Any comments on $2k+ Per Day Strategy Now On AutoPilot

22 replies
I have been getting emails for a seminar on this strategy, and it is some sort of email platform, for mass mailing to thousands of potential customers. They want $1,500 up front, and $297.00 a month, after the first month.

Anyone have any info on this offer.

#$2k #autopilot #comments #day #strategy
  • Profile picture of the author areoo
    First of all, you have to understand what you are paying that money for,
    mass mailing , how sure are you upon 2-3-4 mail blast you would be able to recoup your investments?
    What is the monthly reoccuring fee for?
    hmm, maybe sometimes a good sales pitch makes us dream too much but i dont know i have just never believed in a $1000 product(software). I would rather a $19.99 dollar product not software.

    But thats just my two cents.
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    • Profile picture of the author cooler1
      Originally Posted by areoo View Post

      First of all, you have to understand what you are paying that money for,
      mass mailing , how sure are you upon 2-3-4 mail blast you would be able to recoup your investments?
      What is the monthly reoccuring fee for?
      hmm, maybe sometimes a good sales pitch makes us dream too much but i dont know i have just never believed in a $1000 product(software). I would rather a $19.99 dollar product not software.

      But thats just my two cents.
      From what I remember, the monthly fee is mainly for the custom designed email platform, training videos within the membership area plus about 8k leads.

      The webinar was by Jon Shugart. Anyone here familiar with him.

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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Originally Posted by gjd6599 View Post

    I have been getting emails for a seminar on this strategy, and it is some sort of email platform, for mass mailing to thousands of potential customers. They want $1,500 up front, and $297.00 a month, after the first month.

    Anyone have any info on this offer.

    "AutoPilot" = most likely a Scam-y Product

    I don't have anything against high priced products. But saying something works on "autopilot", and then they didn't clearly explain what is it (you say "it is some sort of email platform") is red flags of a scam/over hyped product.

    For that price you could join, and work with all the biggest names in the CPA industry...

    Join IMGrind
    Join AffPlayBook
    Join StackThatMoney
    Join PPC Coach's Site
    Work with Justin Dupre
    Work with Williamrs
    Work with Ivan Ong

    And lastly if you have change left over you can check out my blog lol PLUS you can always save your money for ads if you are starting out and check out these quality free blogs.
    and the people above all have blogs.

    Pay for knowledge, not systems or strategy.

    Good Luck!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9003763].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cooler1
      I watched that webinar on Monday.

      They said the strategy was about promoting offers via commercial email by paying to send emails by contacting lead brokers. The software they were using to send emails I think was called CobraMailer.

      The live example they showed, they sent an email out to about 96,000 people then looked at the CPA account about 2 hours later at the end of the webinar and they made about $1020.

      In the webinar, they said that there are only 19 spots available, but then they said what we'll do is allow people who missed a spot the option to put down a $97 deposit which they'll then charge you the full price if they can get the leads. It doesn't sound right.

      It would be interesting to know if it really works or not. It definatly sounds too good to be true though.

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      • Profile picture of the author bobspeed
        Cobra mailer -another jon shugart product -another waste of money unfortunately...
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    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by Greedy View Post

      "AutoPilot" = most likely a Scam-y Product

      I don't have anything against high priced products. But saying something works on "autopilot", and then they didn't clearly explain what is it (you say "it is some sort of email platform") is red flags of a scam/over hyped product.

      For that price you could join, and work with all the biggest names in the CPA industry...

      Join IMGrind
      Join AffPlayBook
      Join StackThatMoney
      Join PPC Coach's Site
      Work with Justin Dupre
      Work with Kenster
      Work with Williamrs
      Work with Ivan Ong

      And lastly if you have change left over you can check out my blog lol PLUS you can always save your money for ads if you are starting out and check out these quality free blogs.
      and the people above all have blogs.

      Pay for knowledge, not systems or strategy.

      Good Luck!

      Not doing any CPA coaching anytime soon so you can cross me off.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mateenyall
    I don't care what they teach, you'd learn a HELL of a lot more if you used that same money to learn paid marketing.

    Like Greedy mentioned above, join a good paid forum, (Imgrind, affplaybook, stackthatmoney), and start taking massive action.

    That's a ridiculous amount of money to pay for a 'seminar' + I'd be turned off as soon as I read the word 'autopilot' LOL

    ~ Mateen
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by gjd6599 View Post

    I have been getting emails for a seminar on this strategy, and it is some sort of email platform, for mass mailing to thousands of potential customers. They want $1,500 up front, and $297.00 a month, after the first month.

    Anyone have any info on this offer.

    The price seems very steep without knowing more about it. And I also agree that anything autopilot sounds sketchy.
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  • Profile picture of the author blitz20
    I would put the money toward something else rather than that.
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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    Anyone who wants to see it, here's a replay of the webinar.

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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    8000 of the same leads going to the same 10s or hunderds of people that buy this, means that the leads will be worthless. (I wouldn't be surprised if its the same list they emailed you from)

    There are also many other self-hosted mailing platforms that are cheaper and just as capable.

    Any one that labels any of their products as autopilot, let alone $2000 a day on autopilot is just trying to sucker you in. If it was an autopilot $2000 a day, they wouldn't sell it.

    Think about it - leads and lists take time to monetize. Writing, research, finding products and offers, setting up landing pages, more writing, split testing - Does that sound like autopilot to you?
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by JustinDupre View Post

      Any one that labels any of their products as autopilot, let alone $2000 a day on autopilot is just trying to sucker you in. If it was an autopilot $2000 a day, they wouldn't sell it.
      Justin is right, if this was so good, and they were making SOOOOO much money, why would they be exposing it to others, and selling it as a service.

      Stay well away in my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    Ha - I would stay away from this. Essentially, you are using their email database to blast out your offers for a lot of money. The list itself will be hammered to a pulp rendering it worthless.

    You are much better signing up to a regular mailing platform and using your own lists you generate by paid marketing. How? Try Adwords, generate some leads, store them for later use and get something like mailchimp to collect them. Your ROI will be a heck of a lot higher

    Kind Regards,
    Read my incredible story:
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Yes, I guess pretend someone has 50 unique lists with 8000 leads on each, that they can make $2,000 a day from on autopilot. Why would they sell them to you and the strategy for $2,000?

    It wouldn't be worth their time to even try to sell you on it. Since they could make the money back on autopilot in 1 day. It is hard to make sense of. A system like this would cost well over $100,000, and everyone here would still be dying to get their hands on it.

    Just my 2 cents.
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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    So that live example that they showed which earned $1020 probably wasn't real.

    This was the url of the site they were using when they were shown logging in to check the earnings.

    Which CPA network is this?

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  • Profile picture of the author cpa-money
    you better buy a software and a list it will be much cheaper that way
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    • Profile picture of the author papeter
      It was on today at 5.00pm UK time and the 96k mailer generated $1020 what a coincidence!!! I think today's webinar was obviously a recording of the original. They said that they can only accept 19 spots. When all the spots were sold, they then offered people to pay $97 as a deposit to secure a spot at a later date should there be enough data. Sounds very dodgy to me.
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      • Profile picture of the author cooler1
        Originally Posted by papeter View Post

        It was on today at 5.00pm UK time and the 96k mailer generated $1020 what a coincidence!!! I think today's webinar was obviously a recording of the original. They said that they can only accept 19 spots. When all the spots were sold, they then offered people to pay $97 as a deposit to secure a spot at a later date should there be enough data. Sounds very dodgy to me.
        They made out that they felt for those who missed out on one of the 19 spots then said they'll try to get the leads for those who put down a deposit. It smells.

        Another thing.

        In the webinar, they said they were going to talk to a person who had success with the method, but then they said that the persons mic wasn't working so they couldn't, despite numerous attempts to fix the mic.

        Then they had a $100 contest for the webinar attendees to guess the earnings from the mail out during the webinar. Someone apparently guessed $1020. Some coincidence.

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  • Profile picture of the author watsonovedades
    someting is fishy
    sounds to me like a get rich quick scheme
    dont continue that road my friend
    better learn email marketing on your own using mailchimp to start and upgrading to aweber or something
    Whatever your mind can conceive and BELIEVE you can achieve
    Follow me on Twitter - @DineroConPc
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  • Profile picture of the author jon poland
    They are promoting this again today. This time only 18 spots are available.

    Even if this "method" works like they explain, you are still building a business with a tool that is owned by someone else. To get in on this deal you have to pay $1500 upfront and $297 a month.....and you have no control. If this cobra mailer system is goes away tomorrow, your business is gone and so is your $1500.

    They are not marketing this to entrepreneurs. They are marketing it to opportunity seekers who are intoxicated by the allure of quick money.

    Take that $1500 upfront payment and your $297 a month and "invest" it in learning skills that will allow you build a lasting online business that you own. Use that money to learn marketing. Learn how to buy traffic. Learn how to track conversions. Learn how to set up a squeeze page and then send traffic to your squeeze page so you can build your own list and your own asset.

    Once you have these skills you literally have no limits. And "YOU" are in control.
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  • Profile picture of the author azgold
    I watched that seminar last week. It was very well done and even had me excited about it. They were very willing to make payment arrangements with me, as I could not afford to pay the $1497 + recurring $297 per month.

    Despite them saying at the beginning that there were only 24 available spots and announced later that they were filled, I got an email a few days later saying that I should hurry because there were only 2 spots left.

    Also, apparently their email system can't actually mass email to the extent they say it can and you have to pay to have a third party do the emailing for you. That's in addition to the monthly fee to have your email addresses cleaned.

    There are some very horrible reviews on this product! That's how I got the negative information on this program. Absolutely horrendous support and no way to contact anyone. They break their own terms of service, people are saying. I read that some people have gone to great lengths to try and get refunds but most have been futile attempts.

    They've also removed their forum, due to people complaining.

    Again, this is info that I gleaned from reading reviews online, not my personal experience, as I have not joined this program....thankfully!
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