Life span of creatives

by Jase11
4 replies
Hi warriors,

I realized after some time, good converting creatives die off and follow by its ctr decreasing.

My question is, do i still keep these creatives until I have around 20 converting creatives (although they're getting old and not converting much), or delete them to add brand new creatives?

My concern is its quite tough to keep constantly providing good converting images.

Any help is appreciated:p

Thank you
#creatives #life #span
  • Profile picture of the author RemyMartin
    Just keep them and test them on other traffic sources.

    Constantly testing new creatives is all part of the game, though. Outsourcing the task is what some do.
    The money is the motive.

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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Try pausing them for a bit.

    And always be testing looking for new creative to replace and improve them.

    Start doing this before the creatives start to die off, so you have a head start on them.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Jase11 View Post

    Hi warriors,

    I realized after some time, good converting creatives die off and follow by its ctr decreasing.

    My question is, do i still keep these creatives until I have around 20 converting creatives (although they're getting old and not converting much), or delete them to add brand new creatives?

    My concern is its quite tough to keep constantly providing good converting images.

    Any help is appreciated:p

    Thank you
    It's totally up to you, I try to always have a handful of creatives rotating or ready to rotate. Unfortunately this can take some patience. I always set a limit for my epc, as long as I'm above it I'm happy.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    While building groups of converting creatives, continue submitting more and more. Run your converters for a couple days, and pause them for a week or two. Sometimes you might need a month or longer. This whole time you should be submitting more and more ads and getting more and more creatives that convert. You can start grouping them in groups A, B, C, etc and run each for a set or random amount of time to help keep things mixed up a bit, after that period of time, pause group A and run group B, same then again with C and so on and so forth. Eventually you'll have enough ads where you'll have a campaign able to last several months with this grouping and rotation of ads.
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