Direct To Checkout Affiliate Networks

by smiket
8 replies
Please be kind and provide any affiliate networks that offer direct to checkout and shopping cart capabilities so I can add them to my Rare Things & Unicorns collection.

Thank you!
#affiliate #affiliate networks #checkout #direct #direct to checkout #networks #shopping cart
  • Profile picture of the author johnbrown12
    Check out this link please:

    Marketing -
    How to make money from $3000 to $7000 per month:

    *JOIN 900+ Warriors*
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    • Profile picture of the author smiket
      Originally Posted by johnbrown12 View Post

      Check out this link please:

      Marketing -
      Thank you for your reply, but that is not what I am looking for. Maybe I didn't formulate my question correctly. I am looking for affiliate networks that offer direct to checkout links to their publishers. Or affiliate networks that offer links to every page on the merchant's website, not just the sale page. Or both. I am not looking for a shopping cart of my own, I am trying to get access to the merchant's shopping cart through an affiliate link.
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  • Profile picture of the author theman22
    You want something like commission junction i think?
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  • Profile picture of the author smiket
    I didn't take a good look at cj, so I don't know if that's the answer, but thanks for the suggestion.
    Are there any other networks that offer good resources/creatives and checkout form linking capabilities? Oh, and what do you think of direct to checkout vs sales page linking.
    My guess is that it depends on the sales page quality and how good I am at preselling, but maybe I can do all of that on a single page to get rid of too much funneling and the loss of trust when redirecting to a different domain.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Most do not offer this because it could be taken advantage by affiliates.

    The affiliates sales page maybe making strong claims the product can't deliver... then the product owner has to deal with the mad customers.

    This can already happen easily with affiliate and CPA marketing as is. So this part of the reason direct checkout links are unfortunately not common.

    I hope that helped answer your question. If not let me know.
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    • Profile picture of the author smiket
      Originally Posted by Greedy View Post

      Most do not offer this because it could be taken advantage by affiliates.

      The affiliates sales page maybe making strong claims the product can't deliver... then the product owner has to deal with the mad customers.

      This can already happen easily with affiliate and CPA marketing as is. So this part of the reason direct checkout links are unfortunately not common.

      I hope that helped answer your question. If not let me know.
      It did answer my question. Partly It also makes sense, but it does not mention any of the few remaining networks that do offer direct to checkout. You just said that most do not...
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      • Profile picture of the author Greedy
        Originally Posted by smiket View Post

        It did answer my question. Partly It also makes sense, but it does not mention any of the few remaining networks that do offer direct to checkout. You just said that most do not...
        I honestly don't know any off the top my head. And I'm not trying to hide anything from you. I just said it is "not common", because I am sure if you hunted around and networked with people it maybe possible to do. But honestly not worth it all...

        What you should do it just create your own checkout. And make your own products.

        If you think you have a good idea.
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        • Profile picture of the author smiket
          Originally Posted by Greedy View Post

          I honestly don't know any off the top my head. And I'm not trying to hide anything from you. I just said it is "not common", because I am sure if you hunted around and networked with people it maybe possible to do. But honestly not worth it all...

          What you should do it just create your own checkout. And make your own products.

          If you think you have a good idea.
          I'll wait until I can properly finance that project, I'd rather not sell crap just because I can.
          I read somewhere that started offering direct to checkout. There are others, too, I guess I just have to take the hard way and do some serious searching instead of getting an answer here in 2 minutes .
          Thanks for answering, though!
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