My first POF campaign - Results!

35 replies
So having read a WSO and the whole of Mr Greens website, i decided to have a little go at promoted a CPA offer.

Below are the results, and then I would like your opinons on how to improve and some answeres on a few questions I have.

I ran a campaign targeting US traffic, female and broke it down to 3 age groups = 20-30, 31-40, 41-50. They had to have blue eyes (as this was my angle).

Age 20-30

Total spend = $8.61
Impressions delivered = 28,663
Clicks = 15
CTR = 0.052%
CPC = $0.57

Age 31-40

Total spend = $7.99
Impressions delivered = 26,303
Clicks = 14
CTR = 0.053%
CPC = $0.57

Age 41-50

Total spend = $7.91
Impressions delivered = 25.614
Clicks = 18
CTR = 0.070%
CPC = $0.44

The offer which I promoted was the Free Ugg Boots over on Peerfly.

Out of the 47 clicks I had, only 3 converted. I was direct linking and not using my own LP.

Now the issue is.. I dont know which clicks actually converted. I put the subid into the Peerfly URL it went from:

with 'a1' being the subid but when I check my peerfly earnings report it shows the referer as being ----

How do I go about setting up the subid correctly?

I split test 7 different images and then mid-campaign I deleted the worst preforming images so now each age range now has the 2 best preforming images.

This is my ad copy:

Do you have blue eyes?
To celebrate International 'Blue Eyes Day' Ugg are giving 1000 lucky blue eyed beauties a free pair of Ugg Boots. Claim yours!

What can I do to improve this? Is the offer not converting and would it be more benificial for me to change the offer to get more converstions from my 47 clicks or is 3 what I can expect from an email submit?

Any comments would be much appreciated.
#campaign #pof #results
  • Profile picture of the author Adam Smith
    I'm assuming not seens as I don't know how do to that? How would I go about doing it?
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  • Profile picture of the author uniquecontentclub
    Adam - you definitely need to setup tracking as it will help you tweak going forward.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Smith
    I thought I had set up tracking via a subid.. And I assumed that when I checked the warning report it would show what subid the sale came from? Either I'm not setting the subid correctly (which I don't think as peerfly do that for you when you enter a subid and they create the URL for you) or I'm not looking correctly on my reports?
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  • Profile picture of the author LukePeerFly
    If you go to your PeerFly Reports page you should be able to click the green + next to the offer name and see a breakdown of your subids.

    You can place the tracking pixel from POF on the offer page at PeerFly. There's a tutorial on my affiliate manager blog at:
    Add your tracking pixel to a PeerFly offer

    ^ My Blog

    Are you an affiliate that runs PPV advertising? You need my PPV target scraper!
    Have a Facebook Page? FPTraffic, manages over 1,000,000,000 (BILLION) Likes! Check it out :)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5449649].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rogbog
      Originally Posted by LukePeerFly View Post

      If you go to your PeerFly Reports page you should be able to click the green + next to the offer name and see a breakdown of your subids.

      You can place the tracking pixel from POF on the offer page at PeerFly. There's a tutorial on my affiliate manager blog at:
      Add your tracking pixel to a PeerFly offer
      Luke is right, if you do as indicated you will be able to track where your conversions are coming from.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5462647].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author outwest
        Originally Posted by Rogbog View Post

        Luke is right, if you do as indicated you will be able to track where your conversions are coming from.
        so POF basically is running PPV?

        Can you tailor ads to different races? example running date ads to blacks?
        or tailor ads to different religion? run ads just to christians?
        Tech article writing .Native English Speaker(with Proof)
        specializing in SmartPhones , Internet security, high tech gadgets, search engines, tech shows, digital cameras.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5462671].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author steve m
          Originally Posted by outwest View Post

          so POF basically is running PPV?

          Can you tailor ads to different races? example running date ads to blacks?
          or tailor ads to different religion? run ads just to christians?
          Yes you can, age, marital status, religion,sex, well so many to be honest.

          Can really target it right down.

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  • Profile picture of the author espresso
    if these are text ads
    I would say in them "enter your email for your chance to win" or so forth
    When I did that my conversions doubled 10-20%
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  • Profile picture of the author kasun0777
    first please check offers are working or not. and then you can promote.
    i think you are a beginner for marketing. you want get more experiences
    No matter how much you love someone, you still want to have you own way
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5450973].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jsmiz
    You already probably figured that you need to get your ctr's up some more, your cvr could be better...Was your targeting only: female, age, blue eyes, US? If its the case, you might want to add login count or session depth, would help with both ctr's & cvr's! Good luck!

    If you do POF ads, you need solid campaign tracking and managing. Contact me for more info!

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  • Profile picture of the author jesustamez
    Do you have blue eyes?
    To celebrate International 'Blue Eyes Day' Ugg are giving 1000 lucky blue eyed beauties a free pair of Ugg Boots. Claim yours!
    I would change the 'are' to 'is'.. if I saw this I would not click because of that, and put the quotes around 'international blue eyes day'.

    It's usually little stuff like this that can make someone exit the window. Hope this helps!
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    • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
      That brings up a good point. I've done ad text where I PURPOSELY make grammar mistakes and I've found the CTR is usually higher to be honest.

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    • Profile picture of the author MTVida
      I just got my first conversion on POF as well. Breaking even so far, so that's a good sign.

      I have a question to ask: Is it possible to track demographic data with sub ID tags, such as age, gender, income etc...

      Or would the solution be to just split test different groups with different settings?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5454402].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author QtoBrooklyn
        Originally Posted by MTVida View Post

        I just got my first conversion on POF as well. Breaking even so far, so that's a good sign.

        I have a question to ask: Is it possible to track demographic data with sub ID tags, such as age, gender, income etc...

        Or would the solution be to just split test different groups with different settings?
        On the page where all your creatives are, click 'View Cross Tab Reports' and you'll see the demographic breakdown of all the people who clicked on your ads by age, income, etc.

        "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members."

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  • Profile picture of the author KingOfMusic
    Ok guys what in the world is





    The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work. - Michael Jackson

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    • Profile picture of the author kakarotoni
      Originally Posted by KingOfMusic View Post

      Ok guys what in the world is





      POF= Plenty of Fish dating site

      LP = Landing Page
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5455050].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KingOfMusic
        Originally Posted by kakarotoni View Post

        POF= Plenty of Fish dating site

        LP = Landing Page
        Thanks kakarotoni!

        The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work. - Michael Jackson

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5455429].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Adam Smith
    I only targeted people with blue eyes do I don't think I alienated Anyone.. If anything I thought that was my "edge".. What was apparent is I didn't set up my tracking correctly.. I also only split test images and not ad copy or headlines.

    In people's experience is it worth targeting low paying email submits on Pof or is it better to target higher payout forms? I guess what I'm asking is, in general, how responsive is the traffic? I mean a horny man search for a woman is unlikely to fill out a "find me cheaper car insurance" offer.. Right??
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5456131].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MTVida
      Originally Posted by Adam Smith View Post

      I only targeted people with blue eyes do I don't think I alienated Anyone.. If anything I thought that was my "edge".. What was apparent is I didn't set up my tracking correctly.. I also only split test images and not ad copy or headlines.

      In people's experience is it worth targeting low paying email submits on Pof or is it better to target higher payout forms? I guess what I'm asking is, in general, how responsive is the traffic? I mean a horny man search for a woman is unlikely to fill out a "find me cheaper car insurance" offer.. Right??
      I've tried half a dozen campaigns on POF. The first several got no traction. Then I got to chatting with one of my AMs about POF and he asked me why I hadn't tried dating offers. It was kind of silly of me, because that's what EVERYONE making $$$ on POF talks about.

      I took his advice, ran a niche dating offer, and lo and behold: conversion!

      It was a $4.50 payout for a free signup, and I think it's rare for anyone to make real money outside of dating on POF. It's a good example of how the type of offer matters more than the conversion rate.

      From what I hear POF campaigns tend to need a bit more maintainance than some other platforms to keep them running profitably. It got one real advantage in that testing is super cheap.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5460011].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author espresso
        Originally Posted by MTVida View Post

        I've tried half a dozen campaigns on POF. The first several got no traction. Then I got to chatting with one of my AMs about POF and he asked me why I hadn't tried dating offers. It was kind of silly of me, because that's what EVERYONE making $$$ on POF talks about.

        I took his advice, ran a niche dating offer, and lo and behold: conversion!
        I didnt think POF would allow dating site offers to run for obnious reasons
        Do they allow adult dating offers (if no nudity in advert)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5507818].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TomFang
          Originally Posted by espresso View Post

          I didnt think POF would allow dating site offers to run for obnious reasons
          Do they allow adult dating offers (if no nudity in advert)
          No not at all. In general, they do not allow free dating sites and adult sites.

          Please stop making self-promotional posts. It wastes your time post them and ours deleting them
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5514483].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author guy99
            Thats awesome mate .....hope i too earn a lot from my POF account....
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  • Profile picture of the author steve m
    That CTR you have is awful, but good to see your trying it. Dating offers and lose weight offers are the main bread winners on POF.

    The only thing is that remember they are already on a dating site so you have to bring something else to the table, niche dating.

    Whether it be offers like Jewcier, Christin mingle or black people meet. just make the offers for dating different and track and test your campaign.

    Also i have found I have had much better results with banner creatives then small ads on POF.

    Also what did you set your CPM at? If you dont mind me asking

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  • Profile picture of the author MN786
    I think his CPM cost is $0.30 :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author webdave
    I don't understand- can you run dating offers on pof or not? One poster says yes yet another says no.
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    • Profile picture of the author MTVida
      Originally Posted by webdave View Post

      I don't understand- can you run dating offers on pof or not? One poster says yes yet another says no.
      The short answer is yes, you most certainly can, and they can be very profitable! You just have to run the right type of offers.

      The offers POF won't let you run are anything promoting free dating sites. Since POF is a free site, these sites compete with it directly. The offers you want to run are the offers for dating sites with a paid subscriptions, as they won't compete with POF directly.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5540619].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author webdave
        But don't most if not all dating sites allow you to sign up for free and then try to upsell paid memberships with more features? does pof allow these free signup sites with paid backend?
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        • Profile picture of the author TomFang
          Originally Posted by webdave View Post

          But don't most if not all dating sites allow you to sign up for free and then try to upsell paid memberships with more features? does pof allow these free signup sites with paid backend?
          They don't allow sites generally considered to be "free", where majority of users are on there for its free service. Anything that competes directly with POF in the free market is not allowed. Just use your common sense. If that doesn't work, ask Ben to make sure.

          Please stop making self-promotional posts. It wastes your time post them and ours deleting them
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5545768].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Brian Tilly
            Originally Posted by TomFang View Post

            They don't allow sites generally considered to be "free", where majority of users are on there for its free service. Anything that competes directly with POF in the free market is not allowed. Just use your common sense. If that doesn't work, ask Ben to make sure.

            Tom, great advice! I encourage everyone to check out Tom's site and guides. I have never met Tom personally yet, but he has some fishin' knowledge that could put your kids through college.. or mine if you don't have any kids! I will shoot you an email one of these days Tom, thanks for all your insight.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5548690].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author TomFang
              Originally Posted by Global23 View Post

              Tom, great advice! I encourage everyone to check out Tom's site and guides. I have never met Tom personally yet, but he has some fishin' knowledge that could put your kids through college.. or mine if you don't have any kids! I will shoot you an email one of these days Tom, thanks for all your insight.

              Any time! Thanks for spreading the word. It really helps.
              Please stop making self-promotional posts. It wastes your time post them and ours deleting them
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5551302].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pacelattin
    There are many problems with this:

    First, it's misleading, false and technically ILLEGAL.
    If you are claiming that UGG is giving away anything, you are lying, misleading a consumer. You are violating FTC regulations and run the risk of being sued and getting Peerfly in trouble.

    Second, disturbing that any guru is promoting or teaching you to do illegal things.

    You know what happens to these gurus? Here's a bunch of them that were caught and required to return all their money ever made after 1000's of dollars of legal fees. Some of them are bankrupt now.

    Affiliates Reach FTC Settlement, Forced to Shut Down Flogs
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5548794].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author LukePeerFly
      Originally Posted by pacelattin View Post

      There are many problems with this:

      First, it's misleading, false and technically ILLEGAL.
      If you are claiming that UGG is giving away anything, you are lying, misleading a consumer. You are violating FTC regulations and run the risk of being sued and getting Peerfly in trouble.

      Second, disturbing that any guru is promoting or teaching you to do illegal things.

      You know what happens to these gurus? Here's a bunch of them that were caught and required to return all their money ever made after 1000's of dollars of legal fees. Some of them are bankrupt now.

      Affiliates Reach FTC Settlement, Forced to Shut Down Flogs
      Pace is correct. I didn't even look at your ad copy when I first read your post, but that would definitely not be allowed and I'm surprised POF approved it.

      ^ My Blog

      Are you an affiliate that runs PPV advertising? You need my PPV target scraper!
      Have a Facebook Page? FPTraffic, manages over 1,000,000,000 (BILLION) Likes! Check it out :)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5548850].message }}

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