Where can I get PPC Training?

by Ryan3
15 replies
I have been trying to make money online for a long time and was wondering where i could get inexpensive ppc training, or perhaps a related WSO.
#ppc #training
  • check howie swatch 's courses
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  • Profile picture of the author Royce Space
    Originally Posted by Ryan3 View Post

    I have been trying to make money online for a long time and was wondering where i could get inexpensive ppc training, or perhaps a related WSO.
    PPC is tough game nowadays man. If you don't have at least $500, you will possibly fail. You can start with 7search (decent volume) but don't expect profit in your first try.

    In terms of training or course, don't bother with them, your CPA AM's or Ad networks rep can probably help you more...


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    • Profile picture of the author LukePeerFly
      Originally Posted by Royce Space View Post

      PPC is tough game nowadays man. If you don't have at least $500, you will possibly fail. You can start with 7search (decent volume) but don't expect profit in your first try.

      In terms of training or course, don't bother with them, your CPA AM's or Ad networks rep can probably help you more...


      I agree that 7Search is a good ad network to start with, but disagree with your $500 budget. I have plenty of publishers who are actively generating a decent ROI from an initial $50-100 deposit. The important thing is that you reinvest in each successful campaign so you can start testing new campaigns without having to front a bunch of money. That probably won't be a problem with 7Search either way, but the principle works with all traffic sources.

      The best way to learn is by testing in my opinion. No course is going to tell you any different, they're just going to try to lead you in the right direction with your testing. That speeds up the process, but in the end the result is the same.

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      • Profile picture of the author Royce Space
        Originally Posted by LukePeerFly View Post

        I agree that 7Search is a good ad network to start with, but disagree with your $500 budget. I have plenty of publishers who are actively generating a decent ROI from an initial $50-100 deposit. The important thing is that you reinvest in each successful campaign so you can start testing new campaigns without having to front a bunch of money. That probably won't be a problem with 7Search either way, but the principle works with all traffic sources.

        The best way to learn is by testing in my opinion. No course is going to tell you any different, they're just going to try to lead you in the right direction with your testing. That speeds up the process, but in the end the result is the same.
        Luke, just telling my experience. Well, it really depends with the person. As for me, it took me at least $500 - $600 before having positive ROI with PPC. Though PPV changes the game for me that time.
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        • Profile picture of the author PaulBaker
          I agree with Luke about testing although I personally lean towards Adcentre/Bing rather than 7search. It's not as cheap but it is more productive traffic. They also have a lot of tutorial videos to get you started.

          Most important thing imo is to just focus on one platform, regardless of which one and learn as much as you can about it, the forums and google are your friend. Then test, test, test.

          Put Your Money Where Your Mouth is: CLICK HERE

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          • Profile picture of the author kierahortonn
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            • Profile picture of the author bluebagger
              If you're looking for WSO's I personally found Nick Chou Easy TV Money (or something similar) to be a great education for starting out with PPC on AdCenter. Chad Hamzeh Traffic Black Book is also an excellent course not just for PPC but also other forms of paid traffic.
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      • Profile picture of the author Anil Kint
        Originally Posted by LukePeerFly View Post

        The best way to learn is by testing in my opinion. No course is going to tell you any different, they're just going to try to lead you in the right direction with your testing. That speeds up the process, but in the end the result is the same.
        @ OP , Any course would only help someone stop from making the initial mistakes. In PPC if not careful, you can loss big budgets very quickly. Testing & Tracking are two most important things anybody thinking of PPC should learn first. I do not recommend going directly to the Tier1 search engines if you are starting with out having any experience. Learning the ropes of PPC marketing ( which is usually associated with CPA/Affliate as part of the sales funnel) takes some time and extensive testing , aka hardwork. Do not expect money to roll into your account automatically after starting a campaign. If not careful there will be serious burns.

        If you seriously want to get into PPC marketing, then instead of a ebook kind of course look for a membership forum. You can take help of an experienced PPC marketer who is willing to help you at the initial stages. I think one of the members of this forum is running such site. Chad Hamze ( sixmonthsfromtoday.com) . check it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author CpayneGo
    I'm just now getting into PPC and am also looking for a training. There are so many variables to test (keywords, ad copy, bid, landing page copy, sales page copy, etc.) that it's really challenging. I'm on my second campaign at the moment. The first was a failure... spent about $150 on a direct linking campaign to an anxiety relief product. 0 ROI.

    I'd love to hear some advice on PPC.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mahmoud Selman
    Start with a 2nd tier PPC network with low budget.
    Do product and keywords research properly.
    Bid wisely and don't try to be always at the1st place.
    Use a tracking system as P202 and track/analyze your clicks and data.
    Do lot of testing and don't spend all your budget on one campaign.

    If you fail don't give up and try to find what was wrong.
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  • Profile picture of the author Xtronikz
    Everyone here who is saying their is no training but learning is partially right. Why the are partially right: you can go into a PPC network of your choosing blind folded and have no idea what youe doing and loose thousands in a matter of hours. Thats up to you. If I were to suggest a coaching program for you it would be PPC Coach :: #1 PPC Affiliate Marketing Training Site hands down the best!
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  • Profile picture of the author kdevarney
    ppc is not something you can just get an adwords or adcenter account throw up any old add advertising any old product you will lose your shirt that way. You need to track all of your campaigns with prosper 202 or some tracking software and monitor what key words are working for and which keys words are just costing you money. I would suggest starting with 7 search as you can get clicks for pennies, track everything and learn without losing your shirt if done correctly you camake money with any ppc network
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Adwords Miracle thought me a lot of the fundamentals of PPC ad writing.

    Cashvertising is great as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Man I've only been doing it for over 5 years now on my site!

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Ryan3 View Post

    I have been trying to make money online for a long time and was wondering where i could get inexpensive ppc training, or perhaps a related WSO.
    Ppccoach is probably the longest running ppc training forums
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