Have you gotten WPGPT to work on a multisite install?

1 replies
I've been trying to get WPGPT working on a multisite install. So far no luck. It seems like the important parts of the script are encrypted so I can't do any debugging or error tracing. No php error files are generated but I just keep on going through the following cycle:

1) Go to main page
2) Click on "Dashboard" link
3) Takes me to login screen
4) Logging in takes me to "Your Profile" page
5) Go to step 1

If anyone has gotten WPGPT to work on a multisite install please let me know. I've tried playing around with the options but with encrypted parts of the script it's hard to trace any bugs.
#install #multisite #work #wpgpt
  • Profile picture of the author scorpio9
    what the hell is WPGPT?, perhaps is you explained what it is you may have more responses

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