Secret Tip About POF Ads

21 replies
Ok so it's not secret but I'm going to tell you something that will change the way you do your campaigns. When people see the SAME banner time and time again, they ignore it. It's called banner blindness. It happens. On POF if you're NOT creating a ton of new creatives, (banners or image and text ads), your campaign will DIE.

A lot of people come out strong then complain that their campaign died. It died because you let it die. Running banner ads on POF is not an auto pilot thing. IT's a daily GRIND. You must create new ones and delete bad ones DAILY.

Use this one not so secret tip and you will do far better on POF then you were.

I even go so far as to create a campaign for each day of the week. I run it for 24 hours, then pause it. Run the next one. Repeat that for 7 days then restart back at day one.

#ads #pof #secret #tip
  • Profile picture of the author sladex
    Nice tip, thank you for it.
    Need to try it

    Can I ask you if it's not a secret, how many landing pages you are ussualy using for same offer?
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    This is pretty much the only way to run any campaign on PoF these days.
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author bloggerd
    Nice advice mate thank you for sharing will certainly give this a try..
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  • Profile picture of the author mraudi
    Very good advice thanks for sharing with us.

    Ninety-nine percent of advertising doesn't sell much of anything.

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  • Profile picture of the author Anthony W
    Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

    Ok so it's not secret but I'm going to tell you something that will change the way you do your campaigns. When people see the SAME banner time and time again, they ignore it. It's called banner blindness. It happens. On POF if you're NOT creating a ton of new creatives, (banners or image and text ads), your campaign will DIE.

    A lot of people come out strong then complain that their campaign died. It died because you let it die. Running banner ads on POF is not an auto pilot thing. IT's a daily GRIND. You must create new ones and delete bad ones DAILY.

    Use this one not so secret tip and you will do far better on POF then you were.

    I even go so far as to create a campaign for each day of the week. I run it for 24 hours, then pause it. Run the next one. Repeat that for 7 days then restart back at day one.

    Awesome post PPC Coach!

    I like keeping track of my campaigns in an excel spreadsheet. So if I see it's been 1-2 weeks since I've paused a campaign, I'll restarted it and start making money from it again.

    One other thing I do to combat banner blindness is to change the targeting options to a different country when it starts to die out. Obviously, this is with offers that are allowed in multiple countries. This literally take a minute to do and can keep your stream of profits alive for much longer
    Looking to buy Facebook accounts. PM me!
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

    Ok so it's not secret but I'm going to tell you something that will change the way you do your campaigns. When people see the SAME banner time and time again, they ignore it. It's called banner blindness. It happens. On POF if you're NOT creating a ton of new creatives, (banners or image and text ads), your campaign will DIE.

    A lot of people come out strong then complain that their campaign died. It died because you let it die. Running banner ads on POF is not an auto pilot thing. IT's a daily GRIND. You must create new ones and delete bad ones DAILY.

    Use this one not so secret tip and you will do far better on POF then you were.

    I even go so far as to create a campaign for each day of the week. I run it for 24 hours, then pause it. Run the next one. Repeat that for 7 days then restart back at day one.

    I like it
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  • Profile picture of the author newking32
    Great tip Just ! starting POF campaigns these tips and suggestion will help me a lot
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  • Profile picture of the author LukePeerFly
    Also, if you write a case study and show everyone your banners you will get emails from people complaining that they are not seeing the CTRs you showed in your case study

    ^ My Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author redlegrich
    I suspect the same thing would well on FB too. Makes sense. Mix it up to keep interesting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sue McDonald
    Thanks for the good advice. People do get bored and annoyed if they see the same ting over and over again.
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  • Profile picture of the author konakid
    In your experience, can you restart an ad after a week and have it be back to full effectiveness? I feel like people are going to forget about specific ads pretty quickly as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edge82
    Originally Posted by PPC-Coach View Post

    Ok so it's not secret but I'm going to tell you something that will change the way you do your campaigns. When people see the SAME banner time and time again, they ignore it. It's called banner blindness. It happens. On POF if you're NOT creating a ton of new creatives, (banners or image and text ads), your campaign will DIE.

    A lot of people come out strong then complain that their campaign died. It died because you let it die. Running banner ads on POF is not an auto pilot thing. IT's a daily GRIND. You must create new ones and delete bad ones DAILY.

    Use this one not so secret tip and you will do far better on POF then you were.

    I even go so far as to create a campaign for each day of the week. I run it for 24 hours, then pause it. Run the next one. Repeat that for 7 days then restart back at day one.

    I'm aware this thread is almost 2 years old but I just had to ask.

    What about when you finish the testing and have only well-performing creatives left? Do you run some creatives on one day, then some others on next day and so on? Does this approach have any advantages over the one where you just run all the creatives all the time?

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  • Profile picture of the author Bannaz
    Great tip!

    I agree, you should always have at least 2/3 different banner designs running at any one time. Remove the lowest performing and create a new variation of the best performer. Repeat.
    Flash Banner Design
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  • Profile picture of the author lrs1995
    Yup. Thats the way to see success on POF.
    Just split test images as much as possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cash37
    Any campaign you run online needs a steady flow of fresh creatives just due to the fact most affiliates will borrow your concepts.
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