6 replies
I am about to install it but the domain I use will it always be my tracking url?
#cpvlab #question
  • Profile picture of the author MTVida
    Originally Posted by blitz20 View Post

    I am about to install it but the domain I use will it always be my tracking url?
    The short answer is yes, unless you decide to move your tracking domain to a different URL as some point. (...Which can be a good idea if you're driving a lot of PPV traffic. Sometimes other PPV affiliates will target your tracking domain and try to swipe your commissions!)
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    • Profile picture of the author oldwarrioruser1
      Originally Posted by MTVida View Post

      Sometimes other PPV affiliates will target your tracking domain and try to swipe your commissions!)
      What exactly does that mean?
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      • Profile picture of the author MTVida
        Originally Posted by Kory Pearman View Post

        What exactly does that mean?
        It means that if someone discovers your PPV campaign, they could use your tracking URL as a target for their PPV campaigns. Because there's a good chance you're driving targeted, qualified traffic, they can cheaply siphon off the traffic that you're paying good money for by popping their ad in front of your prospects!
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        • Profile picture of the author oldwarrioruser1
          Originally Posted by MTVida View Post

          It means that if someone discovers your PPV campaign, they could use your tracking URL as a target for their PPV campaigns. Because there's a good chance you're driving targeted, qualified traffic, they can cheaply siphon off the traffic that you're paying good money for by popping their ad in front of your prospects!
          I'm really trying to make sense of what you are saying, so bare with me!

          Lets say I have prosper202 on my domain, korypearman.com

          I setup a campaign to track conversions over on mywebsite.com.

          I get my tracking url, korypearman.com/trackingurl.

          How is someone else going to see korypearman.com and get their ad in front of my prospects?

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          • Profile picture of the author MTVida
            Originally Posted by Kory Pearman View Post

            I'm really trying to make sense of what you are saying, so bare with me!

            Lets say I have prosper202 on my domain, korypearman.com

            I setup a campaign to track conversions over on mywebsite.com.

            I get my tracking url, korypearman.com/trackingurl.

            How is someone else going to see korypearman.com and get their ad in front of my prospects?

            Sorry for any confusion...

            PPV ads are triggered by adware that gets installed on people's computers. PPV advertizers bid on urls that those people might visit. When the user ends up on one of the URLs that the advertiser is bidding on, the advertiser's ad will show.

            Say I had the adware for Traffic Vance installed on my computer, for spying purposes (many PPV pros do this)... I would go browsing around, and suddenly I see your PPV ad pop up. I just discovered your campaign! I would then take note of the click URL on your call to action. This is going to be your tracking url, which has korypearman.com as the domain. I would then go into my Traffic Vance account and I would bid on the target "korypearman.com" and promote a similar offer.

            That way, any visitors to korypearman.com with Traffic Vance's adware installed on their computer has a good chance of seeing my ad pop up. Because I know that plenty of people going through your domain will have Traffic Vance's adware installed, I know that my ad is likely to show when they're directed through it.

            This really only applies to people who drive a lot of PPV traffic, so unless you plan on going big into PPV, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
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            • Profile picture of the author oldwarrioruser1
              Originally Posted by MTVida View Post

              Sorry for any confusion...

              PPV ads are triggered by adware that gets installed on people's computers. PPV advertizers bid on urls that those people might visit. When the user ends up on one of the URLs that the advertiser is bidding on, the advertiser's ad will show.

              Say I had the adware for Traffic Vance installed on my computer, for spying purposes (many PPV pros do this)... I would go browsing around, and suddenly I see your PPV ad pop up. I just discovered your campaign! I would then take note of the click URL on your call to action. This is going to be your tracking url, which has korypearman.com as the domain. I would then go into my Traffic Vance account and I would bid on the target "korypearman.com" and promote a similar offer.

              That way, any visitors to korypearman.com with Traffic Vance's adware installed on their computer has a good chance of seeing my ad pop up. Because I know that plenty of people going through your domain will have Traffic Vance's adware installed, I know that my ad is likely to show when they're directed through it.

              This really only applies to people who drive a lot of PPV traffic, so unless you plan on going big into PPV, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
              Ahh now I get it! Thanks for the explanation!

              BTW I'm watching your prosper videos, good stuff.
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