About to take a loan for cpa, is it worth it?

39 replies
Hello thanks for viewing this thread. I am an experience amazon affiliate marketer, although i focus on google organic traffic which deals with seo. But due to some factors i have been moving round the same circle.

I have seen Ivan Ongs cpa course worth $2000, my friend broke it down to me, he is successful with it now. But he is my warriorforum friend and is nowadays too busy. I remember last month he did his $500/day profit on cpa.

Now am about to take a loan worth $1000, just to fund my leadimpact account. I know all the steps to follow, i have a detailed guide to walk me through and am also a member of greedys report. The truth is that the word LOAN scares me.

My question is this: is the loan worth taking? I plan to start with PPV traffic and i feel its the best since thats what i learnt from ivan ongs guide.

Its a choice, i either continue my rat race or risk changing my life. But is this move worth it? Please warriorforum cpa gurus help me.

NOTE: am not a newbie to internet marketing, i have solid experience when it comes to keyword research, amazon and little seo knowledge. I just want to change my life once and for all.

Thanks everyone
#cpa #loan #worth
  • Profile picture of the author aharrold
    This is honestly a HORRIBLE idea- do not do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author JPM
    Very bad idea!

    Why not get into 50onred with a $500 deposit, without a loan?
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  • Profile picture of the author masterpeez4py
    I will try 50onred, i think their cpc is high thats why i prefer ppv to it. Anyway i know a bit about them. That would be a good idea too. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author CPAEric
    It's probably not the best idea in the world as it's a big gamble
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  • Profile picture of the author ThePhi14
    No, don't do it.
    And this thread looks more like an advertising thread of Ivan Ong's course after the criticism of Charles Ngo and Benjamin Yong (they exposed that his course is pur bullshit and scam)
    The Truth Behind Ivan Ong's Coaching - BenjaminYong.com | Affiliate Marketing For Asia
    New to Mobile Marketing? Here's What's Making Money - CharlesNgo.com - Affiliate Marketing. Internet Marketing.

    I rather recommend to learn the process on your own.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcoLoveLife
    You spending money on course or traffic? if its for traffic then its somehow acceptable as you will probably need to spend up to $1000 before you see some significant results. if its for the course, no matter how good this Ivan course , nothing beats trial and error on your own , you can probably find enough information here or on greedyreports to get you started
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    • Profile picture of the author masterpeez4py
      Originally Posted by MarcoLoveLife View Post

      You spending money on course or traffic? if its for traffic then its somehow acceptable as you will probably need to spend up to $1000 before you see some significant results. if its for the course, no matter how good this Ivan course , nothing beats trial and error on your own , you can probably find enough information here or on greedyreports to get you started
      No am not spending money on the course, but for traffic (leadimpact initiate deposit $1000). A friend that did the training gave me the materials free to study. And he truly is doing good but he has a full time job which is not giving him the chance to let me know exactly the steps to take. I have learned too from greedyreport as well.

      The idea is just the loan to finance the business. But from the advice here i wont take that risk until i make my personal money to put into CPA.

      I love taking risk and am a risk taker, its just so sad that am short of $1000 for the lead impact deposit to start up thats why am heading for a loan. I will listen to the advice here.

      Thanks everyone i really appreciate
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      • Profile picture of the author TheBen
        Originally Posted by masterpeez4py View Post

        No am not spending money on the course, but for traffic (leadimpact initiate deposit $1000). A friend that did the training gave me the materials free to study. And he truly is doing good but he has a full time job which is not giving him the chance to let me know exactly the steps to take. I have learned too from greedyreport as well.

        The idea is just the loan to finance the business. But from the advice here i wont take that risk until i make my personal money to put into CPA.

        I love taking risk and am a risk taker, its just so sad that am short of $1000 for the lead impact deposit to start up thats why am heading for a loan. I will listen to the advice here.

        Thanks everyone i really appreciate
        If you jump into CPA you gotta be ABLE and READY to LOSE money. Because you WILL LOSE MONEY. As soon as you lose money you dont have (you dont own the money you get from the bank ... you become their slave) you won't be able to make the right decisions because your emotions will go crazy. You will be able to test some traffic sources BUT the foundation of your cpa business is pretty f**ked up. put money aside, even if it takes MONTH.
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  • Profile picture of the author svetod
    I was in a quite similar position few years ago. I just discovered how to make money online and had over 100% ROI, but I had no money to invest and my progress was slow.

    I talked to some experience people and decided to get a credit card with £5k limit. I believe this is the best option if you can find someone to help you get a credit card.

    Liquidity is very important for every business and if you want to improve fast, you have to find some money to invest.
    Want To Know How I Make Money Online? Read my story http://affiliate-lifestyle.com/
    Follow me on Instagram for Daily Inspiration & Free Tips: svetlintodd
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  • Profile picture of the author akamrmel
    Don't do it. Not a very bright move. You are going to lose money in the beginning too

    Do you generate Payday or Mortgage leads? Shoot me a pm and we can talk more!

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  • Profile picture of the author drewfioravanti
    Let me see if I understand this correctly, and please correct me if I am wrong...

    A "friend" is too busy making money at his job AND this program to teach you how to do this program. So, he is just going to "give" you the program. Theno, you want to take out a loan to buy $1K worth of CPV traffic, with no experience.

    Is that right? If so, I can't figure out who is scamming who.
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    • Profile picture of the author masterpeez4py
      Originally Posted by drewfioravanti View Post

      Let me see if I understand this correctly, and please correct me if I am wrong...

      A "friend" is too busy making money at his job AND this program to teach you how to do this program. So, he is just going to "give" you the program. Theno, you want to take out a loan to buy $1K worth of CPV traffic, with no experience.

      Is that right? If so, I can't figure out who is scamming who.
      Its very simple, he went through a course like any other guy going through a program/training to learn. He has learnt a lot from me from amazon and we shared lots of knowledge back in those days. And He is aware of the current seo issues google ups and downs and so he advised i go into CPA. He gave me the same course he used and i have gone through it just like am going through greedyreport currently.

      Now am thinking of taking a loan to start my CPA career. I am doing quite well with my amazon sites, but as you know that google traffic (organic) takes patience and time to rank doing the right SEO in order to get traffic.

      I will wait till i have money from my amazon sites rather than take a risky loan since i now understand that there are chances i would go minus in my first month before getting things right.

      I appreciate your time here, this forum has contributed greatly to my life and that is why i wouldnt make a move without getting peoples opinion. Thanks
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnTheJock
        Don't do it. Only EVER "invest" what you can afford to lose.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mateenyall
    never take a loan at the start of learning paid affiliate marketing. You never know how much it'll take for you to start profiting!

    At the start you're really spending money to gain experience. You don't wanna be doing this on a loan lol
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  • Profile picture of the author KINDLUTION
    It's not a bad idea if you have a job outside of IM, and making the payments won't break you. I say do it, but you should plan on having to pay it back with your full-time income.

    Most businesses start off with some sort of loan. Scared money don't make money!
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  • Profile picture of the author nocturnal911
    Have you tested ppv earlier? Did you made any money with it? Take the loan if you are 100% sure that you can get the ROI. Or else, don't go for a loan. Try something smaller like dating
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  • Profile picture of the author emigre
    Loan of $1000? Just curious, are you a student?

    Can't imagine a working person who doesn't even have $1000.

    Everyone is right - don't take the loan.
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    • Profile picture of the author jdenhaan
      Very, very bad idea.

      You're still in the learning stages, so you shouldn't be spending money that you don't have.
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  • Profile picture of the author watsonovedades
    man dont do this
    you will regret it in the near future if you do
    you will see you need more funds to succeed on CPA
    nobody knows how much
    just save some money or pawn something
    Whatever your mind can conceive and BELIEVE you can achieve
    Follow me on Twitter - @DineroConPc
    I talk about Affiliate Marketing Methods
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    I like you attitude toward going for it, and not being scared to take a risk... but I try to save up the money instead of getting a loan.
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    • Profile picture of the author masterpeez4py
      Originally Posted by Greedy View Post

      I like you attitude toward going for it, and not being scared to take a risk... but I try to save up the money instead of getting a loan.
      Thanks greedy, i will save up for it and then start up once i get the capital.
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      • Profile picture of the author Drazz
        Focus on free traffic methods, or cheaper methods. Like youtube video's.
        Just try to save everything you make and buy in later.

        I would only advice someone to loan money when he is already making money and just need extra funds to scale it up, not to learn and test stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author sree94
    I would only take out a loan if you already know that something converts and you want to scale it up. And even then, it's risky
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    • Profile picture of the author Master of Puppets
      Who would you be borrowing from and what are the terms? Most start-up's require external funding to get off the ground. I'm not sure why everyone is screaming no since you have a reasonable amount of experience and income from Amazon coming in.

      I say go for it as long as it's not a loan shark or bad terms.
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  • Profile picture of the author Berkxz
    We have free traffic,why do you need to take a loan? I also thought it before and never look back. IMO, if you're going to start with affiliate marketing. Start with free traffic, because if you lose with paid traffic, you just need to get back to free traffic to have funds again.
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick

    If you want to start with CPA/CPL marketing and have ZERO budget, you only have 2 options:

    1) You borrow the money - higher risk
    2) You save up until you have enough money - lower risk

    Remember: taking CALCULATED risks are part of being an entrepreneur and affiliate marketer. I should however stress that instead of spending that money onto a course, spend it on Adwords with a solid product. You get a lot closer to a profit. If it's education you need and a few tips and tricks, just drop me a PM I can point you in the right direction, no problem at all

    Read my incredible story: www.affiliatechamp.co.uk
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    • Profile picture of the author Berkxz
      Originally Posted by badboy_Nick View Post


      If you want to start with CPA/CPL marketing and have ZERO budget, you only have 2 options:

      1) You borrow the money - higher risk
      2) You save up until you have enough money - lower risk

      Remember: taking CALCULATED risks are part of being an entrepreneur and affiliate marketer. I should however stress that instead of spending that money onto a course, spend it on Adwords with a solid product. You get a lot closer to a profit. If it's education you need and a few tips and tricks, just drop me a PM I can point you in the right direction, no problem at all

      Can i also shoot me a pm? Does your tips and tricks anwer will not cost me any bucks? i really need professional help.
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    Sure, just drop me a PM bud - happy to show you a few pointers and tricks if you want as I don't sell anything anyway.

    Read my incredible story: www.affiliatechamp.co.uk
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    • Profile picture of the author Master of Puppets

      Not to thread jack but can you send me a PM? I know you work with financial offers and would appreciate your advice regarding a blog I'm launching. Thanks.

      PS: Can I respond to PM's if I'm new? I know I can't send them.
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  • Profile picture of the author biggenius
    Depends on how confident you are. I know 1 guy who took loan and made it success. But i also know other guy who took loan and is broke now
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  • Profile picture of the author wil4dgc
    Only risk what you are prepared to lose...
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  • Profile picture of the author naidyphoon
    I'd advice against it my friend. Money is like gasoline, it'll ignite the fire if it's burning but it'll put it out if it's not vigorous enough. Get a positive ROI first, then think about it.

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author mieto1969
    .if You have experience and good profitable offer then yes in other case not ...unless You spend money on good coaching


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  • Profile picture of the author owen2012
    Firstly, I wouldn't recommend lead impact. They have added new traffic sources to their pipeline. They just don't convert like they used to.

    Bing ads all the way and if you can build an email list with bing ads your should be in the green pretty quick.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by masterpeez4py View Post

    Hello thanks for viewing this thread. I am an experience amazon affiliate marketer, although i focus on google organic traffic which deals with seo. But due to some factors i have been moving round the same circle.

    I have seen Ivan Ongs cpa course worth $2000, my friend broke it down to me, he is successful with it now. But he is my warriorforum friend and is nowadays too busy. I remember last month he did his $500/day profit on cpa.

    Now am about to take a loan worth $1000, just to fund my leadimpact account. I know all the steps to follow, i have a detailed guide to walk me through and am also a member of greedys report. The truth is that the word LOAN scares me.

    My question is this: is the loan worth taking? I plan to start with PPV traffic and i feel its the best since thats what i learnt from ivan ongs guide.

    Its a choice, i either continue my rat race or risk changing my life. But is this move worth it? Please warriorforum cpa gurus help me.

    NOTE: am not a newbie to internet marketing, i have solid experience when it comes to keyword research, amazon and little seo knowledge. I just want to change my life once and for all.

    Thanks everyone
    I honestly don't recommend going into debt to start this. If you doing have enough to start with paid traffic, start working with free traffic and save up or do some work like article writing, list building, etc
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    • Profile picture of the author btt
      When we face difficulties or hardships, we sometimes look a quick solution to end the pain for good.
      The solution is either short, mid or long term. The short term solution always seem right and when they work, it's great.
      When they fail, they magnify the pain we want to end.

      The issue is a win or lose one. If the loan solves the problem then we have success. If it fails, we are in a worse situation than before.
      How can success be assured? The answer is "look before you leap".
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  • Profile picture of the author mieto1969
    You can take a loan for 1k directly from facebook and using it for facebook ads ,and even dont pay for that ...but its a little blackhat


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