by MattC
5 replies
Hey everyone,

As we know, facebook is getting so tight with approving ads that if you left some coal up its ass you'd get a diamond out in two weeks.

I used to run good dating offers with them. Anything non-generic worked quite well, for example:

latina dating
asian dating

And so on..

However, after got my clicks down to 0.07-0.09c they started finding any reasons to refuse me.

So....Facebook likes clean, puritanical dating sites. Fair enough.

Anyway, I'm looking to run these offers elsewhere. And as they are not adult and not entirely "clean love-dovey" either, (although they are genuine) then I was thinking torrent sites are the way to go.

I just got some great banners made.

Can anyone help me out with traffic networks that are used to display banners and get cheap clicks?

I know conversions are low with this kind of unfocused traffic, but I think it's worth a pop.

#torrent #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    Please update the thread after reviewing the result. I think the conversion rate will not that small.
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    • Profile picture of the author MattC
      Originally Posted by marketwarrior06 View Post

      Please update the thread after reviewing the result. I think the conversion rate will not that small.
      Sure I will let you know how it converts.

      Can anyone help out by giving some tips on where to get traffic for casual dating (except adult sites)?

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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7302702].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MattC
      Originally Posted by areoo View Post

      Have you tried 7search? heard that dating offers work well there.
      Yes I have. However, I'm looking to drive much more volume that what 7search provides.
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    I've been trying this out, but adult traffic is so-so quality. I don't think it's worth even $0.05 a click.

    For torrent sites you're probably better off cutting a direct advertising deal with the site. Ha ha ha, I bet no Warrior has thought of that before. Many torrent sites have real problems getting anyone to advertise on them since they're pariahs.

    Of course you need to cover your own tracks as advertisers probably don't want their ads appearing on torrent sites (so just make your own ads).
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