any wiews on PPV Coach?

by Jays80
46 replies

Anyone tried PPV Coach? Any reviews?
What kind of budget required to start with?
What level of technical expertise required?

(Posted in review section as well, no replies)

#coach #ppv #wiews
  • Profile picture of the author Jays80
    i mean review in the first post title it wont let me edit it though.
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  • Profile picture of the author imageworx
    Never tried it myself, but know others who have, they say it's invaluable, with all of the tools you have access to.
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  • Profile picture of the author naonline
    PPC Coach is top notch so I'm sure PPV Coach will be just as good. Everyone is falling over themselves to jump on the PPC > CPA bandwagon. PPV is the future! I'm signing up this week.
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    • [DELETED]
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      • Profile picture of the author Jays80
        So far none of us been part of it.
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    • Profile picture of the author kyleaker
      good post thank you for that.
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      • Profile picture of the author TE2
        Originally Posted by kyleaker View Post

        good post thank you for that.
        Making multiple brief posts with identical comments is the fastest way to get banned...


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      • Profile picture of the author lakatos
        Have not tried it..
        How difficult to get accepted by ppv or cpv companies ? similar to cpa companies?

        Originally Posted by kyleaker View Post

        good post thank you for that.

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        • Profile picture of the author webatomic
          Originally Posted by lakatos View Post

          Have not tried it..
          How difficult to get accepted by ppv or cpv companies ? similar to cpa companies?
          It varies. Trafficvance requires a $1000 deposit and some type of referral from someone. DirectCPV requires $100 deposit I believe, but they're just ramping up.
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  • Profile picture of the author TE2
    Originally Posted by Amfire View Post


    Anyone tried PPV Coach? Any reviews?
    What kind of budget required to start with?
    What level of technical expertise required?

    (Posted in review section as well, no replies)


    PPC Coach is the owner and fellow warrior.

    Look for him here in the forum and contact him directly for answers to your questions.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[861125].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jays80

      i know he is fellow warrior. i wanted to hear from someone who joined it.

      Originally Posted by TE2 View Post

      PPC Coach is the owner and fellow warrior.

      Look for him here in the forum and contact him directly for answers to your questions.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[861219].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author TE2
        Originally Posted by Amfire View Post


        i know he is fellow warrior. i wanted to hear from someone who joined it.
        Sorry if I restated what you already knew. Just wanted to ensure you were aware. Best to error in your favor.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[861670].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jays80
          No problem.

          Originally Posted by TE2 View Post

          Sorry if I restated what you already knew. Just wanted to ensure you were aware. Best to error in your favor.

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          • Profile picture of the author Jays80
            Anyone else who has been ppv coach member?
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            • [DELETED]
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              • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
                Originally Posted by Stephon "Phon" Rudd View Post

                From what I hear, it's a beginners course....but that's just hearsay. I've never tried it for myself. You'll likely need something way more advanced than someone just talking about the power of PPV and PPV theory versus real PPV methods that actually make you money.

                Just my two cents.
                So you're not a member, never joined, yet you know what my site is about?

                I don't do theory on any of my sites. I do specific examples and members must take action. I don't sell 5 minute youtube videos talking about targeting single urls only. If you're going to comment on my sites content then common sense dictates that you should have actually seen it with your own two eyes.

                PPV, (it's really CPV), people don't like to talk about it because they're scared that someone will come in and take over their income. You won't get many members coming in here encouraging you to join any site that talks about it and shows you how to do it.

                I can assure you it's not a beginners "course", it's not even a course. It's a coaching program dedicated to cost per view traffic and using cpa offers as the way to monetize it. The site has been around for almost a year now and I too have pissed off some people back when I launched it and they still snipe at me in threads on these very forums to this day.
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                • Profile picture of the author jestershaw
                  Wow, very harsh. I don't think he was being that critical to deserve such a harsh rebuttal.

                  Shawn Tester

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                  • Profile picture of the author Jays80
                    looks like only way to know about it is to join.

                    PPC-Coach, let me know

                    Budget required to start with?
                    Level of technical expertise required?

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[867223].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Jays80
                      still looking for your comment

                      Originally Posted by Amfire View Post

                      PPC-Coach, let me know

                      Budget required to start with?
                      Level of technical expertise required?

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                    • Profile picture of the author Bodulet
                      Originally Posted by Amfire View Post

                      looks like only way to know about it is to join.

                      PPC-Coach, let me know

                      Budget required to start with?
                      Level of technical expertise required?

                      If anyone knows the answers to these question, please tell me!
                      I am interested in joining PPV
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                • [DELETED]
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                  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach

                    First where did I attack you?

                    I stated facts. If you took that as an attack, that's your problem. I'm tired of people who have never joined a site commenting on it. I've never seen your video, but I can guess exactly what it contains. Should I comment on your stuff too? Don't think so, I haven't seen it, so I'm in no position to offer my opinion on it. If I bought it and then confirmed that it was exactly what I thought it was, I would be in a position to comment on it. (I do have a good idea what you're showing due to the "no tracking necessary" comments, but I won't blow it for you. It's also something I show my members so does that make your videos "for beginners" then?)

                    That's the point I was trying to make, no attacking, just stating facts.
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrian
    I would be interested in hearing about this too. Have tried PPV a few times now, and whilst the clicks and impressions are cheap, if your not getting conversions its expensive. lol

    I think as ppv is so different to ppc that a heads up in the form of coaching or whatever would be a good idea. Especially as some of the ppv companies want a deposit up front. TV wants $1000.

    will wait to see if anyone can give more information.
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    • Profile picture of the author naonline
      Originally Posted by Patrian View Post

      I would be interested in hearing about this too. Have tried PPV a few times now, and whilst the clicks and impressions are cheap, if your not getting conversions its expensive. lol

      I think as ppv is so different to ppc that a heads up in the form of coaching or whatever would be a good idea. Especially as some of the ppv companies want a deposit up front. TV wants $1000.

      will wait to see if anyone can give more information.
      Addon only requires $50. My first campaign with them was approved last night. I'll report back on the results.
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      • Profile picture of the author FredFarnes
        Originally Posted by naonline View Post

        Addon only requires $50. My first campaign with them was approved last night. I'll report back on the results.
        I have a campaign with addon for a while. I'll share with you in PM. Let's compare notes.

        So, you want to sell me another way to easily make "X" dollars in "X" days? ROFL too funny! IM success requires hard work and lots of time. Most newbies do not survive the steep learning curve. Anyone who says otherwise is probably selling you a fantasy.

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        • Profile picture of the author Jays80
          looks like no one has been part of PPV Coach, surprisingly!
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrian

    cheers that would be great. I used Zango when it was alive, now using media traffic, dont want to go to TV unless I can get some result first before the big outlay, so would be really interested in your feedback. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Amfire, there's no budget required to start with when you start PPV (just in general), but obviously you need money to test and test some more, right? If you spend $1000 well hopefully you'll make that in profit, but that's with a campaign that is doing well. So, I'd say you probably want at least $1000 to do testing the first month you try PPV.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jays80
      Very near to what i am looking at. Anyone else who has joined it?

      Originally Posted by redicelander View Post

      So, I'd say you probably want at least $1000 to do testing the first month you try PPV.
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      • Profile picture of the author KC-Coop
        I'm a member of PPV Coach albeit I haven't been one for long. Only on month 2 there, but I've learned a lot about it so far from where I didn't know a thing before.

        Just like PPC-Coach I've used and twisted the techniques to my own liking and am doing well with PPV as well as other traffic sources.

        Thats what you guys need to understand that are looking for handouts, PPC and PPV Coach both tell you exactly how to run certain campaigns - and they can make you money. However you really can bring in a lot more if you put your own unique twists to them.

        Neither of these sites try to get you to signup with fluff, PPC-Coach wants members that are going to work hard and actually really want to make a living online. Not the people that signup for products that say you can make $1000 a day doing nothing at all! While eventually that is the case, a lot of hard work leads up to that point.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jays80

          How much have you been able to earn?
          How much time have you been devoting to this on daily basis?
          What budget is good to start with?
          How technical you have to be to get started?

          Originally Posted by KC-Coop View Post

          I'm a member of PPV Coach albeit I haven't been one for long. Only on month 2 there, but I've learned a lot about it so far from where I didn't know a thing before.

          Just like PPC-Coach I've used and twisted the techniques to my own liking and am doing well with PPV as well as other traffic sources.

          Thats what you guys need to understand that are looking for handouts, PPC and PPV Coach both tell you exactly how to run certain campaigns - and they can make you money. However you really can bring in a lot more if you put your own unique twists to them.

          Neither of these sites try to get you to signup with fluff, PPC-Coach wants members that are going to work hard and actually really want to make a living online. Not the people that signup for products that say you can make $1000 a day doing nothing at all! While eventually that is the case, a lot of hard work leads up to that point.
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          • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
            Originally Posted by Amfire View Post

            How much have you been able to earn?
            I've got guys doing very large numbers and I've got guys still struggling to make anything. But the key is, who cares what others are making. Everyone is different. The real question should be does the site work. The answer to that is yes. Would you ask a doctor how much he makes a year before you let him operate on you? I'm not sure why the online world seems to think it's ok to broadcast and ask how much people make. It's not. The best way to go about your business is to go about your business, don't worry about what others are making. In the online world most lie anyway or fudge screenshots so it's not legit anyway.

            Originally Posted by Amfire View Post

            How much time have you been devoting to this on daily basis?
            Again, this will vary. How serious are you about this? If you're just looking for beer money, spend an hour or two daily. If you're full time, spend a full day working on it. It's up to you.

            Originally Posted by Amfire View Post

            What budget is good to start with?
            Usually you will need a bit higher budet verus ppc, but you can start with $50 per day which is also the min per day at some cpv networks. You have to watch your spending carefully though because they can and will go over your daily budget sometimes. (they can't shut off the faucet fast enough).

            Originally Posted by Amfire View Post

            How technical you have to be to get started?
            I would say far less then ppc. You don't have to worry about landing pages at all, (for most methods you can just direct link). Some technical knowledge will help in installing and running scripts but it's not 100% necessary.

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  • Profile picture of the author jeffdean9297
    Originally Posted by Amfire View Post


    Anyone tried PPV Coach? Any reviews?
    What kind of budget required to start with?
    What level of technical expertise required?

    (Posted in review section as well, no replies)

    Who is PPV coach, I've never heard of him. I've heard of PPCCoach though...
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay White
    I just joined. It's actually called CPV Coach now, not PPV Coach.

    Like what I'm seeing so far...Great video training, good forum, not a lot going on yet but I expect there will be soon.

    They also have some KILLER tools in there for keywords, URLS, and tracking. Well worth checking out.
    Copywriters! Want to Get More Clients and Make More Money? FREE Webinar:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[889508].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jays80
      Jay White,

      Thanks for feedback. i have contacted the owner to move forward.

      Originally Posted by Jay White View Post

      I just joined. It's actually called CPV Coach now, not PPV Coach.

      Like what I'm seeing so far...Great video training, good forum, not a lot going on yet but I expect there will be soon.

      They also have some KILLER tools in there for keywords, URLS, and tracking. Well worth checking out.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I personally haven't joined CPV-Coach yet, but if it's anything like PPC-Coach I'm sure it kicks butt
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  • Profile picture of the author Soflyy
    Two thumbs up from me.
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    • Profile picture of the author mkayius
      I`m interested in starting a PPV couching myself, I heard good things about it. I just need some money for my starting budget.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I'll give a little tip - it makes more sense to join PPC-Coach first, then CPV-Coach even if it's the same day or very close..
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  • Profile picture of the author vandlelay
    i just recently started ppv. I will post my review of the course.
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  • Profile picture of the author azizali88
    Yup i have heard many good things about PPC coach so i would thing PPV coach would be great too. But its a pretty big investment specially when it is recurring.. But u guys pay for TV that much each month
    Please stop posting links to your site. This is a discussion forum, not a "here's my link" forum. Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author AdManageBrett
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
      Originally Posted by AdManageBrett View Post

      Who's gonna test our their CPV skills on DirectCPV? Let me know if you need assistance.
      Hey Brett,

      What's the min deposit for DirectCPV?
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      • Profile picture of the author OPLeads
        It's $100 ...

        Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

        Hey Brett,

        What's the min deposit for DirectCPV?
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  • Profile picture of the author lcheung
    hi all, will PPV company accept people sign up as an individual?
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    • Profile picture of the author DrNaj
      Originally Posted by lcheung View Post

      hi all, will PPV company accept people sign up as an individual?
      Yes Sir
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  • Profile picture of the author azizali88
    I have a question for CPV Coach owner

    Is your website the same style as PPC Coach where content opens up every month!

    I know quite a bit about PPV and i am making a few thousand a month on it so i know the basics!

    Now i want to make a few thousands A day thats the reason i would want to join

    I know tracking, the interfaces of 4 CPV network and i want to learn more about discovering niches that work and how to target better!

    So back to the original question, Does the content open up every month?
    since i would not want to pay a month for newbie information OR wait a few months to learn what i really want to learn

    Please stop posting links to your site. This is a discussion forum, not a "here's my link" forum. Thank you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1235441].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    yes, I'll answer. As far as I know it opens up every month as I believe he does all his coaching sites pretty similar.
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    • Profile picture of the author BitMaster
      i signed up for ppv coach, but cancelled a few days later.
      some/most forum categories are not up to date, the tracking software seems not to work properly for a several forum members, there´s much less information for month one then i expected...
      all-in-all i came to the thought, the month system is made only for the purpose to not have to tell much about ppv from the start and just to keep the paying members longer paying.
      from what i´ve seen there, i had no reason to pay longer for the membership, because from the whole forum i didn´t had the impression, that month 2, month 3 and so on will be worth to wait for and pay the money every month...
      i spended money for a ppv 1-on-1 coaching as well, but got scammed (hello dwayne).
      i had the luck to get a refund from paypal.
      and now i´m doing ppv just with my own thoughts and twists and make a few hundred $´s/day (and i´m a very ppv newbie), just with trying and testing and without any coaching.
      so i will stick with myself, because there i can be sure to do it my way and not the way many others will do because they got one method a month from a membership forum.

      but that´s just my very own opinion.
      the best is, sign up, have a look for yourself, decide if you stay or not.
      what´s not good for me could be the best for you.

      best regards, BitMaster
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