Anyone using "Click Free" on 7Search?

by MTVida
9 replies
I was just setting up a campaign, and noticed a feature that allows you to use "click free" keywords.

This page explains what it's all about.

Just curious to know if anyone's had any experience with it, good or bad.
#7search #click free
  • Profile picture of the author Captain Planet
    They don't convert so don't use them!
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  • Profile picture of the author Traffic Master
    ^ Well said, I tried it to.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammed Hammad2
    They are just basically redirect crap traffic and 404 pages to your site.
    So they are just untargeted crappy traffic

    I think you shouldn't use them..
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    • Profile picture of the author MTVida
      Originally Posted by MidMido View Post

      They are just basically redirect crap traffic and 404 pages to your site.
      So they are just untargeted crappy traffic

      I think you shouldn't use them..
      Most people say the same thing about, yet there are people who make money with them.

      There are people who say that 7search traffic in general is crap. Then there are those who put in the extra effort to make it work and see a good return on their ROI. I've even made a sale, direct linking from 7search, so I can attest to the fact that there is quality traffic there.

      The click free traffic would not be completely untargeted, although probably less targeted than their traditional PPC ads. I imagine that one would have to track and block bad referrers, just like PPC.

      My instinct tells me that there is likely a way to make money using click free, but it would likely take a lot of work testing and tracking, and a bit of creativity.

      Often the people who are most successful are the ones who put in the extra effort into the ventures that everyone else gives up on. 7search is a prime example of this.
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  • Profile picture of the author JC Web
    It's a waste if money to use CF. Not only is it bad traffic, but according to my tracking and server logs, the traffic doesn't even actually arrive. I just did another test on click-free to verify and same thing - traffic doesn't even hit the server/page.
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    • Profile picture of the author MTVida
      Originally Posted by jpr View Post

      It's a waste if money to use CF. Not only is it bad traffic, but according to my tracking and server logs, the traffic doesn't even actually arrive. I just did another test on click-free to verify and same thing - traffic doesn't even hit the server/page.
      Hmmm, that is good information to know. That's the kind of experience that I was asking about, so thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author AymanGham
    I tied it today and stop it. Simply because I got 32 click and 0 Leads. I know I need to track and see which subid convert and which one not. However, I am starting with 7 search so I guess i will leave for later when I am going to have more experience with them.
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    • Profile picture of the author wesleywinter
      Same here! I tried some "cf" keywords with some of my campaigns and had no luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author QtoBrooklyn
    I actually had some conversions for an offer through CF, but the EPC was like $0.01 so not worth it..

    "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members."

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