41 replies
Where is the best install location? Is it file manager>web root? Or should you create sub domain?

#install #prosper202
  • Profile picture of the author ferdmag
    You will make the best of it if installed in the root directory of a domain. I got myself a cheap .info domain and installed it. This way I know the domain is dedicated to my tracking needs. If you rather want to create a subdomain for this, there is no big deal. But remember to install it in the root directory and you will be just fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Marzinzik
    I just installed it 3-days ago. Used a sub-domain and everything installed quickly. Tried to install on a sub folder and it failed. Must be either a domain or sub-domain.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I like to use it on a root domain, but a subdomin will work as well
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  • Profile picture of the author LukePeerFly
    I have both setup. They work the same.

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  • Profile picture of the author bizoppmaster
    Def check out CPVlab as well. The split-testing capabilities are awesome!
    (4) Spots Left For Private Coaching | TheProfitCoach.com | Skype: jon.mac303
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  • Profile picture of the author loss1988
    I always install it on sub-domain, it works well, the same with cpvlab.
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  • Profile picture of the author djragon
    Thanks for all the replies. Another quick question, I put it in domain web root directory, will there be a conflict with the site content in that folder?
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  • Profile picture of the author seregap
    yes, you need a dedicated domain or subdomain for prosper202. cant have a website sitting in there as well
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Irwin
    I just bought a cheap, short domain name and put Prosper202 in the root. The domain isn't used for anything else. Didn't know you could use a subdomain but I probably wouldn't have anyway.

    Also went with a managed VPS server.
    101 Web Template - Set up your first website easily with a template.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dunhill
    I am having a same problem. Haven't installed any website. Tried installing prosper on both main and subdomain and it still doesn't work.

    Q: After installing prosper on main domain. Don't I go to prosper.mydomain.com to start installing?
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  • Profile picture of the author Dunhill
    NVM Thanks to MTVida. I checked your website and followed your video and now it is working!
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  • Profile picture of the author NameThatCandy

    is root domain equal to public.html?

    I uploaded to the public.html, when i go to my domain, it said "this domain just registered."

    It didn't show the prosper202 page!

    What did I do wrong?

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  • Profile picture of the author thisisraz65
    Both work fine.......
    No signature right now
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    It is the same root or sub-domain.

    Just don't try to install it into a folder, that won't work.

    And don't use a URL with your name it or something like that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alan Mc Donald
      I had an issue installing p202 earlier this week on the root of a new domain

      I followed MTVida's tutorial to a 'T'

      The install seemed to go fine but when I logged into the p202 install, I had multiple login screens all over the place.

      I deleted the install and done another fresh install using MTVida's wonderfull tutorial but still the same (see screenshot attached)


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      • Profile picture of the author mraudi
        Originally Posted by Alan Mc Donald View Post

        I had an issue installing p202 earlier this week on the root of a new domain

        I followed MTVida's tutorial to a 'T'

        The install seemed to go fine but when I logged into the p202 install, I had multiple login screens all over the place.

        I deleted the install and done another fresh install using MTVida's wonderfull tutorial but still the same (see screenshot attached)

        I would suggest contacting your host provider, they should be able to fix that issue. Maybe your host is missing something that is required for prosper to run properly.

        Ninety-nine percent of advertising doesn't sell much of anything.

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      • Profile picture of the author MTVida
        Originally Posted by Alan Mc Donald View Post

        I had an issue installing p202 earlier this week on the root of a new domain

        I followed MTVida's tutorial to a 'T'

        The install seemed to go fine but when I logged into the p202 install, I had multiple login screens all over the place.

        I deleted the install and done another fresh install using MTVida's wonderfull tutorial but still the same (see screenshot attached)

        Alan, that does look very strange.

        Who are you using for hosting, if you don't mind telling?
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    • Profile picture of the author NameThatCandy
      Originally Posted by Greedy View Post

      It is the same root or sub-domain.

      Just don't try to install it into a folder, that won't work.

      And don't use a URL with your name it or something like that.
      here is the pic from my cpanel, i installed in the root directory (public_html)

      Is it right?

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  • Profile picture of the author mraudi
    You need to use the nameservers your web host (vps). They provide it when you get your account details.

    Ninety-nine percent of advertising doesn't sell much of anything.

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    • Profile picture of the author NameThatCandy
      Originally Posted by mraudi View Post

      You need to use the nameservers your web host (vps). They provide it when you get your account details.
      thanks, I just emailed my web hosting company.
      Hope it would work after this!
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      • Profile picture of the author mraudi
        Originally Posted by redlegrich View Post

        I never got this to run. I installed it on a subdomain on BlueHost, it loads and installs OK, however once you login in it never does anything. It just sites there like a big steamy you know what.

        BlueHost was no help, no help in the Prosper forum. No ideas from WF either. Bluehost meets all the minimum requirements so have no idea what the problem is. Oh well.
        I got this directly from the prosper site:

        I'm interested in running Prosper202 <http://prosper.tracking202.com/apps/> a pay per click analytics software and I was wondering if my account supported the following:

        PHP 5.0 or greater
        MySQL 4.0 or greater
        The mod_rewrite Apache module

        What did bluehost say though regarding the problem you were having? There's something missing with your host provider if it just sits there blank.

        Originally Posted by NameThatCandy View Post

        thanks, I just emailed my web hosting company.
        Hope it would work after this!
        What web host company are you with if you don't mind me asking?

        Ninety-nine percent of advertising doesn't sell much of anything.

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        • Profile picture of the author NameThatCandy
          Originally Posted by mraudi View Post

          I got this directly from the prosper site:

          What web host company are you with if you don't mind me asking?
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  • Profile picture of the author redlegrich
    I never got this to run. I installed it on a subdomain on BlueHost, it loads and installs OK, however once you login in it never does anything. It just sites there like a big steamy you know what.

    BlueHost was no help, no help in the Prosper forum. No ideas from WF either. Bluehost meets all the minimum requirements so have no idea what the problem is. Oh well.
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  • Profile picture of the author bit twiddler
    There are many issues plaguing p202 these days. I have experienced many different issues with installing p202. I've done extensive reading and attempted installations on several different hosts. In general, there are a great many people facing install difficulties with p202, much of it comes from the varied policies and software backbones of the many different hosts. As well, p202 admits that they just can't satisfy the requirements of many of the hosts out there. This, I think, is why they are somewhat emphatic about p202 users buying hosting from Beyond. They have a partner arrangement with Beyond that includes an incentive (discount) at Beyond and it comes with the latest p202 pre-installed.

    Hosts I have tried:

    Now I can tell you I have read where there are others that claim they have it working on a couple of these hosts, but with some frequent errors. Most errors, I have found, are the result of these hosts actually not allowing "localhost". Apparently, with a couple of these hosts, one can call support and arrange a different path.

    Also, I tried these installs on shared hosting, VPS, and dedicated servers. Only one install went smoothly and as promised and that was on a dedicated server with LunarPages.

    I am not a fan of companies that offer a free software version of a paid service or product and then don't properly maintain or support the service or product. After all, the free line is supposed to be used to get one interested and hooked so that one will pay for the upgraded product or service. In my view, p202 fails miserably at this.

    Now, I am new to CPA. I am not new to IM or software. In fact, I developed software in the late 90's and early 2k's for banks and credit unions. I have a fairly adequate mind for the needs of software companies having to build good will with free versions and trial platforms.

    When it comes to p202, I know there are many out there that have figured out a way to get p202 working for them. Many on this forum rave about it. However, for every one I see working, I see at least one that isn't. This is simply to high a rate of difficulty and creates a rumble of animosity among new users that will never return to 202 for the paid version of their tracking because they allowed mis-trust to develop among the new users that failed to get the free version to work.

    The free version of 202 is part of their sales funnel and it needs to get cleaned up, or it needs to be removed. In the meanwhile, I recommend BEVO. They have an easy to setup, and use, free version. I know there are others, but I can't report on them yet as I haven't tried them yet. When I do, I'll come back and report on them.

    In the meanwhile, get on board with BEVO! Get in touch with Troy, here in the forum with questions. He's great guy. Find Troy here...BEVO Troy

    T J
    T J Tutor
    T J Tutor, LLC
    Syracuse, NY 13224
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  • Profile picture of the author mraudi
    When I first started out, I installed prosper on shared hosting (stablehost.com) and it worked great. I didn't get any errors at all, the installation went smooth as silk. However I like to mention that I am not affiliated with stablehost in any way. I'm just speaking from experience, so anyone that's considering shared hosting and one that supports prosper with no issues, try them out.

    Ninety-nine percent of advertising doesn't sell much of anything.

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    • Profile picture of the author NameThatCandy
      Originally Posted by Bevo Troy View Post

      Thanks Bit! If anyone needs any help with Bevo Media, feel free to reach out!

      I pm you about Bevo this morning, did you get my pm?

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    • Profile picture of the author amanita
      Originally Posted by Bevo Troy View Post

      Thanks Bit! If anyone needs any help with Bevo Media, feel free to reach out!

      Hi Troy,

      I too sent you a PM.

      Please respond it.

      Thank you in advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author NameThatCandy
    Good News!! I got Prosper202 installed successfully!!
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  • Profile picture of the author mariof
    I wouldn't install 202 on your main domain. It just makes it easier to reverse engineer all your campaigns and keywords. Use a cheap .info domain.
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  • Profile picture of the author kkunal
    Prosper202 can't be installed on Hostgator shared hosting? I just did all the steps and read that I would need VPS hosting for it.

    Any other free solution, as I already do have shared HG hosting and spending for VPS right now wouldn't be wise.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnbrown12
    both should be fine but if you have any error message please let us know
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