empower network for blogging or wordpress?

16 replies
So before i get into CPA, I wanna create a good blog so anybody knows which is better way, should i create a blog through empower network or by WordPress?

I dont wanna get into paid traffic yet because I don't understand it right now, so blogging would be a good idea or should i create a website?

and anybody here makes their money through blogging? and if yes can you give me some tips?
thank you.
#blogging #empower #network #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author leningovea
    Originally Posted by Beginnergirl View Post

    So before i get into CPA, I wanna create a good blog so anybody knows which is better way, should i create a blog through empower network or by WordPress?

    I dont wanna get into paid traffic yet because I don't understand it right now, so blogging would be a good idea or should i create a website?

    and anybody here makes their money through blogging? and if yes can you give me some tips?
    thank you.

    What exactly are you going to write about? Let's start from there.

    If you're thinking about using EN for blogging I assume you are focusing in the MMO niche, right?

    I'd recommend you to write about your own journey, talk about the results you're getting so far from your marketing efforts.

    Also, look for hot topics... What people in your niche want to know more about.

    From time to time try to reach out to some experts interview them and share those interviews in your blog.

    You can get quite a few visitors from the get to if you do things right

    The best of luck
    Who Else Wants An Amazon Business That Runs On Autopilot And Banks You 6 Figures A Year?

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    • Profile picture of the author Beginnergirl
      Originally Posted by leningovea View Post


      What exactly are you going to write about? Let's start from there.

      If you're thinking about using EN for blogging I assume you are focusing in the MMO niche, right?

      I'd recommend you to write about your own journey, talk about the results you're getting so far from your marketing efforts.

      Also, look for hot topics... What people in your niche want to know more about.

      From time to time try to reach out to some experts interview them and share those interviews in your blog.

      You can get quite a few visitors from the get to if you do things right

      The best of luck
      I am trying to write about health topics, I know alot about diet and health and beauty so this is what i wanna start my blog about. so i just wanted to know of wordpress is better or empower network to create my blog. thank you

      and anybody knows how much would it cost me to have wordpress blog per month? thank you
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      • Profile picture of the author SerpSlayer
        You could get reliable hosting and a domain name for anywhere between $5 - $10 a month.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheMagnet
    Stay away from Empower Network!
    And anyway, it's always better to have your own hosting and domain, otherwise you are depending on somebody else who may close your site for whatever reason. You can easily find hosting starting at $4/month, check Bluehost for example.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    So before i get into CPA, I wanna create a good blog so anybody knows which is better way, should i create a blog through empower network or by WordPress?
    I would recommend Wordpress, you can't beat it when it comes to blogging.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Wordpress all the way. Most hosting companies have it available with one click installation too.

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  • I've used both Wordpress and EN. EN has strong advantages over Wordpress because it is ranked at around 80 on Alexa in US, so you can use that ranking to boost your rankings. Plus, with the new platform, there is a social network built within that allows a lot of linking to your site, and you can earn 100% commissions on their affiliate products.

    Wordpress has other advantages because you can install plugins to do all kinds of cool stuff and you can customize your site as much as you want. But Wordpress is more complicated than EN for a newbie.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    ^ Nice sig spam

    Empower Network is an MLM scheme. MLM is a scourge to the Interwebz. Stay away if you value your self-worth and dignity.

    Wordpress is highly configurable and with enough tinkering you can make it do exactly what you want it to do. The question is a no brainer.
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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    • Profile picture of the author CpvTrafficPro
      Wow this is kinda harsh... many people are successful with MLM and do it in a very proper manner.

      At the end of the day every business is MLM ... There will always be someone above you and under in any position

      Originally Posted by JustinDupre View Post

      ^ Nice sig spam

      Empower Network is an MLM scheme. MLM is a scourge to the Interwebz. Stay away if you value your self-worth and dignity.

      Wordpress is highly configurable and with enough tinkering you can make it do exactly what you want it to do. The question is a no brainer.
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      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Originally Posted by CpvTrafficPro View Post

        At the end of the day every business is MLM ... There will always be someone above you and under in any position
        No. Real businesses sell a product or a service. In my opinion, MLM's generally just sell a membership while parading some product that is worthless to hide their true intentions.
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        • Profile picture of the author mrloudcry
          Advantages, disadvantages... pros and cons of Empower Network? Well let's skip all of that and ask a very fundamental question.

          What Happens To Your Articles And Blog If You Stop Paying Into Empower Network Each Month? YOU LOOSE EVERYTHING!

          Those who glory in Empower Network and feel that it is the next best thing to apple pie have never stopped to consider that they are in fact a slave to their monthly bill forever if they want to keep all their hard work and investment.

          So who really owns your Empower Network blog, who really owns all your articles? Empower Network is leasing your blog out to you, and if you ever stop paying for it you loose everything!

          One of the goals behind article marketing is to create long term income online from content you share online.

          Do you really want to commit to paying $25 a month to achieve this? Furthermore do you really want to commit to paying even more to participate in this illegal pyramid scheme?

          Illegal? You might protest! Yes, that is exactly what I said. According to the Federal Trade Commission any MLM that sells most of its products to distributors, is in fact an illegal pyramid scheme! Legitimate MLM's sell most of their products to the public, not to its own distributors

          Just because a program is popular, and has a lot of people in it, and has expensive conventions and yacht parties does not automatically make it legal.

          Herbalife is a prime example of that fact!

          The reality is, that less than 2% in Empower Network earn enough money to replace their full time incomes. The vast majority have made little or even lost money in comparison to what they have invested into Empower Network. Such is true for pretty much all illegal pyramid schemes.

          So I implore you not to fall for the hype, for images of the small handful that hold up their over sized checks, and instead look at the reality of what happens with the majority of those who join programs like this.

          If you would like to become an article marketer and write about health related topics, you can do so much more affordably, with out long term commitments to a pyramid scheme.

          Although this is an older post, it is still highly ranked in the Google search engine, and that is why I took the time to reply to this, with hopes of relaying an important question to anyone else pondering this....

          What Happens To Your Articles And Blog If You Stop Paying Into Empower Network Each Month? YOU LOOSE EVERYTHING!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kecia
    To have a blog, all you need is WordPress. Don't go for the free version (Wordpress.com), but get a domain name and web hosting so you can own your virtual space. Then install the platform from WordPress.org. You can get that started for less than $10, provided you search for coupon codes.
    KeciaHambrick.com - Blogger. Content Creator. Social Media Enthusiast.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Is there anyway you can host it on your own server? If I remember correctly you never could in the past?

    That and the plugins are my main reasons for using Wordpress.
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