Craigslist...Using CPA

29 replies
Any networks allow CPA advertising on craigslist? I can't see why not be what are thoughts?


#cpa #craigs list #craigslist #craigslistusing
  • Profile picture of the author DavePalermo
    Most will say no.
    But ask you affiliate manager.
    That's what they are there for.
    They will tell you no.

    And if you are like I was, you do it anyway.:rolleyes:
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    • Profile picture of the author soulglazed
      Originally Posted by DavePalermo View Post

      Most will say no.
      But ask you affiliate manager.
      That's what they are there for.
      They will tell you no.

      And if you are like I was, you do it anyway.:rolleyes:
      Hahah did you get banned or anything because of it?

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnPeters1983
      I wonder what network would if they would allow it...I don't know what the big deal is sending traffic from CL:rolleyes:

      Originally Posted by DavePalermo View Post

      Most will say no.
      But ask you affiliate manager.
      That's what they are there for.
      They will tell you no.

      And if you are like I was, you do it anyway.:rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author fnoperi1
    no i wouldn't do it. i got banned by doing that.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnPeters1983
      What networt was it?

      Originally Posted by fnoperi1 View Post

      no i wouldn't do it. i got banned by doing that.
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      • Profile picture of the author fnoperi1
        Originally Posted by JohnPeters1983 View Post

        What networt was it?
        i got banned by craigslist.
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  • Profile picture of the author itravel2004
    Most of cpa offer is not allowed in craigslist. I promote my cpa via 7 search
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  • Profile picture of the author Thepvaman
    If you're Smart enough you will Post to craigslist
    you need to understand when cpa manager said not to advertise on craigslist, It Means Only do not put their links in cl platform website
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  • Profile picture of the author Silentkiller1
    Ask your affiliate manager or do it other way. Make a squeeze page and get them on your list instead of sending them directly.
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  • I know peerfly doesn't
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  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    Its not allowed. Your account will be banned for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    I heard of some gurus sending a ton of traffic via cl, but the leads would ultimately turn out to be sub par and aff mgrs would give you the talk about getting banned.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnPeters1983
    I don't understand....for most cpa network it doesn't say no craigslist. Like how they say no social etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author BigAlrosen
    I could be wrong but can't you build a landing page on craigslist and then once someone clicks on it and it goes to your CPA website you created?
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  • Profile picture of the author griffeydays
    Craigslist traffic is fraudulent. Any network that openly says they'll accept craigslist traffic doesn't last long. Most of them don't care what you do as long as you're smart about it & don't get caught.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by JohnPeters1983 View Post

    Any networks allow CPA advertising on craigslist? I can't see why not be what are thoughts?


    These restrictions are actually normally set at the offer level and not the network level, but I do not know of any offers or networks that allow this
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  • Profile picture of the author iglweb
    There are ways around it, I know of a couple tricks.. Think of it this way you can advertise the offer on your site but have traffic coming from craigslist, traffic still come from your site but is generated by craigslist post.. This works but I do not use it anymore as I have grown past that stage.

    Still use at your own risk!
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  • Profile picture of the author MHelix
    Listen, to send clean traffic from CL you haft to redirect to YOUR lander (this does not violate the rules of CPA), then give the user the option to fill the CPA. Just sell the hit on your lander and profit. Don't forget to capture an e-mail for your efforts. Also you can not auto redirect from you lander to the offer, most CPAs will ban this action, however, if the user initiates the action, it is clean.

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    • Profile picture of the author griffeydays
      Originally Posted by MHelix View Post

      Listen, to send clean traffic from CL you haft to redirect to YOUR lander (this does not violate the rules of CPA), then give the user the option to fill the CPA. Just sell the hit on your lander and profit. Don't forget to capture an e-mail for your efforts. Also you can not auto redirect from you lander to the offer, most CPAs will ban this action, however, if the user initiates the action, it is clean.

      Landing page or no landing page, if someone who got to your offer via craigslist goes through the proper channels to report it to the advertiser, you will not be paid any of your commission owed & also sometimes lose your account at the network.

      I was reported for craigslist traffic half a dozen times when I first started in IM. I wasn't even posting a link on CL, I was building lists & sending out email. Lists scanned for known spamtraps, my own landing pages, & everything cloaked. The bottom line with CL traffic is don't get caught & make sure you don't run it to the same network account you're generating legit commission on, because you might just lose that too.

      @Mikestankowski I wouldn't say not worth it, as I spent years generating xx,xxx monthly from CL. But by all means if you have legit traffic sources, that's a better route.
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      • Profile picture of the author sophiajhon123
        Mostly CPA web sites not allowed CL traffic but you can use
        landing pages
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        • Profile picture of the author BigAlrosen
          Are you saying they allow you to link back to a landing page on CL for CPA offers?


          Originally Posted by sophiajhon123 View Post

          Mostly CPA web sites not allowed CL traffic but you can use
          landing pages
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  • Profile picture of the author japaneseinked
    I am curious as to why this would not be permitted? What would be the bad results of promoting on CL?
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  • Profile picture of the author getseoonline
    although there are still some networks that are still cl friendly i suppose you stay away and look for other traffic source.
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  • Profile picture of the author robo916
    I just got accepted into Max Bounty. Anyone know if they don't like CL posting? Im curious like the other guy...why is this frowned upon? The person is choosing to click your ad and choosing to click your link so it's not like you are hijacking their computer and forcing them to go to your cpa offer....I don't get it...

    Internet business where someone else does all of the set-up, selling, and follow-up FOR YOU! ==> Click Here

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    • Profile picture of the author Brandon Tillman
      This thread is quite funny in a sense and I respect facts being told by people who know the deal within CPA. But you know what i'm really tired of? The fact that majority of people on this thread says no reputable network allows CL or the garbage networks allow CL...honestly I can say that is BS and 9 times outta 10 you don't know what you are talking about and regurgitating answers seen by others.

      I can name 3 reputable networks that in fact do allow CL from my personal experience but I would rather not say to protect my account. It may not be allowed for every offer inside of the network but for most email/zip submits it is for the simple fact that it converts on the backend.

      If you send traffic to a lander you are safe. You might even be able to get away with posting directly on CL if the network allows it. But all of the noob talk about how EVERY network doesn't accept it really irritates me at times. I can tell for a fact that you have neither pushed the boundaries or sat down to speak with your AM about it.

      To answer your question....Yes it does work pick your networks wisely though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    I would suggest against this, unless your CPA manager says it's okay.

    But also consider, that craigslist basically hates people who promote affiliate offers.

    Keep that in mind.
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    • Profile picture of the author DanielMob
      Yeah I wouldn't go there as well...
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