PinBall Publisher Network (PPN) Late on payment for the first time??? (January 2012)

2 replies
Hi there,

I have not received my Pinball Publisher network Payouts of January , is any one facing same problem ?

Actually my Payment sending date was 13-Feb-2012 via Wire transfer but i am not received the payouts yet . I am dealing with pinball publisher network from last 1.5 years but never faced this problem , but this time it is horrible , usually i gets payment with in 2 days of Payment sending date , but this time not .

I have tried to contact my affiliate manager , but he didnt gave any positive response .

is there anyone having the same problem like me ?

I request 's Account department to send my payouts asap.
#2012 #january #late #network #payment #pinball #ppn #publisher #time
  • Profile picture of the author kannikuku
    i am still waiting for reply from anyone .... plzz help me and reply me ...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5660534].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kannikuku
    I have got my payouts... thank god ...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5679214].message }}

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