a little honesty goes a long way, truth about cpa

17 replies
yeah, I was that guy that spent my last 1000 bux on an adrian morrison seminar telling me how easy it would be to make money online affiliate marketing.

I am not one of those sour grapes types of dudes, and I learned a lot, do not regret the experience and information I learned as it will come in handy for me eventually. The problem is that they don't tell you that it will take thousands of dollars of investment in ads firstly to get over the learning curve, and secondly to actually generate enough traffic to start earning a decent income.

Either that or it will take months of creating quality content that will work its way through the ranks in SEO. I would spend the money all over again, but I would not have done it with my last $1000... before engaging in CPA I advise at least having a few thousand dollars set aside to invest.

A lot of people try to get into this business as a desperate measure when they barely have anything left...
#affiliate #cpa #honesty #long #truth
  • Profile picture of the author hammerseo
    The only way to succeed well in this business is to be creative. You have to think outside the box and simply find something that works for you specifically and stick with it.

    I've seen way to many people think they can duplicate other affiliates campaigns and make profit by being lazy. They all end up in the same way, losing their money.

    I started out with CPA, SEO, and IM in general when I was 14. Sure, I've learnt alot reading guides written by gurus etc. But my profits stritcly come from doing what others don't.

    So my tip to you and everyone else is to stop following false prophets like Adrian etc and focus on your own damn thing!
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    There are a lot of great free traffic sources.

    Stuff like Youtube ect...

    Just start with that. It doesn't cost you anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    You could always start with free methods and then eventually move into paid traffic. This will likely take much more Time but if you don't have the money to start it might be a good idea.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mysterious Dave
      Originally Posted by therealfactoid View Post

      yeah, I was that guy that spent my last 1000 bux on an adrian morrison seminar telling me how easy it would be to make money online affiliate marketing.
      Sorry to hear you invested your last bux dude, I've seen their sales funnel, prices OTOs pop out one after another! But since what done is done and you gotta get started with something that is productive AND cost-effective for you, how abt:

      >> youtube + CPA (No fees on your part!)

      >> Offline CPA promotion (Yes, IT IS allowed if you do it in right way and prove your decency to your AM) (Done creatively, it'd only take a few bux)

      >> Offline Business Consultation (Absolutely Free, you can literally walk into nearby businesses or use LinkedIn: Basic version is free!)

      >> Become affiliate of evergreen niche companies in your area, like Student consolidation, Debt-settlement, Mortgage etc. and approach your demographics with your CPA/CPS promotion (Also free, besides NO scrubbing/Shaving in most of the cases)

      >> Sell mobile websites to high-end individuals in your area like Real estate guys, Doctors, Lawyers etc., I mean when you'll demonstrate your totally customized mobile site, or QR code linked to SMS service, they'll get stunned!

      Again, there are so many cost-effective ways for you to get started with almost no money! And you can keep doing that till you earn enough to get started with paid traffic or whatever you wanted to do with huge budget in the first place!

      Sure, most of the ways I just said will sound ordinary but if you wanna make money from the scratch, you gotta get started with something

      Originally Posted by hammerseo View Post

      The only way to succeed well in this business is to be creative. You have to think outside the box and simply find something that works for you specifically and stick with it.
      Right on! I mean imagine you doing offline CPA promotion (Again, it's allowed if you're doing it in right way!) at the places where your demographics are almost untapped with promotions like they are online!
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    It is true that being creative in this business works wonders. Yet so many, (I would wager 99% of people attempting it), REFUSE to think for themselves. They demand step by step blueprints and when they try those without success they quit.

    You simply have to put your own creative juice on things to make them work. If you think you can buy a step by step guide to millions overnight while sitting on your yacht, then you're going to be in for a rude awakening.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jetmir
    I have stared myself with FREE traffic sources. It's not a big deal. It takes you more time, more hours, but the income is all profit.

    ATTENTION: Do you wanna make up to 100$ a DAY with 20 minutes of super-easy work?

    It's never been easier. Send me a Private Message for details.
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    • Profile picture of the author volkansen
      Originally Posted by Jetmir View Post

      I have stared myself with FREE traffic sources. It's not a big deal. It takes you more time, more hours, but the income is all profit.
      "All Profit" if you value your time $0
      [KeywordXtreme] Best Long Tail Keyword Research Tool in the Market! (SEO, PPC, Video Marketing, ...)

      [CTRXtreme] Amazing Software Quadruples Mobile, Facebook & Plenty of Fish Ads CTR !

      [Free Guide:No Opt-In] How to Setup a Mobile CPA Campaign with Proper Tracking in 10 Mins
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  • Profile picture of the author zeroaffiliate
    I believed there is working method but it takes time and effort to actually show the result.
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  • Profile picture of the author Martyfl
    There is nothing that will make you feel better about spending $1,000 for a course. I have to assume that you did learn things from it that can also be applied to less expensive or free forms of traffic generation.

    I have had the luxury of reviewing some very expensive courses. While some of them were well done, few if any were worth that much money.

    After awhile they become repetitive. They string out simple concepts and spend 30 minutes on something they could have told you and illustrated in 10. They often use expensive tools to achieve their results that carry monthly subscription fees.

    One joker did all his examples on a Mac with Mac-only software. Then he leaves you to figure out how it is done with other tools.

    There are some decent WSO products out there. Again, I have reviewed my fair share and it is always a pleasant surprise when you find something for $20 or less that is new, well written and offers information that has not already been made available for free.

    The money is better spent with a few months of membership on a site like affplaybook or ppc coach, etc. if you are just starting out.
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  • Profile picture of the author 100k
    All it takes is common sense!

    You are going have to spend at least $2-5k just to test out things before things start going "click" and you understand why some campaigns work and why others don't!

    Just like business, you will have to set up 5+ business before you are able to set up a successful business. But most people give up after the first go. One thing I noticed is all of the high earners in IM have all been doing it for 5+ years, VERY few have made it in shorter time, but many took 5-7 years before they started really making money.

    I'm in it for the long haul so its all good I'm in year 3 now It's been an intr. journey so far and I look forward to joining the top 5% earners!

    Rent this space.

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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Free traffic isn't FREE!

    I don't know why people think it is. Time is money and "free" traffic takes time to get. Sure once you get it, it appears to be free but all the leg work and time spent to get it can be quite involved. I'm not knocking it as I do "Free" traffic too, but it's labor intensive if you don't outsource it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    It's not the end for you, Now you need to put your time and efforts and be more careful and always remember to save something for situation like this, now you can try the free traffic sources and build up every thing back again.
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    Originally Posted by therealfactoid View Post

    telling me how easy it would be to make money online affiliate marketing.
    Let me tell you the honest truth:

    Making money online IS NOT EASY! It takes hard work, dedication and a lot of drive/motivation. It took me over 7 years to make a full-time income from this ... and ONLY because I now stick to anything that pays per lead/signup rather than sale.

    But don't spend your last money for advice ... stick that into Adwords and throw some traffic at a landing page. You will learn a lot more. But yeah happy to help you out bro, know exactly how you feel.

    Read my incredible story: www.affiliatechamp.co.uk
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  • Profile picture of the author michael bury
    I found Adrian presenting on a webinair for TubeCashCode which I signed up for last week, rubbish support, I have sent them 3 support requests for login & password details, they have responded advising that i send support request to an alternative email address, which I had already done.....nothing back!
    Today I received the replay of a webinair from Monday, bearing in mind I live in the UK & they host webinairs @ 9.00pm EST which is 0200hrs GMT like thats useful...
    anyway started to watch/listen to 2 hour presentation & googled Adrian Morrison, suffice to say after 10 minutes research dropped the webinair.
    Tomorrow I will be claiming full refund.
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidLasry
    I don't think that you need a lot of money in order to succeed in this business. Sure, it would help you learn much faster but the important thing here is what you do with your money. Be creative and always think about ways to outsmart the competition.


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