by tidest
24 replies
I haven't made a single penny in the last 2 months. Maybe its because I haven't done anything but I don't know what to do...
  • Profile picture of the author XtremeCash
    Originally Posted by tidest View Post

    I haven't made a single penny in the last 2 months. Maybe its because I haven't done anything but I don't know what to do...
    You just answered your own question! It takes work to make the money, so don't think you can sit there and make money (mentally not physically). If you are having problems on deciding what to do... just clear your mind, and find something you will be dedicated to. The most important part is to make a plan with multiple steps. Make a timeline for your steps, and start your goals small to get motivation! You have all the time to scale it up when you find your plan is successful!
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffrey73
    Originally Posted by tidest View Post

    I haven't made a single penny in the last 2 months. Maybe its because I haven't done anything but I don't know what to do...
    You do NOTHING and you'll always get NOTHING. I've tried it before and that's exactly how it works out.. same result every time!
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by tidest View Post

    I haven't made a single penny in the last 2 months. Maybe its because I haven't done anything but I don't know what to do...
    It sounds like you need to start taking action..
    Read through these forums see how others are making money, see if any of those methods interest you, then research that specific method more, then start to try it out..
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Yep, time to stop reading and start doing.

    Being on these forums is not working.

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  • Profile picture of the author IamTJM
    You are in the same boat as countless other potential internet marketers. It's definitely not uncommon, but I suggest you start taking action and testing things out. I've heard of people who have gone years without making money online and the one common thing that pops up in almost every case is lack of taking action. I know it's cliche to say to take action, but that's because it is so true that nothing will be handed to you unless you put in work. Don't be afraid of failure or automatically assume that something won't/doesn't work and if you need help with anything feel free to ask around on this forum as we are all here to help each other succeed.

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  • Profile picture of the author tidest
    Where should I start? CPA from scratch.
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  • Profile picture of the author BigNorm
    I wouldn't start with CPA, very few people have major success with CPA. My first payment came from having a website and driving traffic to it and the product on offer for men who suffered from maboobs lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author Huie
    I know how you feel. I bet in your head you have alot of great ideas but theres always that one thing that stops you from doing it. Just go ahead and stick to one thing and if you fail who cares? You learn from your mistakes
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  • Profile picture of the author bocceman
    I have had my best luck with cpl, but I am still trying to transition from coding to marketing, so my experience shouldn't carry much weight. I am just an IT nerd

    Play bocce? Check out our cool selection of Bocce Ball Sets or the only drink koozie that keeps score!

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  • Profile picture of the author imagene
    The number 1 thing to do is focus on one method and only concentrate on that ONE thing. Get that right first and then move on. One of the problems of just starting out, myself included definitely, was information overload and wanting to do too many things. The problem with that is you can sometimes never complete one thing - know it inside out and therefore aren't able to tweak the method until it starts making you $$. That's when it's easy to throw your hands up, give up and wonder why you aren't making money.

    Start small - do some keyword research (we all have to do that at some point unless you want to pay someone else to do it); find an exact match domain $10; throw up a wordpress blog with 3 x 500 word articles (PLR is everywhere but I would write it myself or buy some quality articles; find a high gravity, recurring payment clickbank product; put some adsense on and do everything you can to get that site up to page 1 on Google. If you find the right longtailed keyword exact match domain, this isn't too hard to do.

    Don't over complicate things. You'll get out of this business what you put in.

    Good Luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Leslyaviel
    There are simply too many ways to make money online. The truth is though not everyone is built for online success. Some claim to be successful online but its really a state of mind. If you did make a penny would you say you made money? Realize that in order to be successful online you must understand and build your "why" not your "goals"! "Goals" can easily be blocked by excuses and obstacles, but your "why" is never ending (Think About It!). Making money online is like making money offline except you can't treat it like a hobby. It takes dedication, commitment and skill building. Once you can incorporate the three and begin to implement what you have learned you will be financially free.

    Skill Building + Massive Action= Financial Freedom !
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  • Profile picture of the author tidest
    I have heard CPA was one of the best way to make money online...

    Whats a good method that involves a setup but provide a steady income(around 50$ at the beginning and scale up to 100,200,300 per day?)?
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  • Profile picture of the author feliciayapsl
    Take MASSIVE action. Focus on 1 method that you want to make money online, whether it's through affiliate marketing, PPC, social media, blogging, adsense. Take 1 method & FOCUS. Work on it everyday. It's not an overnight success. It takes time. It's a process.
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  • Profile picture of the author marshaux
    I have gained almost all my traffic from a short video I made and put on youtube with a link to my website. Adsense can be wonderful - just keep working @ it and do a little bit of learning every day - you'll get there!
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  • Profile picture of the author EricBaglio
    The first thing I would stop doing is being a victim of "Shiny Object Syndrome" Stop reading all the latest things that come out because that's what's preventing you from taking action. I'd think back to something you've already learned and give it a shot. The trick is to not give up easily though.

    If you try something for 3 days and get nothing, don't give up. Keep at it. If you hit a snag, ask a question in the forum. It's easier to help someone overcome one small problem at a time then to help someone that has no plan at all.

    Good luck!

    "TAKE ACTION" is the first thing everyone tells you and then they leave it at that. I'll add a second part: TRACK EVERYTHING" - It's the only way to ensure your ACTION leads to results.

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    • Profile picture of the author webmazter
      Hi tidest

      If you build it they will come trust me on this

      Its been a very long process but I think the reason I am very successful is because I had drive and determination and I refused to give up.

      Now after trial and error I can whip up a top notch blog with all the whistle an bells that give Google a hard on.

      Believe in yourself and make goals hey look at this way if a grand ma and a house wife can make $3000 or so a month why can't you?

      Challenge yourself.....good luck
      If you build it they will come! The LSI Specialist
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  • Profile picture of the author Royce Space
    To be honest, it's not about the months or time you spent on making money online, it's about the EFFORT you spent on that time.
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    • Profile picture of the author dumitrumidon
      Originally Posted by Iamroyce View Post

      To be honest, it's not about the months or time you spent on making money online, it's about the EFFORT you spent on that time.
      Yes...that's definitively the key to success....
      Free SEO Tools For Your Website
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  • Profile picture of the author netPH
    Go out into the wild and start taking action. Stop being lazy. Get up and commit yourself to work. All the best!
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    • Profile picture of the author dshipman
      My guess is that you need to start building some traffic to your offer or website.
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      • Profile picture of the author William Prawira
        Are you having any of these symptoms?
        -your head feels heavy and things are spinning around
        -you keep on visiting the WSO section looking for a method that works for you
        -you listed out so many things to do, thinking in which order you should complete them
        -you realized that you haven't start doing anything

        Well if you are, you are in a real trouble. I call it information overload. These things really happen to me before. Stop looking around for so many information. the info on this forum, can't be digested in matter of months. Just read what you should do from the other warrior, then stop, and do it until you are getting a result (how much you get really doesn't matter at this time). Consider yourself hitting the $1.00 first before targeting a larger sum of money.

        Here is a simple thing that can make you some money.
        1. Join as an affiliate(hostgator or bluehost seems to be a good choice).
        2. go to yahoo answer, look for people looking for good hosting.
        3. answer his question, and provide your affiliate link for him. When that person register himself using the link you provided, you can earn money.

        here is another.
        1. learn how to create article
        2. create several article and offer them for free.
        3. start your carrier as a ghostwriter.

        Good luck in finding your own path.



        William Prawira

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