14 replies
I am deciding which way i should go with my online career and I am after some honest feedback about your experience and knowledge of both ways to make money.

I am after way i can make consistent money over the long term and also can give me a good income in the next 2-3 months, which you do you recommend?
#cpa #selling #wso
  • Profile picture of the author JasonWestwick
    Why not do both,

    I make the vast majority of my income through CPA but also run the odd WSO now and then as well. Moreso to give back to the community than to earn an income but you can make decent money.

    If you are looking into product creation then don't just look at wso's, yes you immediately have a sizeable market but the vast majority of people who surf that particular forum are looking for a magic pill and are used to paying next to nothing for products so if you produce something of quality you are going to sell yourself short.

    Also what sort of skills do you have at the moment? what is currently producing your income? only produce wso's if you have something of quality to share.

    Everything you need to know about making money with CPA!!

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    • Profile picture of the author s1ngular1ty
      I guess it just depends on whether you think you have enough experience and knowledge to write WSO's that the community would really find useful.

      I think most of us started off promoting CPA's and then moved on to creating WSO's when we had some valuable experience and knowledge to pass on.

      If you are new I would just recommed you find a solid method in the WSO forum and work hard at it. You can move on to more original ideas when you have more experience in the industry.
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    • Profile picture of the author jerrymono
      Originally Posted by JasonWestwick View Post

      Why not do both,

      I make the vast majority of my income through CPA but also run the odd WSO now and then as well. Moreso to give back to the community than to earn an income but you can make decent money.

      If you are looking into product creation then don't just look at wso's, yes you immediately have a sizeable market but the vast majority of people who surf that particular forum are looking for a magic pill and are used to paying next to nothing for products so if you produce something of quality you are going to sell yourself short.

      Also what sort of skills do you have at the moment? what is currently producing your income? only produce wso's if you have something of quality to share.
      thanks for your feedback. I am in the middle learning CPA at the moment so i think i will stick to that and make the odd WSO from my learnings (like you do). I was going to do Kensters course on making WSO's but i dont want to overload myself and i guess i dont want to miss out on it either.
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      • Profile picture of the author MTVida
        Originally Posted by jerrymono View Post

        thanks for your feedback. I am in the middle learning CPA at the moment so i think i will stick to that and make the odd WSO from my learnings (like you do). I was going to do Kensters course on making WSO's but i dont want to overload myself and i guess i dont want to miss out on it either.
        That's the path I'm on right now, in fact. I have nothing but great things to say about Kenster's course. I'm even seeing more success with my CPA promotions, and I'm sure the mindset training has plenty to do with it.

        My advice would be to treat it like a business investment. When you are able produce enough capital through CPA:

        #1) You will have the money to reinvest and expand your business (duh!)

        #2) You'll have a solid income stream from CPA, and you'll approach product creation with a clearer mindset. Not "THIS method HAS to be the easy path to success that I need..." but "I'm already successful, and now I'm ready to see it grow!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Anton Nadilo
    It depends on your passion and level of knowledge. I would say that CPA is often the fastest and easy routes to makign money online - IF you follow a proven blueprint. Otherwise you coudl waste a LOT of money and time.

    The mistake I see people make with WSO's is they think the WF is the "be all and end all" for their product creation endeavours whereas the WF should really only be seen as a testing ground for your product. The real BIG money is to made launched outside the WF.

    My advice would be to focus on the CPA method and become very good at it then you will have plenty of content foir some killer WSO's.

    Hope this helps.


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    • Profile picture of the author jerrymono
      Originally Posted by Anton Nadilo View Post

      It depends on your passion and level of knowledge. I would say that CPA is often the fastest and easy routes to makign money online - IF you follow a proven blueprint. Otherwise you coudl waste a LOT of money and time.

      The mistake I see people make with WSO's is they think the WF is the "be all and end all" for their product creation endeavours whereas the WF should really only be seen as a testing ground for your product. The real BIG money is to made launched outside the WF.

      My advice would be to focus on the CPA method and become very good at it then you will have plenty of content foir some killer WSO's.

      Hope this helps.


      great advice thanks so much for your insights.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Rayman
      Originally Posted by Anton Nadilo View Post

      It depends on your passion and level of knowledge. I would say that CPA is often the fastest and easy routes to makign money online - IF you follow a proven blueprint. Otherwise you coudl waste a LOT of money and time.

      The mistake I see people make with WSO's is they think the WF is the "be all and end all" for their product creation endeavours whereas the WF should really only be seen as a testing ground for your product. The real BIG money is to made launched outside the WF.

      My advice would be to focus on the CPA method and become very good at it then you will have plenty of content foir some killer WSO's.

      Hope this helps.


      Your real advice is to be like you --> GURU
      Making false claims on your sh#t products and sell it to people that need to earn money. That's called scamming, btw..
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  • Profile picture of the author Manoj V
    Product creation and selling your own product is a notch above CPA. In CPA you're promoting others and you take a commission, shared at that, between you and the network. For reasons that I do not want to go into now, you may not even get the entire commission that you're entitled to. Moreover, when the promotion stops they don't really need you.

    Product creation makes you an owner of a product which you can sell and/or get affiliates to promote. You are using the leverage of others to make you income and depending upon the content and the niche, can keep bringing you income forever. When the sales for your product dip you can launch new versions of it and aim at even greater sales. You can keep launching products in the same niche or different niches.

    Hence product creation is better than CPA especially for the long term although CPA can bring you huge profits if done well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Royce Space
    If you do CPA or any Affiliate marketing online, your just simply buying leads to help the Advertiser or Product creator make more money.

    There's nothing wrong with that, you still get commissions you generated. But you don't have a complete control on landing pages, pricing and other stuff. At the same time, you don't need to handle the customer support. There's are Pro's and Con's of being publisher and advertiser.

    Now, in your post, which one you should go, I don't know, the only person capable of knowing that is YOU.

    I suggest start with one method first, and don't try to jump from one project to another one.

    The multiple streams of income can be very lucrative but when you just starting out, just stick with one method.

    Slow down, let go of the high emotions and unrealistic expectations and give yourself a real chance.


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  • Profile picture of the author outwest
    If you are new to IM how can you possibly sell WSO's? Unless you have some skill or knowledge set that is valuable to webmasters?
    Tech article writing .Native English Speaker(with Proof)
    specializing in SmartPhones , Internet security, high tech gadgets, search engines, tech shows, digital cameras.

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  • Profile picture of the author Exel
    Focus on one method and stay on it until you see results. You say you are interested in CPA,
    persist and see how it goes for you. If it goes well and you earn money, you can consolidate
    what you've learned, your process, and sell as a WSO.

    You can't just be a "WSO Seller". Need to have something to sell first, something people
    would be interested in buying or it won't work well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Scrape
    Its best to promote CPA offers than be a GURU.
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  • Profile picture of the author IamTJM
    As someone who has been successful in both areas, here are my two cents.

    Creating and selling WSOs has HUGE potential to make a lot of money. The biggest benefit is that you can build a big list of buyers in the process so you can ensure yourself of long-term income as well. However, you need to go about everything the right way or your WSO will be hung out to dry. Don't think that you will be able to make a whole bunch of money off of forum traffic alone. Trust me, even though there are thousands of people on the WSO section at any given moment, the traffic converts horribly in comparison with email traffic. I'm not saying it's impossible to make good money off of forum traffic, but you are going to need one heck of a sales page. That is why it is important to recruit affiliates, which is possibly the hardest part of launching a WSO. The big name affiliates will not promote a bad product, bad sales page, or something that will not make them a good amount of commissions. You will also be competing with other vendors that will be trying to recruit the same affiliates. In addition, if your WSO is successful, you will be dealing with a lot of questions, comments, and support issues. You really need to have a genuine will to help people out, or creating WSOs is going to be stressful for you. That is also why you need a good amount of knowledge and actually practice what you preach if you want people to trust and believe in your product. If you are willing to deal with all of that and are truly interested in helping people out, creating WSOs can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can go through.

    On the other hand, you can go about CPA in countless ways if you want. PPC, PPV, SEO, social media, etc. You can invest as little or as much time as you want, and your end results will reflect it. You have the potential to make a lot of money really fast with CPA as well, but it is going to require a lot of testing if you want to keep your income coming in long-term. Like any other internet marketing niche, you will need to learn a lot and do a significant amount of research if you want to make it a long-term business model. If you are using PPV or PPC traffic, you will be spend hours, days, even weeks and months testing EVERYTHING to optimize your conversions and maximize your earnings. If you use SEO for traffic, you need to be patient and be aware of Google's constant changes. Also, you won't have to deal with customers if you are not really a people person.

    Both have the potential to give you short and long-term income, but like anything else, you will have to dedicate yourself to learning how to approach things the right way or you can end up frustrated and broker than you started.

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    • Profile picture of the author jerrymono
      Originally Posted by IamTJM View Post

      As someone who has been successful in both areas, here are my two cents.

      Creating and selling WSOs has HUGE potential to make a lot of money. The biggest benefit is that you can build a big list of buyers in the process so you can ensure yourself of long-term income as well. However, you need to go about everything the right way or your WSO will be hung out to dry. Don't think that you will be able to make a whole bunch of money off of forum traffic alone. Trust me, even though there are thousands of people on the WSO section at any given moment, the traffic converts horribly in comparison with email traffic. I'm not saying it's impossible to make good money off of forum traffic, but you are going to need one heck of a sales page. That is why it is important to recruit affiliates, which is possibly the hardest part of launching a WSO. The big name affiliates will not promote a bad product, bad sales page, or something that will not make them a good amount of commissions. You will also be competing with other vendors that will be trying to recruit the same affiliates. In addition, if your WSO is successful, you will be dealing with a lot of questions, comments, and support issues. You really need to have a genuine will to help people out, or creating WSOs is going to be stressful for you. That is also why you need a good amount of knowledge and actually practice what you preach if you want people to trust and believe in your product. If you are willing to deal with all of that and are truly interested in helping people out, creating WSOs can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can go through.

      On the other hand, you can go about CPA in countless ways if you want. PPC, PPV, SEO, social media, etc. You can invest as little or as much time as you want, and your end results will reflect it. You have the potential to make a lot of money really fast with CPA as well, but it is going to require a lot of testing if you want to keep your income coming in long-term. Like any other internet marketing niche, you will need to learn a lot and do a significant amount of research if you want to make it a long-term business model. If you are using PPV or PPC traffic, you will be spend hours, days, even weeks and months testing EVERYTHING to optimize your conversions and maximize your earnings. If you use SEO for traffic, you need to be patient and be aware of Google's constant changes. Also, you won't have to deal with customers if you are not really a people person.

      Both have the potential to give you short and long-term income, but like anything else, you will have to dedicate yourself to learning how to approach things the right way or you can end up frustrated and broker than you started.
      thanks for the advice, it's invaluable. I have made up my mind to keep pursuing CPA and give back to everyone once i have learnt some really cool, profitable methods. Thanks to everyone else who posted their advice, i am really grateful of this community and the fantastic advice i get here
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