Clickbank tracking for anyone?

9 replies
New to CB and a search showed me they aren't good at tracking hops? I also saw back in September, sounded like they didn't track sales for a few days either.

So.. little concerned.

I tried testing one link, with a few different IPs. Nothing in hop report (that was over 4 hours ago). Tried another merchant. Nothing. Then tried a really popular merchant and still nothing. So it doesn't seem to be on the merchant's end of things. But CB as I discovered. Never come across a network that tracks so poorly before.

Would anyone recommend I don't give it a shot? Or should I still get commission on the sales I make?

The merchant I had planned to promote has a Vendor Spotlight, offers tools (including link masking), and has been on CB since 2009. So I'd hope that means they should be safe to work with?

#clickbank #tracking
  • Profile picture of the author aminur
    Clickbank is poor when it comes to tracking. It's very hard to track your link with any other third party tools. You can track your conversion from sub id so you know which offer converting for you.

    as of commission yes you will get paid as long you see your affiliate id end of the url or bottom of the page.

    Some vendors running hard cookies so you are unable to see your affiliate link. IF you think you can get solid traffic and expect to get good sales i would get a friend to buy it form my link first to check if i get commission . It is bit grey hat but HEEY you know if you are getting paid or not..

    Hope that helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Keistone
    Oh thanks, I do see [affiliate = (my ID).free] at the bottom of the order page.

    So... while it may not show hops, it will credit me with the sales that come in? I'd maybe not even bother with CB (didn't know these issues) but I already ran the promotion, got 65 responses in 3 hours. None of the other networks I'm on have offers to fir the promotion, Peerfly might, but still got 1500 people ahead of me, haha.

    Guess I'll just give it a shot and if it works then start back up promoting.

    Edit: Oh! Hops from 7 hours ago are now showing up. So that gives me more confidence.. still seems crazy CB has gotten as big as they have, by not having realtime tracking. It also itsn't showing any track IDs or which vendors the hops are from.
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    • Profile picture of the author aminur
      Originally Posted by Keistone View Post

      Oh thanks, I do see [affiliate = (my ID).free] at the bottom of the order page.

      So... while it may not show hops, it will credit me with the sales that come in? I'd maybe not even bother with CB (didn't know these issues) but I already ran the promotion, got 65 responses in 3 hours. None of the other networks I'm on have offers to fir the promotion, Peerfly might, but still got 1500 people ahead of me, haha.

      Guess I'll just give it a shot and if it works then start back up promoting.

      Edit: Oh! Hops from 7 hours ago are now showing up. So that gives me more confidence.. still seems crazy CB has gotten as big as they have, by not having realtime tracking. It also itsn't showing any track IDs or which vendors the hops are from.
      you can see the Hops from the vendords.. follow the process

      click on Reporting>>>> Analytics>>> You should be able to see whole lot of tracking. Vendors, hops, order form impression etc etc
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  • Profile picture of the author Keistone
    Oh, I see all that, but it shows no information for that tracking. Maybe that takes longer to update, LOL.
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  • Profile picture of the author aminur
    yh it may take some time to update all the information my friend. it will show up eventually.Lol
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  • Profile picture of the author ngumoney

    i got a similar problem w/ click bank.

    i use traffic vance with clickbank.

    direct link pop ups.

    the problem is my tracking id doesnt show up it says not set. even tho i set the link up with a tracking id...


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    • Profile picture of the author patey88
      Originally Posted by ngumoney View Post

      the problem is my tracking id doesnt show up it says not set. even tho i set the link up with a tracking id...

      For the last few days, I have been seeing Not Set for every hop unless it results in an order form impression or a sale. I submitted a support request to ClickBank and was told my tracking IDs "are displaying properly."

      So now I have reopened my request and spelled out the problem in greater detail. I hope I get a better answer next time. I am glad to hear someone else is seeing the problem.
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      • Profile picture of the author Heuristic
        Originally Posted by patey88 View Post

        For the last few days, I have been seeing Not Set for every hop unless it results in an order form impression or a sale. I submitted a support request to ClickBank and was told my tracking IDs "are displaying properly."

        So now I have reopened my request and spelled out the problem in greater detail. I hope I get a better answer next time. I am glad to hear someone else is seeing the problem.
        Same exact thing happening with me. Been about 4 days now.

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        • Profile picture of the author patey88
          @Heuristic, I got a better response from the ClickBank rep on my second try. He acknowledged the problem and said the technical support department is currently addressing the issue, and he'll email me when he gets a response from them.
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