6 replies
Hello every one
Frankly speaking I am seeking your help
I am running a campaign in Bing now, trying to set up every thing properly, Apart from technical questions such as prosper 202 or any technical details, which by a way or another, I will sort them out, I want to know how can i make profit of this campaign, I contacted the support team in Bing, to ask them why i am not getting traffic to my landing page, and after 2 weeks of exchanging emails and making the recommended changes, they advised me to rise my bid, my current bid is 0.40 $, offer payout is 6.75 $, EPC is 0.28 $
Bing support team recommended for me to rise the bid to 1 $ up to 5 $ to start getting high volume of traffic, i wonder how can I make a profit of such as campaign,so what do you recommend should I cancel this offer and find some thing else or find another source of traffic e.g Facebook ?


#advice #cpa #experts
  • Profile picture of the author mohamednasif
    any advice please
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  • Profile picture of the author im0001
    I wouldn't personally run that offer on bing - have you tried it on cheaper networks?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Williams
    Try FB or PoF with that offer, bing isn't going to work if that's the bid you'd be aiming for.
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  • Profile picture of the author im0001
    Start by using 7search as intelligently as possible, which means use their keyword research tool properly. Once you've established the offer is worth investing in, then move to LeadImpact to increase your traffic - since these networks are much cheaper than Bing, your learning phase will cost you a lot less.

    Also, if you can make your ads as targeted as possible, I would give FB a go as well. Altogether, it's all about keeping your costs down while you're running trials on various offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author mohamednasif
    any other suggestions guys ?
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