Best Tracking Software For PPC?

by kenchu
13 replies
Hi all, which is the best PPC tracking software?

Bevomedia, Prosper 202 or Cpvlab?

Thank in advace.
#ppc #software #tracking
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I'd say for free my choice would be prosper202, for paid it would be cpvlab
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidLasry


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  • Profile picture of the author jcss
    I didn't have a chance to give CPVlab. It costs you some hundred bucks. You need a dedictaed hosting to have it run smoothly for you. It looks like they have some in-depth tutorial to help you get the balls running.

    Prosper202 is a free tracking software which you can download and install it on your own server without paying a dime. You may also need a VPS or dedciated server to have it run. Although you can test it on a shared hosting plan. There are not very updated tutorials & resources for free but you can find some videos here and there to help you get started.

    Bevo is a self-hosted solution which comes in free/paid version. you can add you cpa networks in the platform to have an integrated reporting system. They also feature a geo-redirection functionality which is a must have tool for CPA marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author 1cpawarrior
      Originally Posted by jcss View Post

      I didn't have a chance to give CPVlab. It costs you some hundred bucks. You need a dedictaed hosting to have it run smoothly for you. It looks like they have some in-depth tutorial to help you get the balls running.
      you don't need a dedicated server for cpvlab. A solid vps is perfect.
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  • Profile picture of the author adwike
    try proposer202 my brother
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Never used Bevomedia.

    202 is a reliable for free.

    CPVLab is the best IMO.
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  • Profile picture of the author CK Tan
    My mentor advised to think if you view your CPA business long term, dive straight into using CPVlab.
    Although it costs to subscribe, the annual fee is justifiable compared to what it can do for you.
    The recurring cost is the hosting which is a monthly fee that adds up.
    If you view what you are doing as a business, think like a businessman. Cost are inevitable as long as you have a healthy ROI. What's more, these costs are tax deductible.
    I followed my mentor's advice and have been using CPVlab. No regrets!
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  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    CPVLab is good. It'll give you a ton of data and when used correctly will allow you to run tons and tons of traffic.

    Depending on how in-depth you want to get, will really depend on which tracker to go with.

    We use CPVLab as well as a few others... adtrackzgold, hypertracker.

    If you're looking to run some simple traffic sources and want to get up and running as quick as possible with a tracker, Hypertracker has been good for that, very simple to use. Once you've got some experience, you can then upgrade to CPVLab.
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  • Profile picture of the author gulshanrana
    The good thing with the internet is that most PPC tracking companies can promote their products through a wide variety of platforms. Even though most PPC tools are offered for a paid subscription, companies usually provide a free or trial version of the same program to let their users experience the various features firsthand.
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  • Profile picture of the author sadekelomari
    i advice you to use the prosper202
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  • Profile picture of the author adpanelnet
    We all agree with prosper202 is the best free PPC trackking software
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