Noob - CPA + PPC affiliate marketing

by mraudi
12 replies
Hey Warrriors,

Like the title states, I just started reading up on CPA + PPC affiliate marketing. The more I read about it, the more interesting it is. I've signed up for 3 CPA networks and have gotten accepted to 1 so far. I like to know what is a good budget to start with since I am completely new to this.

I am ready to be burned for my first try but hey that's how you learn right? Also, if guys don't mind sharing, how big/small of a budget did you first start with?
#affiliate #cpa #marketing #noob #ppc
  • Profile picture of the author MilkerFocus
    Hello, Mraudi.
    I think you can buy coupon before you use your money. Like if you choose Facebook as your traffic source, you can buy $50 coupon on fiverr which saves you $45.


    Originally Posted by mraudi View Post

    Hey Warrriors,

    Like the title states, I just started reading up on CPA + PPC affiliate marketing. The more I read about it, the more interesting it is. I've signed up for 3 CPA networks and have gotten accepted to 1 so far. I like to know what is a good budget to start with since I am completely new to this.

    I am ready to be burned for my first try but hey that's how you learn right? Also, if guys don't mind sharing, how big/small of a budget did you first start with?
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  • Profile picture of the author Dunhill
    I started PPV with $300. $200 for Leadimpact, $45 for VPS hosting, $10 for domain, rest for 1 hour coaching to learn how to setup landing page, tracking.

    I just hated FB ads, adwords, and few other platforms so I decided to do PPV instead of PPC
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Facebook Ads is hard place for beginners to start off at. I would go with something like PPV or POF Ads.

    Budget can range anywhere from $500 to $2,000.

    It took me $2,000 and 3 months of work before I got profitable enough to do this full time.

    If you don't have that kind of budget just starting with some Free Traffic Methods.
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  • Profile picture of the author mraudi
    Thanks guys for the replies. I am going to start with $300 budget for now. Hopefully when money is not as tight, I will increase my budget and whatever I profit will be re-invested back in. Been looking at POF for starting out, we'll see how that goes!

    Ninety-nine percent of advertising doesn't sell much of anything.

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  • Profile picture of the author nickimfx
    You can start on some advertising platforms with $25 and then you could test 2 campaigns. Buy 1,000 clicks and see if 1% per cent sign up. That's 10 people signing up. If you have an ROI of 100% from your sign-ups you are on to a winner. Be good and reasonable / realistic with yourself. Rome was not built in a day. I have been some special training sessions with some of the top guys and they have all had failed campaigns but they did not stop they kept on testing. It is all about testing, testing, and more testing, which of course leads to more money in the long run. Do not be put off by a couple of small losers but keep them small. Good luck Nick
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  • Profile picture of the author mraudi
    Thanks nickimfx for taking the time to write here. I'm in the process of making a campaign and am very anxious to see the results. I hope for the best but if all fails, I will continue to tweak accordingly because I'm not going to let a little failure beat me down.

    Ninety-nine percent of advertising doesn't sell much of anything.

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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    I don't agree really with doing "free" traffic first. Over the years I've learned that "free" traffic is MORE work for far less rewards. Very frustrating but maybe I never did it right!

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    • Profile picture of the author mraudi
      I'm going with paid traffic PPC-Coach, thanks for clearing that up and I totally agree with you on that part.

      Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

      I don't agree really with doing "free" traffic first. Over the years I've learned that "free" traffic is MORE work for far less rewards. Very frustrating but maybe I never did it right!


      Ninety-nine percent of advertising doesn't sell much of anything.

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      • Profile picture of the author overseer
        I am also trying to learn CPA + PPC... keep me updated!

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  • Profile picture of the author Irwin Dominguez

    I'm an affiliate marketer but completely new to PPC. I used to be an accountant so I feel comfortable analyzing numbers and PPC data looks "fun" to analyze.

    I'm currently playing around with Bing ads. I saw a webinar with Armand Morin on how to get 'penny' clicks on Bing. It was jam packed with info, but since I'm so new it didn't cover everything I wanted to learn.

    I would like to learn advertising on Bing, specifically in the Content Network because I heard it's best to advertise there rather than the search network.

    What is your opinion on this?

    Also, is this a good starting point for someone completely new to any form of paid advertising, specifically PPC?

    Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you.

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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
      Originally Posted by Irwin Dominguez View Post


      I'm an affiliate marketer but completely new to PPC. I used to be an accountant so I feel comfortable analyzing numbers and PPC data looks "fun" to analyze.

      I'm currently playing around with Bing ads. I saw a webinar with Armand Morin on how to get 'penny' clicks on Bing. It was jam packed with info, but since I'm so new it didn't cover everything I wanted to learn.

      I would like to learn advertising on Bing, specifically in the Content Network because I heard it's best to advertise there rather than the search network.

      What is your opinion on this?

      Also, is this a good starting point for someone completely new to any form of paid advertising, specifically PPC?

      Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you.

      Just my 2 cents, cheaper isn't always better. It's good to try to get your clicks as cheap as possible but you should focus more on epc and roi opposed to just trying to get the cheapest possible clicks.

      Also for bing I personally like the search network better than content
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  • Profile picture of the author chintz24
    Please don't use any coupons on Facebook (I think someone has suggested up) and try adult traffic .. I think for your budget it would be good.

    12 premium domains for sale.

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