CPA Landing Page - Please Explain

by Pat T
8 replies
Okay very new to CPA. Just got accepted into a Network now I need to truly understand some things. I have been reading and it might have already been answered but I am asking again.

1. Is the CPA offer a landing page of its own?

2. If I create a landing page that directs people to CPA offer what would that landing page look like? Would it be a page that directs or would it be a page to get leads and maybe the Thank You page or download page would direct people to the CPA offers. In turn building a list while also promoting an offer.

Thanks in advance.

#cpa #explain #landing #page
  • Profile picture of the author Omid
    1 - Yes, each offer has its own landing page. They might be good landing pages in terms of conversion rate and they might be not!

    2 - Sometimes it is better to have your own landing page for two reasons:

    a - Pre-selling. In this method you feel that the offer does not really sell itself. So you would go ahead and do pre-selling. Then the visitor will be redirected to the CPA offer.

    b - In this method you capture leads by putting an opt-in form and the visitors give their emails and names so you'll be able to send them unlimited number of emails containing your offer link. This is the best way of making money and is called "list building". You would not make money at first because you have some emails but that list of emails is a goldmine for you!

    I hope I could answer your question properly,
    ~ Omid
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    • Profile picture of the author Pat T
      Originally Posted by Omid View Post

      1 - Yes, each offer has its own landing page. They might be good landing pages in terms of conversion rate and they might be not!

      2 - Sometimes it is better to have your own landing page for two reasons:

      a - Pre-selling. In this method you feel that the offer does not really sell itself. So you would go ahead and do pre-selling. Then the visitor will be redirected to the CPA offer.

      b - In this method you capture leads by putting an opt-in form and the visitors give their emails and names so you'll be able to send them unlimited number of emails containing your offer link. This is the best way of making money and is called "list building". You would not make money at first because you have some emails but that list of emails is a goldmine for you!

      I hope I could answer your question properly,
      ~ Omid
      No I believe you both understood it correctly and the answers were exactly what I was looking for. Omid I believe I downloaded your CPA Approval Guide and followed that to get into my first network. Waiting on the other reply. Thank you so much.

      Originally Posted by Eli Junior View Post

      Hey Pat,

      I'm not sure I fully understand your first question.

      As for the second question, the landing page can take on many forms. One way to start is to do a search for a similar offer on google and check out your competition. You don't want to steal from them or copy exactly what they do but it will point you in the right direction.

      See if they are using a static landing page or a running blog to promote products that you want to promote. What colors are they using? What kinds of pictures are common? Are they pictures showing the problem to be solved or pictures showing the solution or results?

      If you feel it's viable to build a list, again check out the pages in your niche that are doing that. Lists are great but they are not always pursued by CPA marketers in the beginning. However, you have to make that call. I will say if your market does warrant a list to do it sooner rather than later.

      If you pick to go the list route using a squeeze page, don't be afraid to show your CPA offer on the thank you page.

      Most importantly, test and adjust frequently until you get a winner. Rarely will you hit it on the money the first time so don't worry. Just systematically change your headlines, pictures, colors, etc. until you get a winner.


      Eli Junior, you gave me ideas definitely to look at. I will definitely look at the compentation to see what they are doing.


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  • Profile picture of the author Eli Junior
    Hey Pat,

    I'm not sure I fully understand your first question.

    As for the second question, the landing page can take on many forms. One way to start is to do a search for a similar offer on google and check out your competition. You don't want to steal from them or copy exactly what they do but it will point you in the right direction.

    See if they are using a static landing page or a running blog to promote products that you want to promote. What colors are they using? What kinds of pictures are common? Are they pictures showing the problem to be solved or pictures showing the solution or results?

    If you feel it's viable to build a list, again check out the pages in your niche that are doing that. Lists are great but they are not always pursued by CPA marketers in the beginning. However, you have to make that call. I will say if your market does warrant a list to do it sooner rather than later.

    If you pick to go the list route using a squeeze page, don't be afraid to show your CPA offer on the thank you page.

    Most importantly, test and adjust frequently until you get a winner. Rarely will you hit it on the money the first time so don't worry. Just systematically change your headlines, pictures, colors, etc. until you get a winner.

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  • Profile picture of the author trumpador
    Great tips. Thanks for advise. CPA is something I'd like to into and I've been looking for tips. This is by far the most useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Pat T View Post

    Okay very new to CPA. Just got accepted into a Network now I need to truly understand some things. I have been reading and it might have already been answered but I am asking again.

    1. Is the CPA offer a landing page of its own?

    2. If I create a landing page that directs people to CPA offer what would that landing page look like? Would it be a page that directs or would it be a page to get leads and maybe the Thank You page or download page would direct people to the CPA offers. In turn building a list while also promoting an offer.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 - each offer will have it's own page, it's generally a data collecting page with little to no pre-sell

    2 - it could look like anything.. my personal recommendation is to make it loook similar to the offer page (colors, layout, etc) and you will want to use the page as a "pre-sell" so that as soon as they click on your link and goto the actual offer page you want to fill out all the info..
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    • Profile picture of the author Pat T
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      1 - each offer will have it's own page, it's generally a data collecting page with little to no pre-sell

      2 - it could look like anything.. my personal recommendation is to make it loook similar to the offer page (colors, layout, etc) and you will want to use the page as a "pre-sell" so that as soon as they click on your link and goto the actual offer page you want to fill out all the info..

      Should my landing page be like a mini site so to say. I am familiar with mini sites. Also I read somewhere where a landing page should have more than one page? Maybe privacy, contact, ect. One last thing. Is it wise to have someone else creating the landing page for me, like hire it out or do most do it themselves.
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  • Profile picture of the author chall vandenbergh
    if you want a good page its need to presell some landing pages do that already but others not if you want to build such a page your self i would suggest: cpa crash dedective

    igot the ebook and simple said it explainse how to make al landing page whit extrafeatures like a timer this is a effective technique to pressell and a bunch of other functions just google it and you probbaly will find it for free
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    • Profile picture of the author outwest
      Originally Posted by chall vandenbergh View Post

      if you want a good page its need to presell some landing pages do that already but others not if you want to build such a page your self i would suggest: cpa crash dedective

      igot the ebook and simple said it explainse how to make al landing page whit extrafeatures like a timer this is a effective technique to pressell and a bunch of other functions just google it and you probbaly will find it for free
      the website I found for cpa Crash Detective is not found
      Tech article writing .Native English Speaker(with Proof)
      specializing in SmartPhones , Internet security, high tech gadgets, search engines, tech shows, digital cameras.

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