Content Locking is Black Hat?

by sladex
9 replies
Hello Guys,
I would like to ask is the content locking is black hat?
If I make a LP with video, and content lock with locker and it will unlock only if the people finish offer.
It sounds like black hat for me as you force people to finish offer even if they're not interested in it, I'm not sure, so would like to ask you how it is?
#black #content #hat #locking
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    It's not blackhat, it's considered incentive.. you are offering the visitor something for filling out the offer
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    • Profile picture of the author sladex
      Thank You I understand now.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisMoon
    It's a reward you're offering for completing the sign up. Definitely not blackhat


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  • Profile picture of the author chempez
    but some cpa offer don't allow content locker, you better check terms first..

    Don't let the HAT fool you !!

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  • Profile picture of the author Samrath Gupta
    Nope. It isn't blackhat.

    It is actually incentive..

    You are asking you are asking people to do something specific like Signing up or doing a simple email submit to get access to your webpage,etc.

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    • Profile picture of the author Patrick Smith
      Hi Sladex,

      it is absolutely an incentive. However, there are CPA networks which are specialized on content locking offers (google them!). Check them out, especially their terms and conditions (particularly what content locking methods you may use and what kind of content you are allowed to lock).
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  • Profile picture of the author AdscendTony
    Originally Posted by sladex View Post

    Hello Guys,
    I would like to ask is the content locking is black hat?
    If I make a LP with video, and content lock with locker and it will unlock only if the people finish offer.
    It sounds like black hat for me as you force people to finish offer even if they're not interested in it, I'm not sure, so would like to ask you how it is?

    It isn't normally blackhat, unless you are locking content that violates a network's TOS. Most often, that content is copyrighted material. I work for a content locking network, so let me know if you have any questions.
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  • Profile picture of the author SandraLarkin
    Just stick with the networks that are exclusive content locking networks.
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