Post

        Not that PPC- Coach isnt a good option, but its hard to take someone serious that redirects a domain to an affiliate link and suggest you sign up.

        stackthatmoney forum (google it cant post links) would be the best option if I were to sign up to learn about CPA marketing. I am not a member as I have too much going on, but I have friends that are members they say its good. And testimonials from Amish Shah, Ryan Eagle, Jon Volk, Wes Mahler (Founder of Tracking 202), and others dont hurt either.
        I've heard that stackthatmoney is a good option as well, however the original question was between 2 other options.
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        • Profile picture of the author MakeMoneyJames
          Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

          I've heard that stackthatmoney is a good option as well, however the original question was between 2 other options.
          Im just giving an option that is also just as good if not potentially better than PPC Coach.

          People might sign up because you say so not realizing you have a financial gain to say that, but there could be better options out there, like StackThatMoney.
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          • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
            Originally Posted by MakeMoneyJames View Post

            Im just giving an option that is also just as good if not potentially better than PPC Coach.

            People might sign up because you say so not realizing you have a financial gain to say that, but there could be better options out there, like StackThatMoney.
            People do not need to sign up through my link - my opinion will be the same either way.
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  • Profile picture of the author pacelattin
    I've heard good things about Stackthatmoney forum, and I actually get a lot of traffic from it to my publication, so it must be good
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  • Profile picture of the author edwin008
    You can join the private forum if you plan to use seo traffic. Lots of stuff related seo there.
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