Ist there a way to GEO target do different offers with CpvLab?
but for different Countries, I want to be able to redirect traffic from the 1 Landing Page
based on Country Location say US ---> go to offer 1, ELSE ----> go to offer 2. I do have
php file
which does that, but so far no way to implement this using CpvLab, as I don't want to
create separate campaigns for each Country. I've notice that in Stats they do have Tracking by IP, Country, State, even City, Why there is no option to redirect based on
Location then?
Also in Cpv Lab there is only option to Specify what % of traffic you want to send to Each Offer from 1 landing Page. Well, I don't know, what %%%, It's all based on
Anybody does anything like that with CpvLab to rotate Offers with Same Landing Page based on Visitor Country Location?
Thank you.
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