Do These Numbers Make Sense?

9 replies
I'm going to be doing some CPM to promote my squeeze page for a dating website I'm creating. I was going through the numbers and want to see if I have it accurate and to see if I'm missing something.

I bid $0.15 per 1000 impressions and my budget is $50.
@$50 equals ~333,000 impressions.
Assuming a 30% CTR, that's 99,900 who visit the squeeze page
And assuming a 30% opt-in rate, that's close to 30,000 subscribers.

Does this sound about right?

I ask b/c I want to budget properly and determine what the value of the subscribers will be and what the ROI can potentially be.
#make #numbers #sense
  • Profile picture of the author iJonathan
    Before going any further, what makes you estimate that the opt-in rate is 30%?
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  • Profile picture of the author AT-Copy
    It's impossible to tell how realistic your numbers are without knowing your traffic source, but 30% CTR should be possible on SOME sources (although not easy). 30% opt-in might be trickier, but it depends whether you've got a proven landing page.
    High-Converting Email Sequences and Squeeze Pages
    You've heard the money is in the list...but are you satisfied with your email marketing conversion rates?
    Hire me today to unlock your list's true earning potential!
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    30% CTR is way to high.

    30% is do able if you have the skills.

    But this all guesstimates since I don't know your traffic source or niche ect...
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  • Profile picture of the author frank-germany
    30% on that traffic source you are going be very rich
    and please tell me what you do in terms of landing pages

    but only when you really got more then
    0.05% CTR

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  • Profile picture of the author comodo427
    Originally Posted by Innovator3 View Post

    I'm going to be doing some CPM to promote my squeeze page for a dating website I'm creating. I was going through the numbers and want to see if I have it accurate and to see if I'm missing something.

    I bid $0.15 per 1000 impressions and my budget is $50.
    @$50 equals ~333,000 impressions.
    Assuming a 30% CTR, that's 99,900 who visit the squeeze page
    And assuming a 30% opt-in rate, that's close to 30,000 subscribers.

    Does this sound about right?

    I ask b/c I want to budget properly and determine what the value of the subscribers will be and what the ROI can potentially be.
    I'm assuming your referring to banner impressions.

    Your living in a fantasy world if you think your going to get 30% click through on a banner. !% CTR is considered to be above average CTR.
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  • Profile picture of the author Innovator3
    That's what I was mistaking - the CTR and the opt-in rate. I'll be using POF advertising and the target audience is men in the dating niche.

    I used a 30% opt-in rate because I've read in another post that when using squeeze pages to build a list will get an average 30% opt-in rate but more going for a 50-60%. I'm being conservative.
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    • Profile picture of the author jsmiz
      Originally Posted by Innovator3 View Post

      That's what I was mistaking - the CTR and the opt-in rate. I'll be using POF advertising and the target audience is men in the dating niche.

      I used a 30% opt-in rate because I've read in another post that when using squeeze pages to build a list will get an average 30% opt-in rate but more going for a 50-60%. I'm being conservative.
      Maybe a 30% optin rate, but certainly not a 30% CTR on POF ads!

      If you do POF ads, you need solid campaign tracking and managing. Contact me for more info!

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    • Profile picture of the author Greedy
      Originally Posted by Innovator3 View Post

      That's what I was mistaking - the CTR and the opt-in rate. I'll be using POF advertising and the target audience is men in the dating niche.

      I used a 30% opt-in rate because I've read in another post that when using squeeze pages to build a list will get an average 30% opt-in rate but more going for a 50-60%. I'm being conservative.
      A 30% CTR on POF is insane, I would just test the campaign for yourself.

      You can't test anything in your head as much fun as it is.
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