Advertising With CPA's Not Just Affiliate Marketing

3 replies
Anyone here using cpa networks to generate leads or sale products or services. If you are what are you putting down to use a network. I know some networks as as much as 5 grand in escrow. Anyone on the forum adverstising on networks like commission junction, clickbooth, azoogle, and if so what is the fastest and most cost effective way to use more networks for less startup funds.

Do you know any networks without deposits? What have been your experiences?
#advertising #affiliate #affiliate networks #cpa #cpa's #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author Luke Sample
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve Iser
      Actually it's because they want serious players - not just a bunch of total douchie merchants that will waste their time.

      Sorta verbatim from some of my CPA Network owner buds.
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      • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
        Lots of smaller networks don't require $5k on deposit. Start there and as you grow you can expand to the larger ones that do require larger deposits. Basically the big ones know they can get you traffic and leads and don't want to be chasing you down for the payment, so they'll require you to have a min on deposit all the time.
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        • Profile picture of the author Michael Francis

          Well i looking for lead generation for a program for timeshare. My problem is i spoke with someone from (an affiliate company manager from canada) and they are running the same program but they generate only less than a dozen leads for the program a month. So if i drop 5000$ for it into escrow for 10 leads a month which is not much money the problem is volume of leads for the amount if have in escrow. If i need to generate 1000 a month this would be a waste of my time or i would need to run with 50-100 networks to generate the type of leads i want which would be quit a lot of money into escrow. Im sure every network is different in the amount of leads they can generate but this is something im interested in. I got around 20,000$ to play with for this program but i dont got 6 figures to be dropping funds into multiple escrows for lead generation which the output is a small number. I know most of it is refundable. But i would like to know from people with hands on experience how to play ball our a few pointers and i will figure the rest out by myself.

          Luke yes many of times if not most of the time you get what you pay for and you always want the majors on your side.

          PPC. Yes that might be what i will do maybe use one big player and a few small networks to see what i get out of it.

          Steve maybe one of these programs (developed by and affiliate companies team) would pump numbers up if i spoke to a developer and they spoke with the bid dogs of there affiliate teams. And yes everyone wants serious players as the serious players want serious affliliate compaines also not just a sales pitch guarantee by a business developer of one.

          Does anyone have any experience running using a network for advertising and would have some good advice? So pointers or how to use the networks in the most productive way. Or the best way to get started? Which affliate network there are using to run there program and how well it is working?

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