13 replies
I have a few facebook fan pages with thousands of fans, a couple in the tens of thousands. How best can I make some money from these fan pages?
#facebook #fan #monetize #pages
  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Amazon,, Linkshare, CPA offers, T-shirts, membership sites...

    Hell I've even sold BOBBLE HEADS!

    (they work too and are fun because I tend to buy one for myself too).

    Be creative.
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  • Profile picture of the author POFAngler
    Originally Posted by zahirosman View Post

    I have a few facebook fan pages with thousands of fans, a couple in the tens of thousands. How best can I make some money from these fan pages?
    Keep Building those fan pages, Try to build up a larger following before you hit them with affiliate links. You are doing it right though, keep it up.

    For Offers...
    Depends what your niche is, what are your FB fan pages about?
    POF Angler
    The Ultimate Ad Generator & Bulk Uploader
    Boost CTR's and ROI

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    • Profile picture of the author zahirosman
      Thanks PPC-Coach, you sound like a pro...but I'm a novice.

      Out of all the options you listed, which has the best $$ generating capability for my fan pages? And how exactly would I go about setting up these ad's on my pages?

      So, you'll probably ask the same question that POFAngler did. BTW, thanks as well POFAngler! So, What are my fan pages about/for?

      1). A very popular American documentary film maker (10K + fans) (2). A famous British comedian/tv personality (10K+ fans) (3). A Victorian era artist (4K fans) (4). A famous Italian actress from the 50's-60's (7K+ fans) (5). A character from a classic British comedy show (2K+ fans).

      Thank you star79. Again, I'm a novice, what are "CPA and CPC networks"?

      I need details, please folks! Walk me through what I need to do...
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  • Profile picture of the author star79
    what i do with my fan pages, to use them as a traffic source, create a blog or site of that niche, and moniterizing with CPA and CPC networks....

    just doing great :p
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Hmmm those might be tough ones to monetize.

    You have to have people who are passionate about the topic typically to monetize them.

    For example, I have a cat one and it's cool for getting traffic but I build a seperate site to send people from the FB page to the site. Then I'll sell cat stuff on the page.

    For your pages, you don't really have anything that would stand out to market to them. Maybe check magazines in those niches or websites in those niches and see what the ads are promoting? Then something might jump out at you.

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  • Profile picture of the author boghi
    Best to monetize your fan page is adsense.
    Make a blog or website with your niche .There put adsense ads and drive traffic form facebook to your website/blog.Nothing hard..)
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  • Profile picture of the author amgoune
    Me Too I have a page more than +300K i use adsense but i make 1$ Can anyone help me PM plz
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    • Profile picture of the author boghi
      Originally Posted by amgoune View Post

      Me Too I have a page more than +300K i use adsense but i make 1$ Can anyone help me PM plz
      It is impossible with 300k likes to do 1 $.Definitely ,you're doing something wrong.
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      • Profile picture of the author jml777
        Originally Posted by boghi View Post

        It is impossible with 300k likes to do 1 $.Definitely ,you're doing something wrong.
        I agree that something is wrong. I only have 108,000 and I'm averaging over $100.00 per day with adsense. Keywords and engagement on FB make a difference. My engagement is 113,000 and the keywords generate .30+ per click. Google analytics will tell you where the traffic is coming from and whether facebook is generating it.
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      • Profile picture of the author jml777
        Originally Posted by boghi View Post

        It is impossible with 300k likes to do 1 $.Definitely ,you're doing something wrong.
        I agree that something is wrong. I only have 108,000 and I'm averaging over $100.00 per day with adsense. Keywords and engagement on FB make a difference. My engagement is 113,000 and the keywords generate .30+ per click. Google analytics will tell you where the traffic is coming from and whether facebook is generating it.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    What's the subject of the page?

    Did you read any of the posts in this thread?

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    • Profile picture of the author zahirosman
      Can anyone tell me how I can put ads for amazon products on my facebook fan pages (affiliate ads for commission)?
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  • Profile picture of the author SamFrost
    You could sell merchandise related to your Facebook page niche?

    For example if you have a television personality page then grab an amazon affiliate link for a DVD set for a show that person has been in?
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Hell use if you wanted to get paid per click.

    If you have 300k in fans you should be making some money on it by that point.

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