The Best & Easiest Way to Learn CPA

12 replies
Many of you love to ask for “The Best”, “The Easiest” method. I don’t know whether there is a best method or not, however, I would like to share with you my experience about how I go about CPA.

Step #1: Join one or two CPA networks first

The first step is always the hardest but also the most important step. I recommend you join some newbie friendly networks like Peerfly and Maxbounty. After you joined the network, you will know more about how it works. You can ask your affiliate manager directly if you have questions or problems.

Step #2: Choose one traffic source you intend to implement and stick to it.

There are tons of traffic sources you can choose from. However, I highly recommend you stick with one traffic source. You need time to learn how it works until you can generate mass traffic.

Here is a thread that I created recently, you can take a look to see if you find something useful:
Analyzing Free Traffic and Paid Traffic
Each traffic source has its advantage and disadvantage, so do more research before you get started.

Step #3: Improve your skills day by day

Once you followed the first two steps, you will need to apply what you have learned consistently over the next weeks to months.. If you have questions about your offers, you can ask the affiliate manager of the network via email or instant messenger. If you have question about any traffic sources, feel welcome to discuss it with us.

Start implementing all 3 steps to achieve top results now.

To your success,

#cpa #easiest #fast #learn #money
  • Profile picture of the author CashAdsMike
    Great Advice Marcus. Thanks for taking the time to put this together and share it.
    CashAds LLC Affiliate Network
    Affiliate Manager / Marketing
    p: 888-425-7551 aim: CashAdsMike.
    Don't like it? We'll fix it. Don't have it? We'll get it.
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  • Profile picture of the author theimbible
    I think the end of Step 1 is often overlooked and can be very useful, by this I refer to the point of contacting your affiliate manager. Even if you do not have any problems, building a relationship with them can be very beneficial, most are more than happy to give you guidance, and let you know what types of marketing work best with which offers, never be afraid to approach them.
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    • Profile picture of the author iRocketEli
      Originally Posted by theimbible View Post

      I think the end of Step 1 is often overlooked and can be very useful, by this I refer to the point of contacting your affiliate manager. Even if you do not have any problems, building a relationship with them can be very beneficial, most are more than happy to give you guidance, and let you know what types of marketing work best with which offers, never be afraid to approach them.
      You hit the nail right on the head with that, We do our best to reach out to each and every affiliate but i would say at least 75% of affiliates lack that personal relationship with their AM's. I honestly wish more affiliates would approach their AM's and get to know them. We're not always about business, so don't be afraid to shoot an IM and say what's up.

      iRocket Media Performance Network
      AIM/Skype: iRocketEli
      Phone: +1 (734) 707-1364

      Sign Up for iRocket Media
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  • Profile picture of the author affguy89
    Great stuff and always test and scale up too.

    Affiliate links, templates, and redirects are not allowed.

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  • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
    Originally Posted by theimbible View Post

    I think the end of Step 1 is often overlooked and can be very useful, by this I refer to the point of contacting your affiliate manager. Even if you do not have any problems, building a relationship with them can be very beneficial, most are more than happy to give you guidance, and let you know what types of marketing work best with which offers, never be afraid to approach them.
    Yes, you are right. Building a good relationship with your affiliate manger is the key to succeed.
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    • Profile picture of the author ElGuapo
      IMO the best and easiest way is to give yourself full autonomy. Gurus, teachers, affiliate managers all have their place, but you really need to have the self-belief to try things for yourself rather than constantly refer to an operator's manual. Test new ideas, crunch numbers, look for patterns.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7085835].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
        Originally Posted by ElGuapo View Post

        IMO the best and easiest way is to give yourself full autonomy. Gurus, teachers, affiliate managers all have their place, but you really need to have the self-belief to try things for yourself rather than constantly refer to an operator's manual. Test new ideas, crunch numbers, look for patterns.
        Test, test and test. It's the key.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7090306].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author LukePeerFly
        Originally Posted by ElGuapo View Post

        IMO the best and easiest way is to give yourself full autonomy. Gurus, teachers, affiliate managers all have their place, but you really need to have the self-belief to try things for yourself rather than constantly refer to an operator's manual. Test new ideas, crunch numbers, look for patterns.
        Absolutely 100% correct.

        ^ My Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author 181liquid
    Grateful for WF
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    • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
      Originally Posted by RyanEagle View Post

      Wonderful information you've got here, but always test and try to scale up!

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