Easy way to make $$$ with crappy traffic...

by Cash37
14 replies
Please bear with the spelling as I am typing this from my phone. However I feel like this is a post that can benefit newbies and veterans alike. In the current climate of IM there are far too many people competiting for the same traffic, pushing the same offers, etc. to the point it becomes unprofitible for everyone involved.

One of my biggest issues as an affiliate is what I call the double whammy. That's when the traffic is insanely expensive thanks to the rush of new marketers, and advertisers scrubbing you to the point of unprofitability.

So what's an affiliate to do?

As an affiliate you are essentially the middle man between an advertiser and a traffic source. You make your money on the margin. So how can you increase your margin? Easy 2 ways:

1. Increase you conversion rate (test new angles, LPs)
2. Get cheaper traffic (what Im about to teach you)

Now when looking for cheap traffic there are two places to go (1) crappy networks (2) buy remnant traffic on reputable networks. The following strategy will work for either.

I personally like to buy remnant traffic. This is all the traffic that a network cannot sell and goes unsold. It is considered crap traffic but often resold through exchanges.

Here are my remnant traffic rules. (1) Always bid the minimum (2) CTR is king. No use buying the traffic if you cant get good cheap clicks.

I usually promote offers that pay $2 or more but have made money at lower payouts as well. When you dial this in you should be getting REALLY cheap clicks on some quality networks. When the clicks come this cheap conversion rate becomes a non factor.

Its nothing to have several really small campaigns making money. Im talking spending $5 or less a day for 100 clicks and $20 in conversions. Just yesterday one of my campaigns spent under $3 and did $17. All off "crap traffic."

This strategy adds a nice little bump to your income if you can get a couple of these rolling and they are actually pretty stable.

If you got some value out of this please let me know. I'll have some more tips like this coming soon.
#$$$ #crappy #inside #making #method #newbies #traffic #vets

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