Clickbank tracking for anyone?
So.. little concerned.
I tried testing one link, with a few different IPs. Nothing in hop report (that was over 4 hours ago). Tried another merchant. Nothing. Then tried a really popular merchant and still nothing. So it doesn't seem to be on the merchant's end of things. But CB as I discovered. Never come across a network that tracks so poorly before.
Would anyone recommend I don't give it a shot? Or should I still get commission on the sales I make?
The merchant I had planned to promote has a Vendor Spotlight, offers tools (including link masking), and has been on CB since 2009. So I'd hope that means they should be safe to work with?
aminur -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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Keistone -
Thanks - 1 reply
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aminur -
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Keistone -
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aminur -
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ngumoney -
Thanks - 1 reply
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patey88 -
Thanks - 1 reply
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Heuristic -
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patey88 -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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