POF Question For A Newbie

12 replies
I've only been doing CPA for a couple of months and right now I'm focusing on 1 offer. I will not move to anything else until I get this sucker down! I know it converts because I have conversions. Which is awesome...

But I've reached the point where I don't know when to stop ads that are converting. Right now, I have converting ads and they are starting to lose money on my impression spend for that creative. Is that a correct way to look at it?

I feel like I'm missing something and I need some help seeing how do you maintain your "working" creatives. OR do you just concern yourself with the #'s at the campaign level? .....so confused....

Any help out there for a newbie?
#newbie #pof #question
  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    If you are using tracking, take a look at your trends. If you a consistent dropping slope on a daily basis (overall CTR slide), that can be a quick warning sign to pause your ads.

    But it seems like they aren't profitable at all. So why continue running them if this continues to be a consistent thing. Unless you can drop your CPC, CPM, increase CTR or CVR, kill the ads.
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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    • Profile picture of the author slappytheking
      JustinDupre....thanks for the advice. I guess I still need to get used to all of this CPA stuff. I have P202, I have different EPC's for the converting creatives, but I'm still lost with how you maintain them. I mean, I've read about rules for testing creatives (ie maintain 1% per 1K impressions at the beginning to see if you are going to keep a creative or not) but I have no idea how to maintain creatives that have produced a lead and have shown that they work. It's mind boggling to me. What is the measurement to keep or kill...I have no idea what to look at....

      Thanks again for your help.
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      • Profile picture of the author PaulBaker
        Hey Slappy,

        Don't get too bogged down at a creatives level, you'll drive yourself crazy.

        Personally, I keep an eye on creative ctr but other than that I look at CVR from a campaign level. Is the campaign profitable or not? If not, you're better off creating new campaigns than spending your time analyzing individual creatives.

        Some/most campaigns just don't work but if you know the offer converts and have some working images etc. take the data you have so far and try it with a different angle or IAB banners etc.

        Put Your Money Where Your Mouth is: CLICK HERE

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  • Profile picture of the author surreal
    You may want to read the POF blog, or check out Mr Green's (mrgreen.am) site.

    There are a few tricks for this. The easiest one, is to find many performing creatives - then pause some for safe keeping in the safe future once the others begin to drop. Another, is to use login count to give those users a break who have seen the ad.
    In fact, here is a link: Extend the life of your POF campaigns with 1 ELITE trick. « Ads.pof.com Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by slappytheking View Post

    I've only been doing CPA for a couple of months and right now I'm focusing on 1 offer. I will not move to anything else until I get this sucker down! I know it converts because I have conversions. Which is awesome...

    But I've reached the point where I don't know when to stop ads that are converting. Right now, I have converting ads and they are starting to lose money on my impression spend for that creative. Is that a correct way to look at it?

    I feel like I'm missing something and I need some help seeing how do you maintain your "working" creatives. OR do you just concern yourself with the #'s at the campaign level? .....so confused....

    Any help out there for a newbie?
    Make sure your tracking so you know which ads/creatives are working and which ones aren't.. then just de-active ads once they stop being profitable
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  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    Where are you running the ads? On POF?

    Listen, you need to track everything, this is a must. Try prosper.

    If you start to narrow down your targeting too, within your back office campaign area, then you will see better ROI for sure. Getting it right takes time and testing.

    Good job and keep it up. Instead of relying on answers from others, go out and find them out yourself, it's much more fun that way.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

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  • Profile picture of the author slappytheking
    THANK YOU SO MUCH!! My big problem was looking at the creative level not the campaign. That is such a weight off my shoulders!!

    I have everything tracked with P202 and yes I'm at POF. I honestly think that if I focus on campaign level, then I will know instantly if things are working or not.

    I guess I need the discipline to stop campaigns that are not profitable even-though they are getting leads.

    Thank you WF!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    Hi, it seems that you have a good work ethic, focusing to 1 offer only, it helps when you know that it converts. Well, as a marketer, we all know that it comes all to TESTING, so I think you need to test several other promotional materials maybe different banners images, landing pages, etc.

    Hope it helps

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  • Profile picture of the author slappytheking
    Guys & Gals....

    FYI!!!! Been hemorrhaging money because of my focus on creatives and not on the ROI at campaign. Thank you so much. I'm pissed but pleased and I'm not giving up...NO WAY! Bring it on!! The upside to this is too great....

    Very cool...I'll let ya know WHEN I make it.......


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  • Profile picture of the author bizoppmaster
    POF is simple:

    1. Find high CTR images to bring your CPC down.
    2. Find offers that convert and have over 50 cent EPC
    3. Only run profitable ads

    Good luck!
    (4) Spots Left For Private Coaching | TheProfitCoach.com | Skype: jon.mac303
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  • Profile picture of the author slappytheking
    $3 in profit yesterday!!!!! Couldn't be happier...pieces are falling into place!!!

    Thank you everyone!!!

    Peace, Love, Van Halen

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  • Profile picture of the author Ruck
    It's called ad-decay and that's what you get a lot of with a site such as POF. You need to test frequency caps + login counts. While testing out new ads, try pausing your current ones and then firing them up in a day or two for another quick burst of traffic.
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